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Student’s Name: Woojin Class Time: 3:10 pm – 4:00 pm Daily

Teacher’s Name: Michael Santos Date Covered: August 9 – September 8, 2020

STRONG POINT:Woojinis a fast learner as long as he is focused during class.

WEAK POINT:His patience is short. He is not very fond of writing sentences from English to Korean.

ACHIEVEMENTS:He has been more focused since he started to take classes at home. He has shown
much improvement with his reading compared as before.His ability to spell is also better now.

TEACHING PLAN:In order for his reading to improve, I always let him vocalize the sounds of each letter
in words that he has trouble pronouncing. We always practice spelling words without having him looking
at his book.

RECOMMENDATION:It really helped that he takes classes at home because his mom can guide him to
stay focused and listen. In case he returns to the academy to take class, it will be helpful if he can be
seated separately from his friends to avoid distractions.


Student’s Name: Seung Hui Class Time: 2:10 pm – 3:00 pm Daily
Teacher’s Name: Michael Santos Date Covered: April 9 – May 8, 2020

STRONG POINT:Seung Hui is always focused during class. He does not complain even if he had to
write the translations from English to Korean.

WEAK POINT: Sometimes, instead of trying to read the words or sentences; he would just look at
previous pages of his book to check his remarks on how to pronounce those certain words.

ACHIEVEMENTS:His reading has shown improvements. He just needs a little guidance every now and
then when reading. His comprehension is very good as well. He understands what the topics are
about and almost all of the time he can answer the questions correctly.

TEACHING PLAN:Assisting him when he has difficulty reading some words. It helps him a lot if I let
him vocalize the words in syllables first.

RECOMMENDATION:Words and sentence translation is a big help to improve his vocabulary and
comprehension of English words. Conversations in English at home would also be nice if possible so
he can practice.

Student’s Name: Philip Class Time: 7:10 pm – 8:00 pm T TH

Teacher’s Name: Michael Santos Date Covered: August 9 – September 8, 2020

STRONG POINT:Philip is polite and friendly.

WEAK POINT:His pronunciation sometimes needs improvement. There are times that he would
simply say “I don’t know” if he could not read a certain word instead of trying. Subject and verb
agreement is still something that we should work on.

ACHIEVEMENTS:He has a good comprehension of the lessons discussed. Even though at times he
may have difficulty reading or expressing in English; he understands the stories/topics well.

TEACHING PLAN:Using google translator or Papago helps him understand some things that aren’t
quite clear to him. Also, letting him read words in syllables helps a lot with his ability to read difficult

RECOMMENDATION:English conversations daily would be a big help. It may be with his friends or
other family members so long as he can practice.
Student’s Name: Hyungu Class Time: 4:10 pm – 5:00 pm Daily
Teacher’s Name: Michael Santos Date Covered: August 9 – September 8, 2020

STRONG POINT:Hyungu’s comprehension is very good. He understands the details of each lesson
and can answer the related questions quite well.

WEAK POINT:Spelling is not one of his strong points. He also has difficulty reading certain words in

ACHIEVEMENTS:As usualHyungyu is doing a good job in word/sentence translation from English to

Korean. He can read well with less guidance needed.

TEACHING PLAN:Helping him and allowing him to read words that he finds difficult in syllables.
Always reminding him how each letter in the alphabet sounds like also helps.

RECOMMENDATION:Hyungyu just needs to maintain his willingness to learn because he always

shows enthusiasm and is quite cooperative during class.
Student’s Name: Chan Hui Class Time: 6:10 pm – 7:00 pm T TH
Teacher’s Name: Michael Santos Date Covered: August 9 – September 8, 2020

STRONG POINT:Chan Hui is a smart and friendly student. He likes to have small conversations.

WEAK POINT:Recently he has always been tardy and sleepy during class.

ACHIEVEMENTS:He reads well and his pronunciation isquite good. He has a good comprehension of
the lessons discussed. He is good with Subject and verb agreement and forms of verbs.

TEACHING PLAN:Having him make sentences using vocabulary words. Letting him express his
thoughts by having small conversations.

RECOMMENDATION:He needs to be punctual so we could maximize the class time and help him
Student’s Name: Daniel Class Time: 6:10 pm – 7:00 pm T TH
Teacher’s Name: Michael Santos Date Covered: August 9 – September 8, 2020

STRONG POINT:Daniel is always punctual. He is very friendly and is always enthused to learn. He is
always ready for class every time the call starts.

WEAK POINT:Pronunciation of some words though it is manageable.

ACHIEVEMENTS:He can read quite good. He knows what the topics are about. He is also does a good
job in sentence translation.

TEACHING PLAN:Having him make sentences using vocabulary words. Doing spot checks to gauge his
understanding, by asking questions that are related to topics but not found on the book.

RECOMMENDATION:Daniel just needs to practice English conversations more and maintain his
attitude towards learning.

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