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ABC Community School

October 11, 2020

Jordan Jorge
Technology is Worth it

Hello School Board,

This is Jordan Jorge from ABC Community School writing you this paper to express my

feelings about the use of technology in schools and why you guys should not abandon the use of

it. Our school has had the benefit of being able to have the funding and money to provide

students with multiples types of technology. Also, we have a 1:1 ratio of computers to students

which allows each one of our students to have their own technology. We have devices like

laptops, scanners, graphic tablets, digital science probes, PDA’s and printers, with all that they

all have the same software uploaded to each device. With all this technology I have been able to

provide my students a unique and creative way of learning. Of course, we still do the traditional

way of learning with papers but having these devices allows us to access more resources that

would not be able to have without these devices. It helps the kids to be engaged because they

have their iPad or laptop right in front of them and they can follow and do the things I am doing

on the board. With a traditional way of learning students would just have to listen to the teacher

without being engaged anyway physically. Also, with the advancement in technology the

classroom is becoming more digital. “9 out of 10 students indicated that using technology in the

classroom would help prepare them for the digital future.” (Walden University, 2020) Last time I

checked is that school should prepare our students to succeed in the future and if the future is

heading towards a more technological way of life, it would not make much sense to take away

technology from schools. Unless we want our students and future leaders of the world to be

unprepared to have a shot of being successful in whatever they do.

Work Cited

Walden University. (2020, April 01). Top 5 Benefits of Technology in the Classroom. Retrieved
October 06, 2020, from

The state and national standards for technology are similar and different in certain ways. They

both attempt to involve technology inside the classroom in a seamless way. State and national

standards both have seven standards that focus on similar focuses. They have a collaboration,

digital citizenship, creative, communication, and understating and skill level with technology.

The state standards combined communication and collaboration as a one standard which means

to use digital media and environments to communicate and work collaboratively, including at a

distance, to support individual learning and contribute to the learning of others. In simpler terms,

have students work together and communicate through the process in successfully using the

technology given to complete that certain task or assignment. The national standards combined

creativity and communication to focus more on how the students can use the technology given to

them to creativity come up with an original idea on their and chose the appropriate software or

device to perform said task. In the national standards they use collaboration as an opportunity to

have students come together to research and explore different avenues of learning and how it

applies to the global issues now. State and national levels also have the same standard for how to

properly use technology and the step by step it takes to do certain assignment. The standard I am

going to be focused on is 6b in the ISTE standards and that states that, “Students create original

works or responsibly repurpose or remix digital resources into new creations.” Basically, going

to give the students a general idea for a project and allow them to choose from multiple options

of platforms to use and have them decide what will be best for them personally and have them

create from there.

Lesson Plan
Name: Coin Flip Spinner
Grade Level Appropriateness: All Grade Appropriate (Limited number slots for K-2)
Technology Content Standard Addressed: ISTE Standard – 6b. Students create original works
or responsibly repurpose or remix digital resources into new creations.
Other Content Standard Addressed: Physical fitness by participating in various fitness
activities and exercises.
Objective: Students to perform exercises correctly, input their own choices of exercising and
using their technology skills to create a chart.
Materials: Laptop or iPad, coin if you do not have a coin download an app that does, and
software that can create a chart
Suggested Group Size: Recommended at least 4 per group
1. Pass out the paper of the list of exercise the students can choose from.
2. Next access my file of my chart I made and explain what to input in each section and
have it there as an example for the kids to follow.
3. Depending on their behavior at this point you can give them the opportunity to pick their
own groups. (4 at least)
4. Once they are in the group pass out the iPad or laptop to each group
5. Have them access Microsoft Word and create a table 2x6. Label the first two sections
heads and tails and down the line 1-6
6. From there they have the freedom to choose what exercises they want on their table if it
fills all the open slots
7. After that have them use the coin they have and start flipping it. Whatever side it lands on
that is the exercise they must do.
8. After each group has gone through their table once, have all the groups rotate and use
another group chart
9. In between every other rotation give kids opportunity to get water. Throughout them
doing the exercise feel free to do it with them and help as needed
10. Towards the end of class have them return the list of exercises and iPad and laptops.
Have them save their table with all their names and grade level.
Assessment: Students will be graded on ability to work together as a group to create their own
chart and to perform each one of the said exercises correctly and safely. Graded also on their
participation and effort throughout the whole creating and physical aspect of the lesson and
treating materials and others around you with respect.
Student Sample

Heads Tails
30 seconds of push ups 30 seconds of sit ups
30 seconds of wall sits 30 seconds of squats
30 seconds of forearm planks 30 seconds of upright planks
30 seconds of bear crawls 30 seconds of frog jumps
30 seconds of mountain climbers 30 seconds of jumping jacks
*After each rotation give water and rest time for them to recover*

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