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Mata Pelajaran : Bahas a Inggris
Kelas /Sem ester : IX/ 1
Hari/Tanggal :
Waktu :
Acuan Kurikulum : 2013

I. Choos e the bes t ans wer by cros s ing the letter A, B, C

or D! The following text is for ques tions 1 and 2.

Dear Es ther


Ever s ince I heard about your s ucces s as the firs t winner of s inging contes t of
FLS2N. I know how long and how hard you practiced. We are all very proud of you. We
wis h you all the bes t in purs uing your dream to be a popular s inger s ome day.


Chair pers on of Clas s 9 A

1. The text above s hows that . .

A. the writer is one of the contes tants
B. Es ther is the bes t s tudent
C. Es ther is the bes t s inger
D. Rudy is Es ther's s pecial friend

2. The text is for . . . of

A. the bes t s
tudent B. the bes t
teacher C. the bes
t s inger
D. the bes t graduate s

3. Situation :
Rania has jus t m ade a very beautiful handycraft from coconut leaf. Chandra
prais es her craft and hope that s he will win the national com petition.
Chandra : “___________ _ _ __ _ _ _ _
I’m s ure you will win the national com
petition.” Rania : “Thank you. I hope s o
A. What is
B. That’s a very beautiful
C. I’m glad to hear
D. You are the
Read the text and ans wer ques tions 4 to 8.

4. What does the text m os tly tell you about?

TM B. Health Sciences
Group. C. Toxic Shock
Syndrom e. D. Living a
better life.

5. The s econd paragraph of the text tells you about Ins teadTM SoftcupTM as ..
A. the bes t product for all
people B. gynecologis ts for all
wom en C. the only s anitary
care product D. the profes s
ionals in s anitary.

6. The text s hows that the … s uggest people to us e INSTEAD TM Softcup TM

A. all profes s ionals
B. s om e s cientists
C. all doctors
D. gynecologis ts
7. The text s hows that the product is … to be worn by people.
A. dangerous
B. interes
C. s
D. hard

8. “INSTEAD TM Softcup TM is cleared by the U.S FDA and ….” What does
the underlined word m ean?
A. cons um
ed B.
authorized C.
D. m

9. Nuri has jus t finis hed practicing s inging. She will s ing in the celebration of
the Indones ia Independence Day. Shinta prais es her that s he s ings like a
real s inger, and s he will get a big applaus e for that.
Shinta : “You s ings like a s inger. ________ __ _ _ _ _ _ .”
_ Nuri : “Thank you. That’s very nice of you.”
A. I’m s ure you will get a very big applaus e
B. You are a good s tudent
C. I’m s orry
D. Congratulate to Nuri

10. Situation :
Fadel is going to participate in the s tory telling com
petition. Dara s hows her hope that Fadel will get a prize.
The convers ation:
Fadel : “Dara, wis h m e luck. I will take part in the s tory telling com petition.”
Dara : “___________ _ _ _. I hope you will win the com petition.”
A. Thank you very m uch
B. I hope s o
C. I’m s orry
D. Sure, Good luck

Read the text and ans wer ques tions 11 to


Fruits are a s ource of nouris hing s ubstances that keep us alive and healthy. For exam
ple, they contain m any vitam ins , es pecially vitam ins A and C, and m any m inerals ,
s uch as calcium , potas s ium , and zinc. They als o provide fiber for a healthy diges
tive s ys tem and carbohydrates that the body needs to m ake energy. They don‟t have
a lot of calories to m ake us fat.

People us e fruits for m any things . We m ake juices from them . We cook bread and pie
with them . We m ake jam s and jellies and s weets . We freeze them to eat later. We
even m ake alcohol from fruit. Beer com es from grains , wine com es from grapes , and
s om e brandies are m ade from plum s , apricots , or other fruits .

But m os t of the tim e, we don‟t do anything s pecial with fruits . We eat them fres h, jus
t as
they are!
11. What is the text about?
A. Vitam ins
. B. Energy.
C. Fruits .
D. Minerals

12. What is the m ain idea of the s econd paragraph?

A. We m ake juice from
fruits .
B. People us e fruits for m any
things .
C. Som e beer and brandies are m ade of
fruits .
D. We freeze fruits to eat whenever we need

13. Which s ubs tance do we need to have a healthy diges tive s ys tem ?
A. Vitam ins
. B. Calories
. C. Fiber.

14. People can be fat becaus e they eat a lot of … .

A. s
weets B.
poultry C.
D. avocado

15. “ We freeze them to eat later.” ( par.2 ) The word”freeze” in the s entence is s im
ilar in m eaning to … .
A. liquidate
B. ice up
C. pres
D. cool

