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PTIT past board questions (selected from Jan 1990 to Jan 1999)

January 1990
select the group appropriate or consisting of the elements of a hospital nursing unit (accdg to ASFH standards)
a. nursing station, floor pantry, linen closet b. operating room, pediatric room, nursery
c. nursing counter, xray room, oxygen room
select the grouping of data belonging to the basic information needed in preparing a “deplaning passenger flow
diagram” for the design of an int'l airport
a. alien nat'l passengers immigration customs b. baggage claim airline counter terminal
c. immigration administration ticketing
select the grouping that has 2 basic criteria to be used by the archt in the design of a bldg
a. balance height and width emphasis b. aesthetic, stability function
c. aesthetic, character symmetry
length of olympic size swimming pool
a. 50m b. 100m c. 100 ft
select the grouping that relates all contents to the elements of visual design
a. point line space and mass b. line variety cause and effect
c. aesthetics strength unity and shadows
every part is disposed to unite with the whole that it may thereby escape its own incompleteness” is an observation
expressed by leonardo da vinci as an element of design encompassing all other principles. Same was expressed
by eero saarinen postulating that the whole is more than the sum of its parts and this refers to
a. scale and proportion b. unity c. pattern
consistently used as a rule for good proportion, postulating that two, lines or areas are visually most effective
together if the smaller is to the larger and the larger is to the whole refers to
a. golden mean b. scale c. human body
in interior design work one can tell whether or not a design fulfills its purpose thru reasoned judgement by
undergoing/understanding the process of
a. human need as first cause, then material cause and technical cause
b. pattern and model making c. principles of color combination
a concept of an int'l airport terminal design employed by american archts is called ___ terminal
a. finger b. foot c. airline
in the design of tall bldgs (20 storeys up) the structural stability will require a calculation of bldg capability to
withstand a specific wind condition technically called
a. depression b. gusts c. air pressure
one of the 3 methods or types of street parking is
a. parallel b. rectangular c. circular
select the grouping that relates all to site planning and subdivision layout
a. density electricity right of way and climate b. dwelling units traditions centers and ordinance
c. size boundaries open spaces street system
in subway terminal design, desired number of persons for bulk square (BQ) per door of train is 100 for a given time.
If the width of the area is 5m, what is desirable length (m) of this space, assuming four persons per sq.m., for BQ?
a. 4m b. 5m c. 7m
one type of loading platform used in bus terminal design
a. parallel loading b. circular loading c. rectangular loading
June 1990
select the grouping whose 2 items constitute the element of composition in design
a. mass, tradition and style b. balance, proportion & scale c. unity, uniformity and presentation
select the combination of factors that relates to layout of a housing subdivision
a. size and boundaries of land, open spaces and street system
b. density, right of way and climate and contour c. dwelling units and number of rooms, ordinances and laws
one of the methods of street parking for cars is
a. circular b. diagonal c. rectangular
select the grouping that has 3 basic criteria w/c architects must set forth in the design of a bldg
a. esthetic, stability, function b. esthetic, function, utility c. function, stability, utility
select the grouping all elements of which relate to town or city planning
a. electricity climate,people b. size of land,boundaries & natural landscape c. unit of flats, traditions,income
one of the raw mat'ls w/c possess visual characteristics & considered in town planning & design because it relates
to appearance, time, movement and space is
a. natural landscape b. tradition c. population
January 1991
select the grouping that relates to mall amenities in shopping center design
a. dept store, parking, benches b. trash can receptacles, directories, benches, fonts, kiosks
c. theaters, restaurants, cateries and shops
crossovers and vomitories are important access elements in sports arena design. Vomitories are linkes between
a. 2 seats b. foyer and cross aisles c. toilets & temporary seats
4 types of bus loading plans in bus terminal design are
a. monitor, parallel, angular and straight b. parallel, right angle, straight sawtooth & radial sawtooth
c. straight sawtooth, dock type, monitor and circular
satellite concept is used in the design of terminal area for int'l airports. The elements included in this concept are
a. boarding device, public corridor, departure lounge, security and airline operations area
b. customs, immigration, cargo handling, check in, airline desks
c. ticket counter, check in counter, boarding tube, customs
