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Accommodations COVID-19 Prevention Measures

# Requirement Yes No Comments

1 Policy to report cases of infectious diseases Yes

and is known to workers in accommodation.
Monitoring stations for all workers in the
accommodation at both entrance and exit.
washing hands properly for 40 seconds with
3 soap and water or sanitizer (knowledge and Yes
Sanitizers are distributed throughout the 1HHGWRHQFUHDVHWKHQXPEHU
4 Yes
accommodation RIWKHVDQLWL]HUV
Awareness posters and flyers in gathering
5 areas, halls and official locations (in a Yes
languages understood by all workers)
Liquid hand soap is available in toilets, Yes
assembly areas and work areas
Availability of a disinfectant containing 60- Yes
95% alcohol
The accommodation is equipped with safety Yes
and fire protection means and tools.
9 Toilet cleaning and disinfecting schedule Yes
10 Routine schedule for disinfecting surfaces Yes
Good ventilation in all bedrooms, gathering
11 Yes
and sitting areas
The number of workers in the bedrooms
12 according to health requirements (12 square Yes PIRUHDFKZRUNHU
meters per worker)
13 Isolation rooms for suspected cases Yes
The number of toilets and shower areas is
14 sufficient with respect to the numbers of Yes
15 Dedicated waste disposal location Yes
Preventing all open buffets and serving food
16 in separate dishes in a form of packed meals Yes
for each contractor as one-time use
Contracting company with an operator
17 Specializing in Cleaning accommodations and No +XWDKDVDWHDPIRUWKDW
Transporting waste to the approved landfill.
18 Security guard for the accommodation No
Contracting company with the operator
19 No
Specialized for public health pest control.

I hereby acknowledge receiving the above checklist and commit to conducting a self assessment and return it
back to TRSDC within 2 working days.

Contractor Name: +XWD+HJHUIHOG Contractor Manpower: 

Representative name and signature:

Date:  $SULO 

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