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Reaction Paper

Name: Vivien Fe F. Eser Date:

Course and Section: BSA 1-B 20193597-C

Consumer Buying Behavior

Consumer behavior is the series of behaviors or patterns that consumers follow before
making a purchase. It starts when the consumer becomes aware of a need or desire for a product.
Example, as businessman or entrepreneur we should study consumer behavior so we know how
to create, market, and sell our products effectively. The more data we gather, the better our
decisions become. One of the factors that influence consumer behavior is Psychology, how and
what we buy depends largely on our psychological state before, during, and after a purchase.
Let’s say that you’ve just broken up with your significant other. You’re lonely, vulnerable, and
a bit depressed. If you head to the supermarket, you’re likely to buy comfort food. It might not
be healthy, but it’s what your psyche wants and you need and external motivators proved that
we are easily influenced.

Study of consumer buying behavior is most important for marketers as they can understand
the expectation of the consumers. It helps to understand what makes a consumer to buy a product.
It is important to assess the kind of products liked by consumers so that they can release it to the
market. Marketers can understand the likes and dislikes of consumers and design base their
marketing efforts based on the findings, just like on what was said on the powerpoint. If a
company fails to understand the reaction of a consumer towards a product, there are high chances
of product failure.

Because of the changing fashion, technology, trends, lifestyle, income, and other similar
factors, consumer behavior also changes. A marketer has to understand the factors that are
changing so that the marketing efforts can be balanced accordingly to the behavior of the

Reaction Paper

Name: Vivien Fe F. Eser Date:

Course and Section: BSA 1-B 20193597-C

Before, controlling for me is likely to remain calm and reasonable despite provocation.
But learning about the Business Ethics, Entrepreneur and the IBC today, controlling is a
function of management which helps to check errors in order to take corrective actions.

Seeing the process of controlling I saw that it was really made organized from objectives
and the standard, to measuring performance and checking if what is attained and what is not ,
resulting into two its either revise the standard or correct performance. It is like when we are
having an exam in accounting once your very first computation is wrong the whole problem
will also be wrong you have no choice but to start from zero.

I feel like controlling process is very difficult because it needs insurance for the correct
directions and the right resources, so I would rather choose both of the techniques. I can use the
advance control techniques for the fast process and the traditional to make sure if the process
and the steps are correctly implemented because it has personal observation.

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