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Russell Crowe: April 7th 1964 9-3-2 He is proud, but conservative.

For him, anything less than perfection is unsatisfactory. He

appears quiet and gentle, but underneath he is controlled by
intense sensitivity and passion. Once his mind is set on
something, this type will go after it with such intensity that others
will be amazed. May appear indecisive, but he's just being overly
cautious. When faced with a serious problem, may become
stormy and forceful. Unfortunately, this kind of sudden reaction
could interfere with relationships. May have had a strong mother
who was very influential in molding his views on male-female
roles. Anyone with these number combinations wants perfection &
total satisfaction in their love life. Because of his pride, this type
will have trouble forming harmonious relationships with others.
They also aim for success, fame & power. But, remember to stay
realistic; watch out for that stormy nature; respect those around
you & keep that pride in order.

Madonna: August 16th 1958 6-8-3 We all know her as bigger than
life, but did you know that she is quite magnanimous? This
number combination makes them very stylish, which gives them
strong social appeal. She's discriminative in her choice of friends
& associates. If she likes you, she'll be very considerate, if she
doesn't--she'll avoid you completely. This type expends a lot of
energy to achieve their goals. But, their rashness can cause them
to loose balance & judgment. Because she wants so many things
she can find it hard to zero in on just one activity at a time. She
may overpower others, often to the point of alienating them,
especially other women. This type must learn not to rush into
things where impatience could ruin all. They also have good luck
in money matters & fame. Remember, stay considerate of others
& let that magnanimous nature work for you.
We can take 9 Star Ki one step further and use it as a divination
tool. By watching the movement of your Principle Number
throughout the lo-shu we can determine our yearly trends. For
example, this year, 9, is in the tai chi (center) position. So, if your
Principle Number is 9, not only will everything you buy this year
will be or have a 9 in it, but, you can expect to be in the center of
things, good & bad. Next year, 2001, the 9 will move into the
chyan position, which will bring many benefactors. For all you 9's
out there, trends should stay positive for you until the year 2005.
Expect that year to be 'not so hot'. The year 2006, you'll pause to
replenish yourself and 2007, will start you off on a new beginning.

Anthea Appel is a feng shui practitioner and consultant based in

New York, USA. As well as consult in feng shui, she does
astrological readings using Four Pillars of Destiny and Nine Star
Ki. She is also an active contributor to the forum.

The Hidden Good of the Center
February 15, 2012Xia Neifion~ClarkLeave a comment
Hold up your 10 fingers. Put down your 5th finger. Four fingers
remain raised on the left hand; five on the right. 4 and 5. Or, as they
teach in elementary math when learning “the shortcut” for figuring
multiples of nine – 45.

This is also the total value of all the numbers on the Lo Shu square.
From nine raised fingers or from the numbers one to nine – the same
value shows.

Looking through my ever-expanding personal journal on numbers and

their associations, I saw that in Hebrew Gematria the name Adam has
the normative value of 45. Jehovah (26) plus Eve (19) also has a
value of 45. Eve, of course, was told of Knowledge, by the Serpent…

The 9th Letter of the Hebrew Aleph-Bet is Teth. It means “serpent.” I

have drawn a basic form of the letter above by starting at five, and
drawing through each of the 9 blocks.
Notice how this serpent is turning inward toward itself. Also notice
that it makes 3 1/2 turns from the “tail” in the top-left corner just like
the coiled Kundalini.

In the Zohar of Teth it is said, “the good is hidden within it.” The
essence of the idea is the potential for actualization. Such as the fetus
concealed in the womb (for 9 months!). The soul concealed within the
body. The future hidden in the moment. The promise of eternity
hidden inside the wheels of incarnation (the Phoenician origin of the
letter means ‘wheel’). But maybe most similar to the revelation of the
Lo Shu would be the idea of Divine Intelligence as the organizing-good
veiled by matter…Heaven hidden within the elements of Nature.
In Hebrew there are nine words/concepts for Beauty with “Goodness”
(according to Rabbi Ginsburgh) being the innermost form. This called
to mind the Mason’s Square and Compass with the ‘G’ in the middle.
The Square and Compass has been called the “Emblem of Beauty,” for
they are the tools by which Beauty is formed and Beauty is to be found
in their precise middle. (G for Good. G for God. G for Gnosis. Take
your pick – they all work.)

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