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a. Aptitude
-refers to those qualities characterizing a person’s way of behavior with serve to indicate
how well he can learn to meet and solve certain specified kinds of problems. It is the learner's
special ability indicative of his probable success in a relevant field after getting proper
opportunity for learning or training.

b. Good Learners Characteristics

 High aspirations
 Making intelligent guesses
 Using contextual clues
 Ego involvement
 Learning to think in L2
 Creativity
 Positive task orientation
 Autonomy
 Learning from errors
 Tolerance to ambiguity
 Effective use of learning strategy
 Perseverance
 Goal orientation
 Monitoring self speech
 Making opportunities to practice

c. Learners Styles
 Sensory Preferences. Individuals tend to gravitate towards one or two types of sensory
input and mantain a dominance in one of the following types.
 Visual Learners
These learners must see their teacher's actions and facial expression to fully understand
the content of a lesson. They often prefer to take detailed notes to absorb the
Ri Charde further breaks down visual learners into:
Visual-iconic - those who prefer this form of input are more interested in
visual imagery such as film, graphic or pictures in order to solidify learning.
Visual-symbolic - those who prefer this form of input feel comfortable with
abstract symbolism such as mathematical formulae or the written word.
 Auditory Learners
They learn best through verbal lectures, discussions, talking things through and
listening to what others have to say.
Auditory learners also fall into two categories:
Listeners- they rememver things said to them and make the information their
Talkers- they are the ones who prefer to tall and discuss.
 Tactile/ Kinesthetic Learners
These learners benefit much from a hands-on approach, actively exploring physical
world around them. They tend to have good motor memory and motor coordination.

d. Language Levels
 A1. Beginner
o In this level you have a very limited knowledge of the language.
 A2. Pre-Intermediate
o In this level you can take part in everyday small talks and express your opinion,
but still in very simple ways and only on familiar topics.

 B1. Intermediate
o Learners are beyond basics but they are still not be able to work or study
exclusively in English.
 B2. Upper-Intermediate
o Learners now have the language skills to live in a english-speaking country quite
comfortably, and work in an english-speaking office.
 C1. Advance
o Users can speak english with ease and express ideas fluently and make
presentation in the language.
 C2. Mastery
o On this level, you can now write coherently and concisely with the ability to
summarise information to construct comprehensive arguments.

e. Individual Variations
refers to those differences among individuals that are either permanent or change slowly.
Accounted for by the two models which tried explain the individual variations.
 Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)
 Visual- these are the people who have a tendency of exploring their world through
the sense of sight, seeing things, experiencing the world in the form of images.
 Auditory- people who bend toward the auditory system rely a lot on the sense of
 Kinesthetic- people with a tendency towards using this system tend to breathe
slowly and heavily and experience the world through their feelings.
 Olfactory- sense of smell, odours and perfumes.
 Gustatory- It is almost a way of tasting life, appreciating It's flavours, the variety
and spice.

 Multiple Intelligence (MI)

1. Visual/Spatial Intelligence Picture smart

2. Verbal/Linguistic Word smart

3. Mathematical/Logical Number smart/Logic smart

4. Bodily/Kinesthetic Body smart

5. Musical Music smart

6. Intrapersonal Self smart

7. Interpersonal People smart

8. Naturalist Nature smart

9. Existential Spirit smart


a. Defining Motivation

Motivation is an inner drive that causes you to do something and persevere at something.
Motivation refers to the initiation, direction, intensity and persistence of behavior. It is the
primary factor influencing both performance and success in school.

b. Sources of motivation

Intrinsic motivation - needs, attitude, goal.

Extrinsic - social factor

c. Initiating and Sustaining Motivation

How to initiate motivation?

 Involve your students

 Give students the chance to shine
 Make learning fun
 Step away from the textbooks
 Give very clear instructions
 Use different materials
 Don't over correct
 Praise

How to sustain motivation?

 Build routines with your class

 Variation
 Personalise
 Give choices
 Give feedback Intrinsic
sense of achievement




Learner Styles. Source: Lucas, M.R., Corpuz, B., (2014). Facilitating Learning: A Metacognitive
Process, 62-63

Language Levels. Source:


Individual Variations. Source:

learners NLP. Source:
444fcad78f53 MI. Source: Lucas, M.R., Corpuz, B., (2014). Facilitating Learning: A
Metacognitive Process, 64-65

Definition of Motivation. Source: Lucas, M.R., Corpuz, B., (2014). Facilitating Learning: A
Metacognitive Process, 214

Sources of Motivation. Source:


How to initiate motivation. Source:


How to sustain motivation. Source:


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