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Complete the following table below:


Item in the Kitchen List of Elements/ Materials Used in the Item



1.canned good Ex. tin


2. plates


3. spoon and fork


4. soda can


5. gas stove
Item in the Bathroom List of Elements/ Materials Used in the Item



1.toilet bowl Ex. Clay, china


2. shampoo bottles

3. toothpaste

4. soap

5. deodorant

Item in the Bedroom List of Elements/ Materials Used in the Item



1.chair Ex. Wood, steel


2. mobile phone

3. television

4. computer

5. wall clock
Item Outdoors List of Elements/ Materials Used in the Item



1.wire Ex. Copper, aluminum


2. ladder

3. door handle

4. bike

5. ceramic pots

2. How important are those elements/ materials in our lives? (explain briefly).

3. Given their properties, name three things that metals are uniquely good for.


The ductility of metals is useful in making cables for holding very high television and radio towers.




a. Give at least 5 examples of elements and give  its uses in our industries.

b. Cite at least  5 examples of elements in our human body and give its functions.

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