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Topic 1. Foundations of public administration theory.

1. Public administration as a social phenomenon.

2. Public administration and regional governance in a system of social
3. Theories of public administration.

1. Public administration as a social phenomenon.

Often, management is understood as an activity that directs and regulates

social relations.
Generally management is identified as deliberate influence on a complex
system. This influence can be realized through the processes of planning,
organization, motivation and control.
System approach to defining the essence of management is important. It
allows that management is a system of interacting components, and management
systems are integral. Management system comprises two subsystems – governing
subsystem, the one that controls, and controllable, the one which can be managed.
In graphic form, the management process can be illustrated as follows:

controlling action
agent of management control object
feed back

The result of a controlling action is that control object changes to some

extent, acquires new skills.
The main Components of management systems are:
1) agent of management, which is the Source of controlling action and which
influence on control object;
2) control object - something that is the goal of controlling action; that
operates under this influence;
3) controlling action that is a set of purposeful and organizing signals,
command arrangements, methods by which the impact on control object is
4) feed back, Information for agent of management about the efficiency of
controlling action and changes of control object.

The main objective of management is organization of joint activities of

people, social groups and institutions, ensuring coordination and interaction
between them.
Essence of management is implementation of controlling action on
corresponding control objects.
Depending on definite control object, the following types of governance can
be marked out:
 technical (technocratic) governance
 biological governance
 social governance
Social governance is purposeful influence on society for its regulation,
improvement and development.
Types of social governance
а) Public administration (state and public authorities are agents of
б) municipal administration (local self-government bodies are agents of
в) Public Governance (agents of management are bodies of associations of
г) corporate management (agents of management are bodies of enterprises).

Державне управління має політичний (або телеологічний) та

адміністративний аспекти. Перший з них полягає в цілепокладанні, другий —
у цілездійсненні. Умовно можна вести мову про політичне державне
управління та адміністративне державне управління
Public administration may be accepted in different ways:
as one of the main functions of state,
as one of the forms of social governance and
as a separate branch of science knowledge
as a course of study

2. Public administration and regional governance in a system of social


"Public Administration" as a Branch of Science is the sphere of humanities

knowledge, and also is connected with a lot of other sciences:
political science
juridical science
cultural studies

Державне та регіональне управління як навчальна дисципліна дає своїм

слухачам знання принципів, функцій, методів і прийомів управління,
організації державного управління і місцевого самоврядування, форм
управлінської діяльності, державно-управлінських відносин.
Курс "Державне та регіональне управління" узагальнює і систематизує
знання, вироблені адміністративно-управлінською наукою з метою
впровадження їх у процес управлінської праці. Його вивчення сприяє
процессу формування фахівця для ефективного виконання ним
управлінських функцій.
Public administration as both theory and practice began in the late
nineteenth century, and became formalized somewhere between 1900 and 1920.
Generally the term public administration encompasses (охватывать) a vast
range of issues and activities. One way of grasping (понимание) this diversity is to
distinguish between two sets of questions: How public authorities are organized
and how they seek to act within societies through making and implementing public
policy. In short, public administration is about the state “in action” and “in
There is Interrelation between concepts of public management and public
administration. In the UNO development program there is the definition, offered
by the American researcher J. M. Shavrits in the International Encyclopedia of
State Policy and Administration: “Public management is a sphere of practice and
theory, which is the key one for the public administration and is concentrated on
the inner activities of the state institutions, particularly on solving such
administrative tasks as control, management, organizational support, information
technologies support, personnel management and efficiency estimation”.
Concept of governance. Traditionally the organization and the action of the
state have generally been seen as coterminous (примыкающий, соседствующий)
with the concept of government. Over the last thirty years, however, an increasing
number of experts and practitioners have begun to differentiate between public
administration that is government and that, which they label governance.
According to this view, (Western) societies have been transformed to such an
exte'nt (мера, степень, рамки, пределы) that public authorities (органы
государственной власти) have been obliged to change both their internal modes
of functioning and the way they engage with nonstate actors.
Now in the Western tradition the idea of governance has become the most
dominant concept within which contemporary public administration is to be
described and analyzed.
As such, the term governance synthesizes a series of real changes in the way
public authorities are organized and interact with representatives of civil society.
Governance is used to explain new modes of public policy making and
implementation. A central hypo'thesis in theories of governance is that
contemporary politics features (отличать, характеризовать) a) an increasingly
wide range of public bodies and b) more contact between these bodies and
representatives from civil society.
There is an important distinction to be made between ‘government’ and
‘governance’. Government is the institution itself, where governance is a broader
concept describing forms of governing which are not necessarily in the hands of
the formal government. The concept of governance is appropriate for public
management as opposed to the narrower concept of government.
To sum up, Public administration is a purposeful, organizational and
regulatory state influence on development of social processes and activities of
citizens in order to achieve the objectives and perform functions of state by
implementing state policy, through activities of public authorities.

Object of research of PA as a science is activity of public authorities.

Subject matter of PA as a science consists of 3 groups of issues:
 organization of public administration at various levels -
central, regional and local;
 techniques and methods of public administration (developing of
decision-making theory, political forecasting, methods of PA);
 problem of recruitment and training of officials.

There are 3 groups of research methods in PA:

1) general research methods:
 Dialectical approach;
 institutional approach зосередження на структурно-функціональних
засадах побудови системи органів публічної влади;
 sociological approach, який дає можливість досліджувати апарат
державного управління з точки зору його ефективності
(досягнення бажаних організаційних цілей) і продуктивності
(досягнення цілей без зайвих затрат);
 complex approach, дає можливість вийти за межі суто
адміністративно-управлінської сфери і застосувати методи інших
суспільно-гуманітарних наук та наукових знань – політології,
юридичної науки, менеджменту, історії, соціології, філософії,
 historical approach;
 cultural approach дає можливість установити залежність
управлінської поведінки суб’єктів державного управління від
рівня культури суспільства;
 behaviour method біхевіористський підхід, фокусує увагу на
людському факторі, взаємозв’язках та співпраці державних
службовців, посадових осіб.

2) logical research methods:

 System approach;
 structural and functional method метод оптимізації відповідності
між структурою і функціями кожного окремого суб’єкта
державного управління (органу виконавчої влади);
 Analysis and synthesis;
 Comparison (компаративний) метод вивчення та використання
практики публічного управління в інших країнах;
 situational method;
 And also: Induction, Deduction, Model building, Method of scientific

3) empirical research methods:

 content analysis;
 analysis of regulatory and legal documents;
 analysis of practical activity.

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