one form of mechanical baggage claim device used in airport design is
a. flatbed direct feed b. computer c. downfeed
choose the grouping that relates to the principles of neighborhood planning
a. customs, traditions, roads, landscaping, and topography
b. population, terrain, power source, highways, customs
c. size, boundaries, open spaces, internal streets system
select the grouping that relates to principles of composition
a. geometric shapes, beauty, simplicity, oneness b. color, texture, lines, space & voids
c. unity, asymmetrical balance, proportion
a bldg designed for the tropical region is truly energy efficient if
a. all rooms are airconditioned with cavity walls b. all rooms have adequate windows and sun shades
c. all rooms are oriented with small window openings
select the grouping one subject of which is a criterion used by architects in planning and designing bldgs
a. columns, splices, materials, lot b. roofing sheets, function, elevation
c. concrete, lumber, steel, cement
in design of a hospital bldg, the 3 impt functions to be considered in layout of the nursing unit, among others is
a. nursing station, floor pantry, utility, linen closets
b. operating room, oxygen supply, doctor's room, instrument closet
c. incubators, delivery room, wards, hospital nurses
narrow, high ceiling spaces where ceiling area is small compared to wall area, will normally require acoustical
treatment of the
a. wall or part of severed walls b. floor and ceiling c. ceiling only
to construct shadows w/ the true position of the sun, one must work with
a. cutting planes using orthographic projection b. longitude values, solstice data, equation of time
c. azimuth, altitude, elevation of sun rays, orthographic projection
June 1991
first step decision to be made in the planning process of a sports arena pertains to the seating plan. One of them is
a. straight row sides and curved row ends b. all straight rows
c. color coded seats and combination of individual type and benches
before executing the final working drawings of a bldg project, the archt shall consult firstly the local authorities in
order to determine the type and extent of limitations such as
a. zoning regulation b. traditions and historical limitations c. orientation
principles of composition applied to arch'l design of bldg facade are concerned of the ff
a. simplicity, geometric shapes, voids and solids
b. color, texture, space, golden rule
c. unity, asymmetrical / symmetrical balance, proportion, rhythm
in design of cinemas, side walls should be dispersive, w/ areas provided w/ absorbent mat'ls. This is done to diffuse
a. transmission b. vibration c. reverberation
one of the raw mat'ls which possesses visual characteristics and considered in town planning and design because it
relates to appearance, time, movement and space is
a. natural landscape b. watershed c. population
archt of phil pavilion at the 1964-65 new york worlds fair
a. angel nakpil b. otillo arellano c. felipe mendoza
in the orientation of a bldg, solar aspects, prevailing winds, lot sizes, codes of restrictions, laws, etc are considered.
One other factor to be analyzed to secure the bldg against flooding is
a. vicinity b. geography c. topography
archt of the phil pavilion at the expo 1970 in osaka
a. manuel manosa b. leandro locsin c. cresenciano de castro
direct lighting and indirect lighting are the 2 systems out of 3 mostly employed in the design of interior of bldgs. The
other one is called
a. alcove b. semi direct c. localized system
June 1992
harmony or blending of all unrelated part as an arch'l arrangement to achieve a satisfactory composition
a. rhythm b. proportion c. unity
the art of combining the diff parts of a work of art to produce a harmonious whole
a. functional character b. symmetrical balance c. aesthetic composition
July 1993
that part or end of a lot w/c abuts a street is
a. frontage b. planting strip c. sidewalk
wall of intramuros is
a. moat b. aqueduct c. fortification
January 1994
a distance principal idea or element of design or composition is a
a. module b. emphasis c. motif d. static
a form of continuity that gradually evolves from one thing to another without a definite break or change is
a. sequence b. repetition c. transition d. congruity
June 1995
what do you call the concept in arch. w/c is the result of intellectual, social, religious, and political conditions
developed at a given place by a given people?
a. historic style of arch b. arch'l legacy c. history of arch. d. arch'l character
what is the ante-room to a larger apartment of a bldg called?
a. patio b. vestibule c. stall d. portico
accdg to FLW, the time of preparation for preliminaries to arch'l is little enough for any appreciation who would rise
“above the belt” in true arch'l appreciation of practice. What is this amt of time?
a. 5 yrs b. 4 yrs c. 8 yrs d. 10 yrs
what type of roof is one with steep lower slope and flatter upper portion, w/c is named after mansart?
a. aisle roof b. gabled roof c. hammer beam roof d. gambrel roof
with regards to relationship of structure to arch., w/c of the ff describes a pretentious structure?