16. Change into negative s entence!

They will go to Bandung next
A. Will they go to Bandung next week?
B. They not will go Bandung next
C. They will not go to Bandung next
D. Not will they go to Bandung next

17. Mrs .Aida :”Can you help m e to bring m y

books ?” Hes ty :”___________ __.”
A. I don’t unders tand C. Yes , I
B. What is your nam e? D. No, I

18. Figo and Santi will go the cinem a this night. ……want to watch the new film .
A. He C.
B. They D.

19. I’m Saefa. I’m the s tudent of SMPN 3 Pandeglang. I go to s chool by car. I have a
lot of friends at s chool. I love …. s chool becaus e big and clean.
A. their C. his
B. your D. m y
20. I … s pend next holiday with m y grandm other in the village becaus e I will go to
A. won’t C. didn’t
B. do D. don’t

21. This is …. book. …. is there.

A. m y – Your C. m y – Yours
B. m ine – Yours D. m ine - Your

22. Tiger is a wild anim al. … has s harp claws .

A. He C. Its
B. She D. It

23. Fadillah is abs ent yes terday becaus e …. was s ick.

A. they C. we
B. he D. her

The text for ques tions number 24 to


Kom odo Dragons

Kom odo dragon is a m em ber of the m onitor fam ily, Varanidae. It is the world's
larges t living lizards . It grows to be 10 feet (3 m eters ) long and weighs up to 126 kg
and belong to the m os t ancient group of lizards s till alive. It is found m ainly in the is
land of Kom odo and on other s m all is lands , Rinca, Padar, and Flores . The natives
call the dragon, ora, or buaya darat (land crocodile).

The Kom odo dragon has a long heavy tail, s hort, s trong legs , and rough s kin. It is
covered with s m all dull, colored s cales . It can s print at up 18 km per hours , but
only for s hort dis tances . When it opens its wide red m oth, it s hows row of teeth like
the edge of a s aw.

Kom odo dragons are good s im m ers and m ay s wim the long dis tance from one is
land to another. Like other lizards , they s wim by undulating their tails , and their legs
held agains t their body

The Kom odo dragon is totally carnivorous . It hunts other anim als during the day. It
hunts deer, wild pigs , water buffaloes , and even hors es . While s m aller kom odos
have to be content with eggs , other lizards , s nakes and rodents . Kom odo dragons
are cannibals . The adult will prey on the young one as well as the old and s ick
dragons . Lizard digs a cave with its s trong claws in the cave at night.

24. The m ain idea of paragraph 4 is …

A. Kom odo dragons feed on young dragons
. B. Kom odo dragons get their food by
C. Kom odo dragons are carnivorous and als o cannibals.
D. Kom odo dragons are cannibals because they hunt other anim als.

25. Which of the following is not the characteris tic of a kom odo dragon?
A. Rough s kin
B. Strong claws
C. A long heavy tail
D. Rows of red teeth
26. The writer's purpos e in writing the text is
A. To retell the events in Kom odo Is land.
B. To inform about clas s ification of kom odo.
C. To des cribe about kom odo dragon in
general. D. To pers uade reader to keep kom
odo habitat.

27. Kom odo dragons are cannibals because

A. They hunt deer, wild pigs , water buffaloes and even hors es .
B. They feed on eggs , lizards , s nakes and rodents .
C. They prey on young ones as well as old and s ick dragons
D. They eat anything they m eet

The text for ques tions number 28 to

Long, long ago, when the gods and goddes s es us ed to m ingle in the affairs of m
ortals , there was a s m all kingdom on the s lope of Mount Wayang in Wes t Java. The
King, nam ed Sang Prabu, was a wis e m an. He had an only daughter, called Princes s
Teja Nirm ala, who was fam ous for her beauty but s he was not m arried. One day
Sang Prabu m ade up his m ind to s ettle the m atter by a
s how of s trength.

After that, Prince of Blam bangan, nam ed Raden Begawan had won the com
petition. Unfortunately, the wicked fairy, Princes s Segara fell in love with Raden
Begawan and used m agic power to render him uncons cious and he forgot his
wedding. When Sang Prabu was s earching, Raden Begawan s aw him and s oon
realized that he had been enchanted by the wicked fairy. The fairy could not accept
this , s o s he killed Raden Begawan.

