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ED 101- Child and Adolescent

Learners and Learning Principles

Application No. 1

1. Define development in your own words.

​I think development is a process of growing up and moving forward to become matured

enough intentionally to be able to change my own identity, personality and attitude that is
fully develop when time goes by and during the puberty not just in my own but also
happening in the others both male and female and that is normally to have a physically
changes in their appearance and structures according to the age of an individual. On other
hand development also ​refers to the biological and psychological changes that occur in
human beings between birth and death.​ And I think development is about how they respond
to the situations with the right conduct and good considerations to have a good result and
appropriate in every action. Moreover this is also portraits on how to develop our process of
knowledge, talents, and capability to do something that is suited to the strength and
weaknesses of an individual. And I believed that environment and society is a part of having
a development and changes in our personality and perspective in life.

2. Describe your own development. In what ways have you changed over your lifetime?

What characteristics have remained the same?

My development proved that this is still going and progressing simply because all I have

already is not enough to classify and to know as a fully developed person or individual in
terms of managing something and situations especially when I am facing a lot of problems
although that is normally happens to us and that is how I describe myself development. I am
also still wondering and exploring something that I feel myself obsessive to in the other
situations that come to my life. And to be honest all of my personality and attitude before has
already changed and I absolutely believe that I am a product of new versions of being me
during my development physically and emotionally. But I have a lot thing that still remained
to me and that are being in a right conduct and approach to others, being friendly at all,
sharing love for someone especially to my family, friends and others, making things that
build happiness to others, and the most remarkable character that I have already and still
remained is having of faith in our Almighty God.

3. What are the principles of human development and their educational implications?
Principles Educational Implication

a. Physical

b. Cognitive

c. Language

d. social and emotion

4. What are the two approaches to human development?

Traditional vs. Life-Span Approach

Traditional Life-Span

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