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Our terms of service

Amit Singh Pangali

INT. Large office- Day

Wide shot of a large table. The room is sanitary and
uniform. Not a speck of dust anywhere, the room is
completely symmetrical. SUE Wozniak sits at the head of
the table a stern expression is her default face. She
wears a blouse with a blazer over it and ironed trousers.
Not a single crease on her clothes an interesting
contrast to her face. It is wrinkled and tired looking.
However no laugh lines. She is wearing her company badge
and another with a smiley face. Opposite her is NEIL
SHARP. A young man wearing a grey hoodie and jeans. He
may not own an iron. He man not also own a hair brush as
his hear is unkempt. He sits nervously and twiddles his
SUE (sternly)
As you know Mr… (Checks paper) SHARP is it?

NEIL (nervously)
(Nods) Yep that is me. (Nervously smirks) You know if you
say as you know you don’t really need to repeat it.
SUE does not look amused. NEIL gulps.
SUE (leaning in)
Mr SHARP. I run a tight ship here. And I don’t respond
well to humour. So if you are trying to charm me into
lessening your punishment. Refrain from trying to make me
laugh. Because if you fail, I will be forced to punish
you for attempted bribery, which involves me forcing you
to eat your intestines garnished with tomato sauce, a
slice of rye bread and a NICE RED WINE TO ACCOMPANY IT!
NEIL (vigorously twiddling thumbs)
Yes ma’am sorry ma’am.
Good (looks down at papers) you were summoned here due to
your projects. The contents of which have no place on in
my company. (Sarcastically) I regret to inform you that
your projects are going to be to be terminated.

I beg your pardon?

SUE (condescendingly)
Projects go bye, bye.
This is insane!
If you have a problem you can send an appeal to our
location in Monkton.
NEIL (Furiously)
(Standing up) You Bitch!
Mr SHARP. That language is unacceptable. Now leave my
office now or security will drag you out.
I would much rather leave with my stomach filled with
intestine and tomato sauce, with rye bread and red wine!
NEIL launches himself across the table. He grabs SUE and
smacks her head against the table. He throws her against
the window repeatedly until it shatters. Where he
proceeds to hang her precariously over the edge
Mr SHARP, please stop this and let me go! I am begging
you! Please!
If you have a problem you can send an appeal to our
location in UP YOUR ASS!

NEIL drops SUE and looks over as she plummets to the

ground. He smiles.
Mr Sharp. I repeat…

We cut back to NEIL standing up at the table. SUE is safe

and is sitting at the table. His outburst was just in his
Get the hell out of my office.

(Catches his breathe). Of course ma’am. Sorry ma’am.

He leaves.

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