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October 2, 2020

1. How does peacekeeping started?

Peacekeeping was born at a time when Cold War rivalries frequently
paralyzed the Security Council. Peacekeeping was primarily limited to
maintaining ceasefires and stabilizing situations on the ground, providing
crucial support for political efforts to resolve conflict by peaceful
means. Those missions consisted of unarmed military observers and lightly
armed troops with primarily monitoring, reporting and confidence-building

2. How peacekeepers use power? How des peacekeeping distinguished from

war fighting?

Peacekeeping operations are not an enforcement tool. However, they

may use force at the tactical level, with the authorization of the Security
Council, if acting in self-defence and defence of the mandate.
In certain volatile situations, the Security Council has given UN
peacekeeping operations “robust” mandates authorizing them to “use all
necessary means” to deter forceful attempts to disrupt the political process,
protect civilians under imminent threat of physical attack, and/or assist the
national authorities in maintaining law and order.
Peacekeeping operation should only use force as a measure of last
resort. It should always be calibrated in a precise, proportional and
appropriate manner, within the principle of the minimum force necessary to
achieve the desired effect, while sustaining consent for the mission and its

3. What are the three-essential form of power?

 Persuasion
 Inducement
 Coercion

4. What are the four types of military power/coercion? Explain each

Compellence attempts to make the target change its behavior in accordance

with the coercer’s demands for example, to halt an invasion, to withdraw from
disputed territory, or to surrender. However, almost everything true about
deterrence applies to compellence as well, though not always in exactly the
same way.

Deterrence as convincing someone not to take a contemplated action, such

as attacking you, by making the expected results of the action appear worse
than the expected consequences of not acting which acknowledge that such
actions as aggression may be deterred by many means; never has this been
truer than in the post–Cold War era. These means may even include
promises of rewards for complying with coercive demands because making
compliance with one’s demands more attractive has essentially the same
effect as making defiance less attractive.

Defense defend someone’s attack.

Swagger making yourself feel strong it is about looking strong. To feel and
look tough and indeed we do that in a variety of settings but most of what

5. When did peacekeeping can be considered more effective?

Peacekeeping is most effective when it holds tight to those ideas of

impartiality consent and the non-use of force except in self-defense when
peacekeepers hold tight to those noble ideals enshrined in the Universal
Declaration of Human Rights they have and may continue to accomplish their
Compellence which is about the kinetic use of force think what we're doing now to
defeat Isis

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