a. mat'ls used below max load bearing capacity b. uses least amt of mat'ls
c. exaggerated elements d. focuses on novelty of form
design is related to sensual characteristics of people.W/c sensual type enables one to identify mat'ls at a distance?
a. auditory b. kinesthetic c. visual d. olfactory
what is referred to as the type of arch. In w/c, due to wealth and expressive functions of a select few members of
society, special types of bldgs and structures are constructed for them (such as palaces, villas, royal gardens, etc?)
a. classical b. domestic c. power d. vernacular
what art principle shows the relationships of arch'l elements and is usually derived from the human body or its parts
as the basis of measurement system?
a. balance b. volume c. scale d. contrast
the character of a bldg is usually manifested thru the external expressions of internal qualities, what type of
character is derived thru human quality or emotional appeal?
a. function b. personality c. materials d. association
what do you call the concept of interrelated observations or theories of man's use of space?
a. space craft b. space timing c. proxemics d. social behavior
social distance refers to situation wherein intimate visual detail in the face is not perceived. What distance does the
far-phase category of social distance cover?
a. 4 -7 ft b. 7-12 ft c. 10-15 ft d. beyond 15 ft
one of the elements of arch. Includes those parts of structure w/c are classified accdg to their function and in w/c a
bldg is identified as to its use. What do you call this element?
a. esthetics b. need specific c. utility d. structure
man's sensory apparatus falls into 2 categories or classifications. Under what category are those concerned with
examination of distant objects, such as eyes, ears and nose fall?
a. critical receptors b. social receptors c. distance receptors d. immediate receptors
various colors have a strongly emotional effect on people. What psychological effect does the purple color denote?
a. cold and depressing b. gaiety and luminous effect
c. sedative & soothing, stately / melancholy atmosphere d. peaceful and tranquil
w/c of the ff needs is said to have brought about architecture?
a. culture b. shelter c. beautification d. community
what art principle means equality of composition and is the foundation upon w/c arrangement, harmony, and
adjustment of weights, tones, values, and other art principles are developed?
a. scale b. volume c. value d. balance
w/c theory of arch. Denotes not only the complete harmony of the parts of a bldg with whole, but an integration of
the bldgs with its site and surroundings?
a. vernacular arch. b. functional arch. c. domestic arch. d. organic arch.
What principle can easily be achieved in arch'l composition or design due to function or use of the plan elements
and types of mat'ls?
a. scale b. texture c. space articulation d. contrast
there are 2 types of personal distance – far-phase and close-t. What distance can one hold/ grasp the other person?
a. 1.5-2.5 ft b. 3 ft c. 1.0 – 1.5 ft d. 2-3 ft
what do you call the tool in arch. w/c organizes space or spatial composition related to function?
a. space planning b. territoriality c. functional interrelationship diagram d. space articulation
4 major components in a comprehensive or master plan. Under w/c component are flood control projects included?
a. circulation transportation plan b. community facilities plan
c. land use plan d. public utilities related service facilities plan
what part of basic data and planning studies in a comprehensive devt plan describes major businesses, industries
and svcs, as well as major occupations in a community or region?
a. population study b. history & geography c. economic case study d. land use surveys
while respective LGUs are empowered to prepare land use plans, w/c agency reviews, evaluates, and approves or
disapproves these plans?
a. NEDA b. provincial council c. regional devt d. HLURB
there are generally 4 kinds of regulatory controls concerning land devt and bldgs. w/c of these regulates the size &
shape of blocks and bldg sites for various sizes?
a. zoning ordinance b. bldg code c. housing code d. subdivision code
as a means to circumvent the agrarian reform law, many landowners convert their tenanted agri'l (rice and corn)
land into res'l and other non-agricultural use. What legal mandate penalizes this practice?
a. PD 1096 b. LOI 1305 c. EO 603 d. PD 815
what part of basic data and planning studies in a comprehensive devt plan describes the physical setting of the
community or region?
a. man made features b. land use survey and inventory
c. history and geography d. economic base study
what is the basic parameter of the “neighborhood unit”?
a. parks recreation b. utilities c. elementary school d. retail stores
4 major components in a comprehensive or master plan. Under w/c component are hospitals & clinics included?
a. land use plan b. community facilities plan
c. public utils related svc facilities plan d. circulation transportation plan
there are 4 major components in a comprehensive or master plan. Which component delineates local transit lines
and facilities?