When Princes s Teja Nirm ala heard this , s he was very s ad. So a nice fairy took her to

28. Which one of the following s tatem ents is fals e about Sang Prabu?
A. Sang Prabu was a father of his only daughter
B. Sang Prabu was a king of a kingdom in Wes t Java
C. Sang Prabu was taken to Kahyangan by a wicked fairy
D. Sang Prabu was a wis e m an

29. Why the wicked fairy did us ed her m agic to m ake Raden Begawan uncons cious?
A. She didn’t like Raden Begawan
B. She didn’t want Raden Prabu m arry the princes s
C. She wanted Teja Nirm ala to forget about her wedding
D. She didn’t want the prince of Blam bangan m arry the princes s

30. What do you think will happen if gods or goddes ses cannot m ingle in the
affairs of people in the earth at that tim e?
A. Wicked Fairy will not take Raden Begawan’s life
B. Sang Prabu will not hold s trength com petition
C. Raden Begawan will not die
D. Teja Nirm ala will s tay in the Kahyangan
31. So a nice fairy took her to the Kahyangan. (Paragraph 2) The word her in
the s entence refers to…
A. The wicked fairy
B. The nice fairy
C. Princes s Nirm ala
D. Prince Teja

32. Hey Siti, __________ _ _ __ go s tar gazing

tonight. a. are you
b. how about
c. s hall
d. would you like to

33. Sam : “Would you like to go watch a m ovie this weekend? “

Carly: “I can't, I am low on cas h right now.” _________ _ _ ___ s tay at
hom e and watch TV ins tead.
a. How about
b. Let's
c. What about
d. I think

34. ___________ _ _ _ like a cup of coffee?

a. Can I
b. I'll do
c. Would you
d. Should I

35. ___________ _ _ _ the was hing , if you

like. a. Can I
b. Would you
c. I'll do
d. Let's

Read the following text and ans wer ques tions 36 to 39.

Dietary Supplem ent
600 m g 100 Soft gels
Supplem ent Facts
Serving s ize : 1 s oft gel
Am ount per 1 s oft gel % Daily Value*
Vitam in D 200 IU 50
Calcium (from m ilk) 600 m g 60
Zinc 15 m g *
*Daily value has not been es tablis hed
Other ingredients : Gelatin, Glycerin, Purified Water
Directions : As a dietary s upplement, take one s oft gel for
adults daily.
Manufactured for: EXP 04 27 10
Walnut, CA 91789
Made in U.S.A.

36. The label is telling us about … of a dietary s upplement.

A. the inform ation
B. the us age
C. the m aterials
D. the benefits
37. When would it be bes t to cons um e the product?
A. Before April 27th , 2010.
B. After April 4th, 2010.
C. During April 4th,
2010. D. On April 4th,

38. How m any s oft gels does s omeone take everyday?

A. 1 gel. B.
15 m g. C.
200 IU. D.
600 m g.

39. “Daily value has not been es tablis hed.” (Line

10) What is the m eaning of the word “es tablis
A. Ordered.
B. Determ
ined. C.
D. Helped

Read the following text and ans wer ques tions 40 to

44. How to Make Flannel Ros e Ring

1) Red Flannel around 10×10 cm
2) Scis s ors
3) Glue
The ways :
1) Cut round the flannel about 5×3 cm and m ake s piral in it.
2) Glue each s ide of s piral flannel.
3) Twis t it from central until the end (look like a ros e).
4) Cut the flannel in a rectangle (the s ize depend on your finger).
5) Put the ros e in a rectangle and glue it.
6) Flannel ros e ring is ready to wear.

40. Which s tatem ent is NOT TRUE about the ins truction?
A. We m us t glue the ros e in rectangle to get the
B. The bigges t the finger m eans the m ore flannel that
needed. C. All people have the s am e s ize of rectangle to m
ake the ring. D. We m ake a rectangle after we m ake a ros e
form .

41. We need flannel . . . to m ake ros e ring for twice.

A. Les s than
B. Only 10x10cm
C. About
D. More than
42. What s hould we do after we cut round the flannel?
A. Glue each s ide of the
B. Cut it in s piral
C. Twis t from the central until the
D. Put the ros e in a rectangle and glue it.

43. What is the Generic Structure of the s econd paragraph?

A. Goal
B. Materials
C. Ingredients
D. Steps

44. “Twis t it from central until the end “ (s econd

paragraph) The underlined word has s imilar m eaning
with. . .
A. pull
B. Fling
C. Ream
D. Coil

Read the following text and ans wer ques tions 45 to

49. Connecting JetFlas h (flas h dis k) to a Com puter

1.Plug the JetFlas h directly into an available USB port on your des ktop or
notebook com puter.

