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Opening Statement of Councilmember David Grosso

Chairperson, Committee on Education

Committee of the Whole
Joint Public Hearing on Distance Learning in D.C. Public and Public Charter
October 2, 2020

Good morning. I am David Grosso, Chairperson of the Committee on Education, and I am calling to
order this joint oversight hearing of the Committee on Education and the Committee of the Whole.

Today’s hearing is on Distance Learning in District of Columbia Public and Public Charter Schools.

Since March, the students of the District of Columbia, and across the country, have been learning via
online platforms.

Our homes have become art rooms, music class, PE, ELA, Math, Social Studies, and Science class.

And while our schools have learned and made significant adjustments, we still wonder when our
students will be able to see their teachers and classmates in-person.

The Mayor has announced a plan to return to some form of in-person learning, which we will hear more
about today. However, it is important that we take stock of where the gaps are currently as we know
schools will continue to be in some form of virtual setting until there is a vaccine widely available.

My hope is that this hearing will be one where the public and the Council can gain clarity around how
distance learning is operating, what are the general expectations for learning in this setting, and what a
return to in person learning will look like.

I recognize that there is a sense of uncertainty around some things. Given the situation we are in, that is
understandable. But the Mayor and DCPS should be clear that the science is driving their decision and
they should be transparent about that data.

We have a long witness list, so I’m going to ask all witnesses to please respect the 3 minute time limit.
There will be a clock shown, so please make sure your screen is in grid mode so you can see the clock.

I’ll also ask that members limit their questions of the public witnesses so that we can ensure we get to
the government witnesses at noon.

I do want to offer Chairman Mendelson the opportunity to give a brief opening, given this is a joint


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