a. public utils plan b. land use plan
c. circulation transportation plan d. community facilities plan
what part of basic data and planning studies in a comprehensive devt plan evaluates housing and neighborhood
environments in a community or region?
a. economic base study b. history and geography
c. population study d. land use survey and inventory
what type of cities have nil and unfavorable economic effects and said to have been established for the benefit of
colonial powers?
a. generative b. developmental c. parasite d. colonial
this concept comes from a latin word meaning “joint ownership or control”. When applied to housing, it denotes
individual ownership w/ unrestricted right of disposal of one or more units in a multi-unit project, w/ the land and all
other parts of the project held in common w/ owners of the other units. What is this concept?
a. tenement b. subdivision proj. c. apartel d. condominium
what type of urban ecological process in land use patterning in cities and communities refer to the clustering of
certain specialized institutions, activities or facilities?
a. centralization b. invasion c. concentration d. decentralization
what is another name for prefabricated housing?
a. instant housing b. modulated housing c. preassembled housing d. marginal housing
art & science of arranging bldgs so that their functions are performed efficiently, a satisfactory aesthetic is attained
and land is used to best advantage to achieve urban beauty, a process of change w/c continually recreates the city
as a physical assembly & social system in an attempt to provide the best expression of the highest common values?
a. civic or urban design b. city planningc. site planning d. physical planning
under PD 1586 on environmental impacts assessment, in order to assess the significance of the effects of physical
devts on the quality of the environment, a system for organization, administration, and procedure has been
institutionalized. This system is ___?
a. environmental encoding b. environmental impacts statement system
c. monitoring and evaluation system d. land use system
regional industrial centers are evaluated in the phils. In order to determine their potentiality in establishing industrial
estates. What is one of the factors considered in evaluation?
a. regional plans b. population density
c. regional devt council decisions d. proximity to airport / seaport
4 major components in a comprehensive or master plan. w/c component delineates water ways and ports?
a. circulation transportation plan b. public utils related svc facilities plan
c. community facilities plan d. land use plan
what part of a comprehensive or master plan delineates the living and working areas of the community or region?
a. land use plan b. economic devt plan
c. community facilities plan d. social devt plan
views are the most impt psychological factors affecting the devt of the site, and they have diff environmental effects
positive and negative. Which of the ff gives a positive view?
a. blank walls of industrial areas b. billboards
c. large public parks d. elevated highways
June 1996
in perception of space, w/c of the ff describes the olfactory sense?
a. identifies mat'ls limiting unpleasant odors b. affect mat'ls to regulate transfer of sound
c. affects room size /ceiling hts to avoid discomfort d. identifies mat'ls at a distance
w/c construction system is used for spanning long spaces, where a structure is composed of a series of patterned
frames, such as trusses
a. space frame b. panel frame c. suspension system d. thin shell construction
“the new role of the archt is to create bldgs and environments in an urbanizing world by sving and renewing cities
thru technology -especially the ubiquitous automobile – the servant of man” - is ___'s philosophy
a. walter gropius b. oscar niemeyer c. victor gruen d. louis kahn
what hue is produced by a composition of red and blue?
a. indigo b. gray c. brown d. violet
w/c theory of arch. Denotes not only the complete harmony of the parts of a bldg with whole, but an integration of
the bldgs with its site and surroundings?
a. vernacular arch. b. functional arch. c. domestic arch. d. organic arch.
w/c of the ff represents tertiary group of colors?
a. green orange violet b. yellow green, blue violet, red orange
c. red, yellow, blue d. red, orange, violet
green, orange, violet below to which group of hues or color?
a. quarterly b. primary c. tertiary d. secondary
with regards to relationship of structure to arch., w/c of the ff describes a pretentious structure?
a. mat'ls used below max load bearing capacity b. uses least amt of mat'ls
c. exaggerated elements d. focuses on novelty of form
what do you call the support features formed from a singly or doubly curved surface and consisting of tension and
compression resistance mat'l (mat'l resistant to bending)?
a. beam type support struc. b. shell structure c. arcuated type structure d. barrel type structure
who is the advocate of linear city concept of city planning
a. le corbusier b. ebenezer howard c. soria y mata d. james buckingham
in perception of space, w/c of the ff describes visual sensation?
