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REFLUX 819 +DB+SB82 (204/A+R14/A)


- Before disassembling it, is suggested to put reference marking on parts that must be reassembled
in the same position.
- Before re-assembling, o-rings and sliding mechanical components must be lubricated with a fine
layer of silicone grease. Static parts require grease to make them softer but mainly to hold them in
their slots.
- Before carrying out any operation it is important to cut off upstream and downstream the regulator
(closing the on/off valves), and discharge the gas inside the pipe and the body of the regulator.
- The spares must be original Fiorentini PF ones.
- Before re-commissioning of equipment after maintenance, external and internal tightness shall be
verified at a proper pressure value.

1- Disassembly of the actuator unit
2- Reassembly of the actuator unit
3- Disassembly of the obturator unit
4- Reassembly of the obturator unit
5- Disassembly of the main body & silencer unit
6- Reassembly of the main body & silencer unit
7- Disassembly of the slam-shut
8- Reassembly of the slam-shut
9- Disassembly group pilot
10- Disassembly pilot 204/A
11- Reassembly pilot 204/A
12- Disassembly pre-regulator R14/A
13- Reassembly pre-regulator R14/A
14- Reassembly group pilot
REFLUX 819 +DB+SB82 (204/A+R14/A)


- disconnect all the feed and sensing line connectors from the pilot and the pre-regulator
- remove the 204/A+R14/A pilot assembly from the regulator
pict-a01 remove the travel indicator scale (glass), the travel rod guide and the travel bush (if
pict-a02 unscrew and remove the external fixing screws of the covers
pict-a03 remove the top cover
pict-a04 remove the travel indicator rod
pict-a05 unscrew the internal fixing screws of the top cover
pict-a06 separate the top cover from the top flange
pict-a07 remove the travel indicator rod guide from the top flange
pict-a08 keeping the diaphragm-holder assembly fixed with a wrench, unscrew the stem equalising
piston guide
pict-a09 remove the stem equalising piston guide
pict-a10 separate the stem equalising piston from the stem equalising piston guide
pict-a11 remove the diaphragm assembly
- remove the spacer
pict-a12 unscrew the diaphragm assembly fixing screws
pict-a13 separate the protections discs from the diaphragm
pict-a14 unscrew the internal fixing screws of the bottom cover
pict-a15 separate the bottom cover from the bonnet
- remove the tongue key
pict-a16 remove the stem guide
- control and clean all the disassembled metal parts
- replace all the parts from spare parts kit


- reassemble the stem guide
- reassemble the bottom cover on the bonnet, remembering to align it properly, and fix the
internal screws
- reassemble the spacer
- reassemble the tongue key
- reassemble and fix the diaphragm assembly screws, remembering to align the hole for the
transfer nozzle
pict-a17 reassemble the diaphragm assembly on the head remembering to position the hole for the
transfer nozzle in the opposite side of the travel indicator rod
- reassemble the stem equalising piston on the stem equalising piston guide
- keeping the diaphragm assembly fixed with a wrench, screw and fix the stem equalising
piston guide to the stem
- reassemble the travel indicator rod guide onto the top flange
- reassemble the top cover on the top flange and fix the screws
- reassemble the travel indicator rod on the top cover
pict-a18 reassemble the top cover, after checking that the diaphragm is correctly positioned with
respect to the bottom cover. Take care to fit the travel indicator rod in his proper slot
- reassemble and fix the external screws
- reassemble the travel bush, the travel rod guide and the travel indicator scale (glass)
- reassemble the 204/A+R14/A pilot assembly on the regulator and connect all the feed and
sensing line connectors (only if the pilot and the pre-regulator need no maintenance)

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REFLUX 819 +DB+SB82 (204/A+R14/A)

pict-a01 pict-a02

pict-a03 pict-a04

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REFLUX 819 +DB+SB82 (204/A+R14/A)

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pict-a09 pict-a10

pict-a11 pict-a12

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REFLUX 819 +DB+SB82 (204/A+R14/A)

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pict-a15 pict-a16

pict-a17 pict-a18

travel indicator rod

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REFLUX 819 +DB+SB82 (204/A+R14/A)


pict-b01 unscrew and remove the fixing screws and separate the regulator head from the main body
taking care of the obturator
- put the head on its side
pict-b02 unscrew the two lock nuts of the obturator (only for version 3”÷10”)
pict-b03 remove the obturator (only for version 3”÷10”)
pict-b04 completely slacken the spring unscrewing the special locking nut
pict-b05 remove the special locking nut (and, only for version 1”÷2”, the spacer)
- remove the obturator (only for version 1”÷2”)
pict-b06 remove the spring
- carefully control the condition of the obturator seat
- control and clean all the disassembled metal parts
- replace all the parts from spare parts kit


