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Residency Practice Analysis Report, January 2014


The report analyzes the management of nursing practice residency at General Hospital H. Andi
Sulthan Daeng Radja Bulukumba October 14, 2013 till December 28, 2013

xvi + 123 pages + 3 tables 5 attachments


Apply the theories and nursing models used in problem solving through assessment to identify
needs and formulate the problem of nursing, planning, implementation plan and perform problem
resolution on the evaluation of land management practices nursing residency. All of this is done
with the stage - together with relevant staff in the agency or unit of the Regional General H. Andi
Sulthan Daeng Radja Bulukumba, which is expected to contribute to improving the quality of
health services, especially nursing care at the General Hospital H. Andi Sulthan Daeng Radja
Bulukumba. As for problems found yet optimal implementing professional nursing practice model
(PNPM) in the treatment room, nursing care documentation is not yet optimal in the treatment
room, the system is not yet clear career development of nurses in the hospital, did not feel the
calmness in working in the treatment room, not optimal award to the outstanding nurses, not
optimal gift of the supervision function, not maximal team leader in directing function, particularly
in conducting training for nurses is problematic, not optimal gift of organizing function in the
treatment room nurse in particular the division of tasks in accordance with the competence and
level of education, not optimal within the gift of running planning function in space -related care
planning to improve the job satisfaction of nurses. The implementation is done based on priorities
that PNPM training, focus group discussions PNPM space pilot, documentation and dissemination.
The conclusion of this activity is the activity of professional nursing practice model training
assignment method modification team received positive support from the Director of Hospital H.
Andi sulthan Daeng Radja Bulukumba and head of nursing, nursing committee and head space and
trainees, nursing documentation improvement process has been addressed by a team that is also
formed by the hospital director H. Andi Sulthan Daeng Radja Bulukumba especially in terms of
documentation format nursing diagnosis, intervention plan, the implementation and evaluation .
And her advice is monitoring / monitoring and evaluation is done in a systematic and planned
starting from the preparation stage to the implementation stage of PNPM

Keywords: Practice residency, Hospital H. Andi Sulthan Daeng Radja Bulukumba

Reference: 27 (1996 s.d 2012)


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