a. effects placement of rooms limiting unpleasant odors b. identifies mat'ls at a distance
c. effects ceiling hts to avoid discomfort d. affect mat'ls to regulate sound transfer
hippodamus, 5th cen archt, is credited with what vigorous application?
a. network system b. acreation system c. gridiron system d. wall town system
what part of basic data and planning studies in a comprehensive devt plan describes major businesses, industries
and svcs, as well as major occupations in a community or region?
a. population study b. history & geography c. economic case study d. land use surveys
on street types illustration, identify a T-type turn around
a. fig 1 b. fig 3 c. none d. fig 2
sensuous forms in landscape design can have positive and negative effects. In terms of sight, at what distance can
one feel the pleasantness or intrusiveness of an object?
a. 80 ft b. 45 ft c. 3-10 ft d. 20 ft
w/c of the ff describes CENTRALIZATION as an urban ecological process?
a. opposite tendency to follow outward growth of city
b. clustering of certain specialized activities / institutions
c. entrance of new population / facilities into occupied area
d. increase of population at certain geographical center
in a certain region, the ff housing statistics are given for year 1995. what is the housing need?
# of acceptable housing 10,000 # of barong-barongs 4,000
# of acceptable vacant housing 200 # of marriages 1,000
# of families / household 11,000
a. 11,000 b. 1,000 c. 5,040 d. 7,000
what concept of city planning advocates a reunion of city and country, surrounded with a permanent agricultural
greenbelt, w/c would serve nor merely to keep the rural environment near, but to keep other suburban settlements
from coalescing to it
a. linear city b. garden city c. city of tomorrow d. broadacre city
what is the most impt element in establishing the character of res'l communities
a. topography b. open space devt c. street pattern d. pedestrian safety
under what % does slopes NOT drain very well?
a. 3 % b. 2% c. ½ % d. 1 %
w/c of the ff describes the broadacre city concept of city planning?
a. a function of a spinal rapid transit system b. no distinction bet country and city
c. city surrounded by agricultural greenbelt
d. 10,000 population town w/ farm and factory work outside town proper
neighborhood is generally determined by the svc area of w/c element?
a. junior high school b. elementary school c. high school d. nursery school
w/c of the ff characterizes PATHWAYS as an element in the image of the city?
a. major /minor circulation routes that people use to move about
b. center of activities c. component neighborhoods d. prominent visual features
in the hierarchy of street types, w/c of the ff describes major collector streets?
a. major arteries and inter- neighborhood streets b. pick up traffic from local res'l streets in 1 neighborhood
c. solely for residential areas served d. circumventing neighborhoods
w/c of the ff is NOT included in a road right of way?
a. walk b. parkway c. setback d. curb
January 1997
accdg to Klassen, vernacular res'l arch. Has regional differences. What is the exception from the ff?
a. material b. form c. meaning d. construction
w/c of the ff represents secondary colors/
a. yellow green blue b. green orange violet c. red yellow blue d. green yellow violet
What type of art is based on suggestive moving of lights and on weird sounds w/c could simulate drugged form
a. free b. pop c. modern d. psychedelic
what type of arch'l elements provide for circulation and movement of users of bldgs?
a. protective b. structural c. circulatory d. need-specific
which of the ff indicates the name of a color?
a. intensity b. chroma c. hue d. value
what type of structure has elements w/c are exaggerated and where forms reflect a non efficient use of material just
for the sake of emotional impact, and the archt's particular aesthetic thought?
a. adequate struc. b. minimal struc. c. formal/sculptured struc. d. pretentious struc.
what do you call the system of communication w/c is historically linked w. language, primarily visual language, and
composed of integration of forms, edges, and plane?
a. art b. organizational behavior c. language d. architecture
BLUE-GREEN, RED-ORANGE, and BLUE-VIOLET below to w/c group of hues or colors?
a. tertiary b. secondary c. quarterly d. primary
w/c of the ff is NOT a characteristic of the cubism movement?
a. abstract perspective b. heavy use of straight lines
c. new presentation of space d. pure color usage
which of the ff does NOT usually affect scale in a bldg?
a. character of bldg b. normal reqts of humans c. type of material d. size of material
what psychological effect does GREEN color denote?
a. rage passion & excitement b. peaceful and tranquil
c. cool and acts as sedative d. gaeity and luminous effect
what is a polemic art, w/c aims to draw attention to the negative site of society, thru songs of protest, biting books,
and accusing pictures and photographs?
