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Multiple Intelligences

Multiple intelligences? But how many are there? The number seems to go up and up. Howard
Gardner is the man who first identified multiple intelligences and he has since added to his list.

Read the text and then do the exercises.

Everybody has a different approach to learning and the more we understand about the type of
learner we are, the more effective our studying should become.
Howard Gardner first introduced us to the idea of Multiple Intelligences in 1983. He believes that
there are several types of intelligences that can’t be simply defined from one IQ test. He
categorises intelligences under the following headings;

1. Verbal linguistic – having a good verbal memory, being interested in words and how language
2. Analytical / logical – being able to investigate and have a scientific approach to learning
3. Musical – being sensitive to sounds and rhythms
4. Visual spatial – being imaginative with a good visual memory
5. Kinaesthetic – being receptive to touching objects to enhance your memory
6. Interpersonal – being good in group work, listening to others
7. Intrapersonal – being aware of your own personal goals and motivations
8. Naturalist – understanding the link between nature and humans
It’s important to understand that these intelligences work together and it would be unwise to think
of ourselves as having only one or the other. Labelling learners as a particular type of learner could
stop them from exploring all of their intelligences. So instead we should think of ourselves as
having dominant intelligences.

When you are next in a classroom ask yourself these questions to think about how you learn:

• When I hear a new word do I need to see it written down to know how it’s spelt?
• Am I interested in grammar and how English tenses are put together?
• Are my notes kept neatly in a methodical way?
• Over time, my learning abilities have improved, therefore I can now file my notes in a more
casual way. I make notes with new vocabulary and collocations that I learn along the way
(journey) or during our lessons.
• Do I keep a personal dictionary of newly learnt words?
• Does my personal dictionary help me to remember the words?
• How easily do I find it to hear differences in sounds?
• Does drawing pictures of new words help me to remember them in English?
• Does touching an object help me to remember what it’s called?
• Do I enjoy listening to the teacher and taking notes?
• Do I prefer working on my own or with other people?
• Do I know why I’m learning English?

This list of questions is obviously limited but it’s a good start towards becoming a more effective
learner. The more you are aware about your dominant intelligences in the learning process the
more you can exploit them to make learning a more enjoyable and rewarding journey.


Match the definitions to the different types of intelligences as explained by Howard Gardner.

Visual Spatial
Verbal Linguistic

1. Having the capacity to recognise patterns in the living world, with plants, animals, living things.
2. Able to hear musical sounds and patterns.
3. Having the capacity to solve problems or to make things with your body or parts of your body.
4. Having the capacity to form and manipulate mental representations of large space the way a
pilot or a navigator would.
5. Having a clear understanding of yourself.
6. Having an understanding other people.
7. Having the capacity to think in language and to mentally represent the world in words.
8. Having the ability to look at the world logically.

Multiple Intelligence Vocabulary

Complete the text with appropriate adjectives from the list provided.


Multiple Intelligences define to an extent the type of learner we are naturally inclined to be.
Understanding the different types of intelligences can help us to recognise our own intelligences
and then hopefully become more effective learners. In my own case I remember at school that I
found maths and science very difficult. I definitely don't have a ________ mind that's for sure. My
friends will tell you that I'm ________ and that they can easily tell me all their problems. It's quite
strange as I'm in fact quite ________ at times and can get __________ when meeting new people.
I did well at languages and my English Literature teacher always said I was extremely ________ .
I'm a freelance literary writer now and I mostly work from home. Considering what I was like at
school it's all very _________. I am a _______ and __________ learner.

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