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Angelene Buaga BEED-III A


One of the definition of music that I learned is it is an "organized sound".

An organized sound that is indispensable in our lives. When we wake up, we listen
to music, before we start our works, we listen to music, even when traveling or
even not on the mood we listen to music. Some other people can even activate their
cognitive abilities when they listen to music. It seems like it's our best companion
that becomes part of our daily lives that somehow lightens our life. That's why it is
very important to have a music education in every educational institutions.

On the other hand, teaching music has a lot of objectives. In relation to this,
I learned that by having music education, we can develop the love and appreciation
of music. We tend to listen to music but we don't have a deeper understanding and
appreciation of it's importance. It is very necessary to develop our love and
appreciation of music in order for us to rouse our individual interests and abilities
in performing music. We can realize that life is worthy and beautiful just like how
music lighten your mood to do the household chores. We can somehow relax
physically, emotionally, and mentally this is exactly why we listen to music when
we are sad because music can make us escape the reality.

Lastly, I learned that music can help us understand what social relationship
is. Music education encourage everyone to participate in any worthwhile activities
such as joining in a church choirs or even in what we called "jamming" where
people sing and play instruments together in which it is one of the best bonding we
could have with other people that makes us all in unison and have a harmonious
social relationship. Everyone can also develop their potentialities at it's best
through teaching music. Because music becomes the comfort zone of other people
where they be able to grow and develop.

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