a. modern b. pop c. underground d. angry
man's sensory apparatus falls into 2 categories of classification. Under what category are those used to maximize
the world of touch, such as skin, membranes, and muscles fall?
a. distance receptors b. critical receptors c. social receptors d. immediate receptors
w/c of the ff describes the value of a color?
a. brightness /dullness of a color b. name of a color
c. lightness or darkness of a color d. psychology of color
throughout the history of human race, what is considered the mother of all arts?
a. fine arts b. music c. painting d. architecture
what type of art is art for everyone, w/c can be done by anyone, everything and anything goes – any sort of material
and songs and comics and communication in every kind of media?
a. angry b. pop c. modern d. op
what do you call the intersection that separates lanes of traffic by use of islands?
a. rotaries b. cloverleaf c. channelization d. diamond intersection
where did condominiums as a solution to the problem of scarcity and high cost of urban land originate?
a. italy b. france c. england d. USA
w/c of the ff reduce excessive glare and radiation in outdoor environments?
1. small shaded parking areas or carports 2. grass ground covers adjacent to dwelling units
3. tree shaped roadways and parking areas 4. parking areas adjacent to dwelling units
a. 2,3,4 b. 1,2,4 c. all d. 1,2,3
what should be the min. radius free of parking of a cul-de-sac
a. 60 ft b. 40 ft c. 50 ft d. 30 ft
which of the ff characterizes a gemeinschaft community?
a. transitory sort of secondary group contacts predominates b. urban environment
c. primary group of contacts predominate d. business like relationships prevail
in general, any place affects people thru their senses, hence, these senses are impt in landscape design. w/c of
these senses may NOT be very impt in this case?
a. taste b. touch c. smell d. sight
when was the 1st zoning law enacted in the US?
a. 1916 b. 1945 c. 1900 d. 1930
in hierarchy of street types, w/c of the ff describes res'l streets?
a. circumventing neighborhoods b. pick up traffic from local res'l streets in 1 neighborhood
c. major arteries and inter- neighborhood streets d. solely for residential area served
in the increase of urban population, w/c of the ff factors indicate rural areas having achieved urban status?
a. natural increase b. reclassification c. outmigration d. net migration
where is the origin of the law of the indies as a planning regulation?
a. england b. france c. portugal d. spain
who is the advocate of the broadacre city of city planning?
a. le corbusier b. soria y mata c. ebenezer howard d. frank lloyd wright
w/c of the element of the city is the center of activity?
a. landmark b. node c. edge d. pathway
what is the diff between a condominium and a housing cooperative?
a. both have individual titles to land b. both have individual titles to housing unit
c. a condominium has individual ownership, housing cooperative has group ownership
d. housing cooperative has individual ownership, condominium has group ownership
identify the illustrated arch'l masterpiece by Marcel Breuer
a. unesco secretariat bldg, paris b. legislative assembly bldg, chandigarh
c. parliament bldg, brasilia d. city hall, boston
identify the illustrated arch'l masterpiece by Eero Saarinen
a. palazzetto dello sports bldg, rome b. TWA terminal Kennedy Airport
c. legislative assembly bldg, chandigarh d. unesco secretariat bldg, paris
January 1998
with regards to relationship of structure to architecture, w/c of the ff describes adequate structure?
a. exaggerated elements b. mat'ls used below max. load bearing capacity
c. uses least amount of material d. focuses on novelty of form
what type of distance is that w/c is psychological and is indicated by a hidden band that contains 2 or more
individuals in a group?
a. flight distance b. social distance c. critical distance d. personal distance
w/c of the ff explains the mechanism by w/c the concept of territoriality operates, particularly in animals?
a. prevents communication w/ each other b. insures propagation of species by controlling density
c. coordinates individual activities and separates them (individual) in groups
d. provides a frame in w/c things are done – places to learn, play or hide
what do you call the doctrine that has 2 extremes. One that is a bldg, cant be beautiful unless it answers its function
in the most simple and direct way – and that, if a bldg answers its function in the most simple and direct way, it will
automatically be beautiful
a. aesthetics b. sensitivity c. functionalism d. durability
what type of art outlines the crude realities of life, like filthy dustbins, mud, dirty works, and vulgar situations
a. dirty b. modern c. free d. pop
what is referred to as a chinese geomancy originally called “ under the canopy of heaven”?