- reassemble the spring
- reassemble the obturator (only for version 1”÷2”)
pict-b07 reassemble the special locking nut (and, only for version 1”÷2”, the spacer)
- fully screw the special locking nut
pict-b08 reassemble the obturator (only for version 3”÷10”)
- fully screw the two lock nuts of the obturator (only for version 3”÷10”)
- reassemble the regulator head on the main body taking care of the obturator and fix the
screws (only if the regulator main body need no maintenance)

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REFLUX 819 +DB+SB82 (204/A+R14/A)

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pict-b03 pict-b04

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REFLUX 819 +DB+SB82 (204/A+R14/A)

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REFLUX 819 +DB+SB82 (204/A+R14/A)


- if already assembled, unscrew and remove the fixing screws pos. 31 and separate the
regulator head from the main body
pict-c01 unscrew the nuts pos.87 and raise the silencer upper flange pos.72
pict-c02 unscrew and remove from the sleeve, with the apposite wrench, the complete silencer grill
assembly pos. 75
pict-c03 unscrew and remove the fixing screws pos.99 of the grill and separate the fixing metal ring
pos.98 from the grill pos.75 and the reinforced gasket pos.7 and o-ring pos.93
pict-c04 remove the internal basket pos. 77 from the sleeve
pict-c05 remove the external basket pos.78 with its gaskets pos.73 and pos. 80
pict-c06 remove the silencer shell pos. 83
pict-c07 unscrew the fixing screws pos. 86 of the silencer lower flange pos. 82
pict-c08 remove the silencer lower flange pos. 82 from the main body pos.1
- check that there is no pressure inside the regulator and the slam-shut is in closed position
- disconnect the sensing line of the slam-shut pressure switch
pict-c09 unscrew the external fixing screws of the slam-shut. Before removing them completely,
ensure that you can support it adequately unscrew the external fixing screws pos.31 and
remove the blind flange pos. 4 ( or accessories as slam-shut or monitor )
- remove the screws and separate the slam-shut from the regulator body
pict-c10 slacken the fixing screws pos.30 of the valve seat pos.7 under the sleeve
pict-c11 remove the valve seat pos. 7, the metal ring pos.8 and o-ring pos. 93
remove the long neck support pos. 79
- control and clean all the disassembled metal parts and inside the main body
- replace all the parts from spare parts kit


pict-c12 reassemble the long neck support pos. 79, the valve seat pos7, the o-ring pos93 and the
metal ring pos.8 under the sleeve and fix the screws pos.30
- reassemble the silencer lower flange pos.82 on the main body pos.1 and fix the
screws.pos.86 Remember to replace the brass washers pos.88
- reassemble the silencer shell pos.83
- reassemble the external basket pos. 78 with its gaskets pos.73 and pos.80
- reassemble the internal basket pos.78 on the sleeve pos.83
- reassemble the metal ring pos.98,the reinforced gasket pos.7 and o-ring pos.93 on the
fixing grill and fix the screws pos.99
- remember to replace the o-ring pos. 95
- fully screw on the sleeve, with the apposite wrench, the complete silencer grill assembly
- reassemble the silencer upper flange pos.72 and fix the nuts pos.87
- reassemble the regulator head on the main body and fix the screws pos.31
- reassemble the lower blind flange pos.4 ( or accessories as slam-shut or monitor) on the
regulator body pos. 1 and fix the screws pos. 31

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REFLUX 819 +DB+SB82 (204/A+R14/A)

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pict-c03 pict-c04

pict-c05 pict-c06

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REFLUX 819 +DB+SB82 (204/A+R14/A)

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pict-c09 pict-c10

pict-c11 pict-c12

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REFLUX 819 +DB+SB82 (204/A+R14/A)


- if the slam-shut is already assembled on the regulator, check that there is no pressure
inside and the slam-shut is in closed position and disconnect the sensing line of the slam-
shut pressure switch
- unscrew the external fixing screws of the slam-shut. Before removing them completely,
ensure that you can support it adequately
- remove the screws and separate the slam-shut from the regulator body
- put the slam-shut on its side
pict-d01 unscrew the lateral obturator screws
pict-d02 remove the obturator and the little spring
- unscrew the obturator from the obturator support (only for version 4”÷10”)
pict-d03 unscrew the external fixing ring of the obturator
pict-d04 unscrew the internal ring nut of the obturator
pict-d05 keeping the stem firm, unscrew the screw
pict-d06 remove the spring support and the main spring
pict-d07 remove the screw plug
pict-d08 remove the relay assembly cover
pict-d09 unscrew the three external screws fixing the relay assembly casing
pict-d10 unscrew the two internal screws fixing the relay assembly casing
pict-d11 remove the relay assembly casing and the sleeve
pict-d12 unscrew the three screws of the intermediate casing of SB
pict-d13 remove the intermediate casing of SB
pict-d14 remove the stem
pict-d15 remove the retaining ring
pict-d16 remove the stem guide
- control and clean all the disassembled metal parts and inside the main body
- replace all the parts from spare parts kit


