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Nama : Ennmo Junlihta M Sinamo

NIM : 18.3315
Semester :5A
Mata Kuliah : Perbaikan B. Inggris I
Dosen Pengampu : Dra. Reina Adelina Sipahutar, M.Pd


In the past 9 months, our campus was shocked by the outbreak of corona virus pandemic. His
dorm life changed, which he used to eat together to be limited to four meals.

At the same time, the lecture was temporarily suspended until the condition was turned back as it
was. However, it has also not been able to recover. Finally, all students are returned to their

At our time in the hostel then, usually my activities are as follows.

First, at dawn I performed a short service with my brother and sisters in our hall. Then, continue
to clean the hall. Usually it is done by first-rate students.

After that, continue breakfast at 7 in the dining room of STT HKBP named Menza. After the
meal, we went to college until 09.40 wib. Then, at 09.50 followed by morning worship with
lecturers, HKBP STT employees in the Hall.

After performing the service at that time, we resumed the lecture at 10.30 wib in the room
according to the designated roster. Lecture time is usually only 100 minutes.

After, the lecture ended at noon, we went back to lunch together as usual. However, we ate it
divided per shift as our room was not enough to accommodate the students as a whole.

At exactly 2 p.m. that time, we resumed our lectures according to the roster. Usually our lectures
are until 5 pm. However, some are until half past 4pm. As per the applicable roster all students
Then, in the afternoon, we also do sports according to the interests and abilities of all students,
usually until 6 pm. After that, the mahasiwa returned to eat together at menza according to their
respective schedules.

After dinner, usually stt students invite their brother, brother and brother to go around the STT
field to refresh the mind of a full day of lectures.

Then, in the evening, the habit of all stt students is to take their own activities. Some do college
assignments, some travel to ramayana to buy daily supplies, some do group tasks, etc. While
waiting for the night service to begin.

When, the evening service began, the worshippers and the prayer were given a schedule to take
turns bringing it. After the evening service, at 21:55, we are obliged to enter the room and must
no longer go anywhere, as it complies with the applicable boarding rules. At that time, we
completed all our homework related to lectures.

Such is my boarding life in the past at STT HKBP Pematangsiantar.


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