a. si chi b. ba-gua c. sheng chi d. feng shui
w/c of the ff describes frame construction as a structural system?
a. use of upright posts b. spanned by horizontal element
c. results in cage like arrangement of parts thru repetition d. all
which sensual type enables one to identify materials at a distance?
a. thermal b. kinesthetic c. visual d. auditory
“Unity disguised as chaos – complexity and contradiction are often what make works of art both exciting and
profound” is a dictum by
a. robert venturi b. philip johnson c. michael graves d. kenzo tange
who is the advocate of the city of tomorrow concept of city planning?
a. le corbusier b. soria y mata c. ebenezer howard d. frank lloyd wright
which of the ff describe DISTRICTS as an element on the image of the city?
a. component neighborhoods (res'l areas) b. prominent visual features
c. centers of activities d. recreational areas
which of the ff illustrates concept of housing?
1. consumer product 2. biological institution 3. social /economic process 4. industrial park
a. 1,2,3 b. 1,2,4 c. all d. 2,3,4
which agency is tasked with the implementation and enforcement of registration of subdivision and condominium
dealers, brokers, and salesmen?
a. HLURB b. DTI c. NHA d. PRC
which of the ff population characteristics are impt considerations to determine housing needs?
a. all b. socioeconomic characteristics c. migration/outmigration d. overcrowding
under PD 957, what is the min % reqt of open space for a density ratio of 60 – 100?
a. 10 b. 25 c. 30 d. 20
what type of planning is developed for the improvement of capabilities of a nation's institutions and value system to
meet increasing and diff demands whether they be social, political, or economic?
a. environmental planning b. devt planning c. national planning d. policy planning
which of the ff are 3 basic subdivision designs?
1. gridiron 2. radial on gridiron 3. curvilinear 4. cluster w/ open space 5. radial superblock
a. 3,4,5 b. 1,3,4 c. 2,3,5 d. 1,2,4
under PD 957, w/c of the ff is NOT necessary in determining the suitability of site for economic/socialized housing?
a. physical suitability b. availability of basic needs c. slope d. conformity w/ nat'l devt plan
w/c of the ff is NOT considered as a criterion in selecting industrial estates in the Phils.
a. existing infrastructure b. availability of natural resources
c. physical boundary d. availability of labor
under w/c major component of comprehensive or master plan are industrial uses included?
a. community facilities plan b. land use plan
c. public utilities / related services plan d. circulation / transportation plan
w/c of the ff identify the public purpose/s for w/c land use controls are employed
a. regulate land non use or disuse b. all
c. curb land misuse to protect public interest d. guide land use to promote community devt
w/c of the ff identify the public purpose/s for w/c land use controls are employed
1. guide land use to promote community devt 2. curb land misuse to protect public interest
3. prevent land abuse 4. regulate land non use or disuse 5. all
a. 5 b. 1,2,4 c. 1,2,3 d. 2,3,4
among hierarchy of street types, w/c of the ff describes local collector streets?
a. pick up traffic from local res'l streets in 1 neighborhood b. circumventing neighborhoods
c. major arteries and inter-neighborhood streets d. solely for residential area served
in addition to expressways / highways, the hierarchy of street types consists of 3 basic categories. Which type
includes major arteries and inter-neighborhood streets?
a. local collector streets b. local residential streets
c. major collector streets d. circumferential streets
w/c of the ff characterizes a gesellschaft community
a. transitory sort of secondary group contact prevails b. rural environment
c. primary group contact dominates d. intimate neighborly relationships prevail
w/c of the ff describes urban land use?
1. spatial distribution of city functions 2. visualizing human activity patterns requiring space
3. visualizing human activity patterns in terms of physical facilities / land improvement
4. regulating spaces using activities thru people / value systems 5. all
a. 2,3,4 b. 1,2,3 c. 5 d. 1,3,4
w/c of the ff population characteristics are important in determining housing need?
a. socioeconomic characteristics b. overcrowding
c. all d. ???
w/c of the ff indicates good site planning?
a. best orientation b. maximized land use /space c. efficient circulation d. all
in the illustration on SPACE INTER RELATIONSHIP NETWORK for a small bank, w/c spaces have to consider
PROXIMITY as essential?
a. 1 & 8 b. 1 & 2 c. 1 & 4 d. 1 & 6
identify the masterpiece by Costa and Niemeyer
a. unesco secretariat bldg b. city hall, boston
c. parliament bldg, brasilia d. legislative bldg, chandigarh
January 1999
what art principle shows the relationships of arch'l elements and is usually derived from the human body or its parts
as the basis of measurement system?
a. contrast b. balance c. volume d. scale
which of the ff _____ classification of structure in relation to architecture?
a. used for archt's particular esthetic thought b. exaggerated elements
c. reflects non efficient use of material d. all listed items
What will be the result if two complementary colors are mixed in proper amounts in the pigment pot?