2. When the JetFlas h is s ucces sfully connected to a com puter, the JetFlas h ‘s LED
will light up. A Rem ovable Dis k drive* with a newly as s igned drive letter indicating the
JetFlas h will appear in the My Com puter window. In addition, a Rem ovable Hardware
icon and an icon Quick Menu (provided you s etup JetFlas h elite) will appear in the
Windows Sys tem Tray

3.After the JetFlas h is connected to the com puter, you can s tart trans ferring data
to the JetFlas h Jus t drag and drop files or folders directly onto the Rem ovable Dis
k icon that repres ents the JetFlas h .
(Source: BSE, taken from : JetFlas h m anual)

45. What does the text tell us about?

A. The s teps to ins tall the JetFlas h .
B. The s teps to unins tall the JetFlas h .
C. The s teps to ins tall QuickMenu of the JetFlas h.
D. The s teps to copy files and folders to the JetFlas h.

46. Where do we plug the flas h dis k?

A. Into the IDE port.
B. Into the power s lot.
C. Into the USB port.
D. Into the power outlet.

47. What indicates that the JetFlas h is s ucces sfully connected to your com puter?
A. The JetFlas h ‘s LED will light up.
B. The com puter is res tarted autom atically.
C. The com puter is rem oving the data to the JetFlas
h . D. The Auto Log In of the JetFlas h is running.
48. In addition, a Rem ovable Hardware icon and an icon Quick Menu (provided
you s etup JetFlas h elite) will appear in the Windows Sys tem Tray.”
The s entence im plies

A. If the icons do not appear, you m us t reins tall the JetFlas h
B. If the icons do not appear, you m us t check your hardware
C. In s om e com puters with different operating s ys tems, the icons m ay not
appear. D. You m us t ins tall the icons s o that the icons m ay appear in the
Windows Sys tem Tray.

49. “In addition, a Rem ovable Hardware icon and an icon QuickMenu (provided
you s etup JetFlas h elite) will appear in the Windows Sys tem Tray.”
The word 'icon' in the s entence is s im ilar in m eaning
to .... A. port
B. s ym
bol C.
cable D.

50. Tina …………s ad when her cat’s los s ?

a. is
b. are
c. am
d. has

51. My uncle and I ………………..(not) clear when m y grandm other s aid

us . a. is
b. am
c. are
d. it

52. Linda and you …..s atis

fied. a. are
b. is
c. am
d. were

53. Johan often….to m y

gym a. com es
b. cam
e c.
com e
d. com

54. He ... a picture here

a. draws
b. drawn
c. drew
d. drawing

55. You can ... fres h

vegetables a. got
b. get
c. gets
d. getting
56. 36. We ... this food
here a. eating
b. eat
c. ate
d. eaten

57. It m os t ... . all the tim

e a. hapen
b. happening
c. happen
d. happens

The text 1 is for ques tionsnumber 58-

A s treet s weeper was doing his job when he cam e acros s s om e m oney lying on
the ground. He decided to us e it to buy a s urpris e pres ent for his little daughter. He
bought a jar of honey, rus hed hom e and left it on the table, s o that his daughter would
find it as s oon as s he cam e hom e from s chool. But, alas , it was the flies that ate the

The s weeper was s o angry that he went to as k the judge to give orders for the flies to
be arres ted and condem ned to death.

“You are abs olutely right,” s m iled they judge, “but as you will well unders tand, we
cannot m obilize the arm y agains t thes e ras cals . We s hall s ee jus tice done in
another way. Every tim e you s ee a fly, s trike it down. I authorize you to execute them
yours elf. Furtherm ore, I dem and pers onally that you do not allow even a s ingle
one of thes e thieving flies to es cape.”

“Yes , your honor. You can count on m e,” the s weeper as s ured
him .

At that very m om ent, a fly decided to s ettle on the judge‟s head and the s weeper did
not hes itate: he rais ed his brus h and brought it cras hing down on the judge‟s
head. The guards were about to arres t him , when the judge recovered and
intervened. “Leave him be,” he ordered, “he has taught m e not to s ay foolis h things to
s im pletons .”

58. What is the text about?

A. The s treet s weeper and the
judge. B. The flies and the ras cals .
C. The guards and their m as ter.
D. The court and the s im

59. The las t paragraph of the text tells you about what the s treet s weeper …
A. did to carry out the judge‟s order
B. liked doing during his real life
C. m ade to buy honey for his daughter
D. got as a res ult of his bad behavior

60. What is the m oral value of the s tory?

A. There is no jus tice for foolis h people.
B. It is dangerous to talk to s treet s weepers.
C. A judge s hould be careful with his or her orders .
D. We m us t be careful with s tupid pers ons in this life.

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