- reassemble the stem guide
- reassemble the retaining ring
- reassemble the stem
pict-d17 reassemble the intermediate casing of SB, taking care to couple the lever mechanism to the
coupling (to avoid the uncoupling risk during the reassembling the stem must stay always
in the middle position). Fix the three screws
- reassemble the sleeve
- reassemble the relay assembly casing and fix the three external and the two internal screws
- reassemble the relay assembly cover
- reassemble the screw plug
- reassemble the main spring and the spring support and fix the screw (fix the thread with
Loctite 542)
- reassemble the external fixing ring, the reinforced gasket and the internal ring nut of the
- reassemble the obturator on the obturator support
- reassemble the little spring and the obturator and fix the lateral obturator screws
- reassemble the slam-shut on the regulator body and fix the screws
- restore the connection of the sensing line of the slam-shut pressure switch

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REFLUX 819 +DB+SB82 (204/A+R14/A)

pict-d01 pict-d02

pict-d03 pict-d04

pict-d05 pict-d06

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REFLUX 819 +DB+SB82 (204/A+R14/A)

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pict-d09 pict-d10

pict-d11 pict-d12

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REFLUX 819 +DB+SB82 (204/A+R14/A)

pict-d13 pict-d14

pict-d15 pict-d16


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REFLUX 819 +DB+SB82 (204/A+R14/A)


- if already assembly, disconnect all the feed and sensing line connectors from the pilot and
the pre-regulator
- remove the 204/A+R14/A pilot assembly from the regulator
- disconnect the connectors between the pilot 204/A and the pre-regulator r14/A


pict-e01 slacken the lock nut of the adjustment screw
pict-e02 slacken the adjustment screw for its complete stroke turning it anti-clockwise
pict-e03 remove the inferior end plug
pict-e04 remove the spring and the two spring supports
pict-e05 unscrew the four screws on the bottom side
pict-e06 remove the sleeve and the pilot bracket
pict-e07 unscrew the bottom diaphragm luck nut
pict-e08 remove the protection disc and the bottom diaphragm
pict-e09 unscrew the four screws on the top side
pict-e10 remove the pilot top cover along with the spring
pict-e11 unscrew the pilot nut
pict-e12 remove the pilot nut, the small spring and the pilot obturator
pict-e13 remove the protection disc and the top diaphragm
pict-e14 unscrew the lock nut from the valve seat shaft
pict-e15 remove the valve seat shaft and the diaphragm support
- carefully control the condition of the valve seat
- control and clean all the disassembled metal parts
- replace all the parts from spare parts kit


pict-e16 reassemble the valve seat shaft keeping in proper position the diaphragm support and
passing through it. Verify that the valve seat shaft is completely inside his slot
- screw the lock nut on the valve seat shaft
- reassemble the top diaphragm, the protection disc and the pilot obturator
- reassemble the small spring and screw the pilot nut
- reassemble the bottom diaphragm, the protection disc and screw the bottom diaphragm
luck nut
pict-e17 align, before fixing the external screws, the diaphragm support to the axis of the valve seat
- reassemble the sleeve and the pilot bracket and fix the screws
- reassemble the pilot top cover along with the spring and fix the screws
- position the spring and the two spring supports and fix the inferior end plug

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REFLUX 819 +DB+SB82 (204/A+R14/A)

pict-e01 pict-e02

pict-e03 pict-e04

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REFLUX 819 +DB+SB82 (204/A+R14/A)

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pict-e11 pict-e12

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REFLUX 819 +DB+SB82 (204/A+R14/A)

pict-e13 pict-e14

pict-e15 pict-e16


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REFLUX 819 +DB+SB82 (204/A+R14/A)


pict-f01 unscrew the four screws
pict-f02 remove the cover
pict-f03 remove the diaphragm-obturator assembly and the spring
pict-f04 unscrew the lock nut
pict-f05 separate the diaphragm assembly from the obturator
pict-f06 separate the diaphragm from the diaphragm discs
pict-f07 unscrew and remove the cap
pict-f08 remove the obturator guide assembly (reinforced gasket, filter, obturator guide and rubber
- carefully control the condition of the obturator seat
- control and clean all the disassembled metal parts
- replace all the parts from spare parts kit


- reassemble the obturator guide assembly (reinforced gasket, filter, obturator guide and
rubber parts)
- introduce the obturator guide assembly in proper position and screw the cap
- reassemble the diaphragm assembly (diaphragm discs and obturator), and fix the lock nut
- reassemble the spring and the diaphragm-obturator assembly
- reassemble the cover and fix the screws


- connect the connectors between the pilot 204/A and the pre-regulator r14/A
- assemble the 204/A+R14/A pilot assembly on the regulator
- connect all the feed and sensing line connectors of the pilot and the pre-regulator on the
line and on the regulator

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REFLUX 819 +DB+SB82 (204/A+R14/A)

pict-f01 pict-f02

pict-f03 pict-f04

pict-f05 pict-f06

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REFLUX 819 +DB+SB82 (204/A+R14/A)

pict-f07 pict-f08

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