Black white brown gray
Which of the following factors should be considered in color selection as affected by light?
functions of room all listed items lighting arrangements location
What type of structure uses materials not necessarily efficiently and where much of it is utilized below its maximum
load-bearing capacity? This is the type in which the structure of most buildings should be placed.
minimal structure formal or sculptured structure pretentious structure adequate structure
Which of the following relates to the basic concept of territoriality?
provision of same home base all listed items protection/evolution of speciesprevention of parasites
What is another term for human engineering which is applied science concerned with characteristics of people that
need to be considered designing and arranging things that they use in order that people and things will interact most
effectively and safely?
Ergonomics ertogenics ecology proxemics
Which sensual type affects placement of rooms which could limit unpleasant odors?
Kinesthetic visual olfactory auditory
Which of the following describes the art aspect of architecture?
none of listed items rational structure logical structure utilitarian structure
What type of urban form is the most frequently found in many cities, which is a large circle with radial corridors of
intense development emanating from the center?
Radiocentric ring rectilinear star
in the early years of city planning, who advocated principles of neighborhood planning
a. ebenezer howard b. clarence perry c. charles abrams d. doxiadis
What type of urban ecological process in land use planning patterning in cities or communities is defined as the
entrance of new population and/or facilities into an occupied area?
Succession concentration invasion decentralization
what type of urban ecological process in land use patterning refers to clustering of certain specialized institutions,
activities, and facilities?
a. centralization b. invasion c. concentration d. decentralization
what part of basic data and planning studies in a comprehensive devt plan describes the physical setting of the
community or region?
a. economic base study b. land use survey & inventory
c. man made features d. history & geography
accdg to classification of cities, an industrial city is one in which the dominance of manufacturing w/c should be
more than 50% is balanced by a substantial retail trade ratio (%). what is the ratio?
a. 40 b. 45 c. 30 d. 35
which urban ecological process in city land use patterning refers to increase of population at certain geographic
a. concentration b. decentralization c. succession d. centralization
which elements of the city are composed of component neighborhoods – the center, uptown, in-town, residential
areas, etc?
a. districts b. edges c. pathways d. nodes
what part of basic data and planning studies in a comprehensive devt plan describes existing physical features and
street system?
a. economic base studies b. sociocultural data c. man made features d. history & geography
which of the ff. Indicates good site planning
1. maximized land use/space 2. efficient circulation
3. best orientation 4. social disorganization 5. all items listed
a. 5 b. 1,2,3 c. ? d. 2,3,4
where did condominium as a solution to the problem of scarcity and high cost of urban land originate?
a. italy b. france c. USA d. england
what type of urban form is usually the result of natural topography w/c restricts growth of the result of a
transportation spine?
a. ring b. radiocentric c. rectilinear d. linear
which of the ff considerations is/are important considerations in site planning?
a. attractiveness of landscape b. usability of space
c. economies in provision of utilities d. all listed items
which of the ff population characteristics are important in determining housing need?
a. all b. overcrowding c. migration d. new family formation
which of the ff gives a POSITIVE view?
a. blank walls of industrial areas b. billboards c. elevated highways d. large public parks
what type of urban ecological process in city land use patterning is described as the result of a complete invasion
and where the majority of the population and / or facilities of an area are replaced by a new type?
a. succession b. renewal c. decentralization d. invasion
which of the ff describes future housing need?
a. all b. housing backlog c. housing to be replaced d. housing for new family formation
which of the ff illustrates the concept of housing?
a. consumer product b. all c. biological institution d. social / economic process
which component of a comprehensive master plan delineates railroad lines and terminals?
a. land use plan b. community facilities plan
c. circulation transportation plan d. public utilities / related services plan
what do you call the system w/c coordinates the dimensions of all bldgs themselves, as well as w/ the dimensions of
the bldgs to be erected in order to reduce the cost of construction?
a. prefabricated system b. component coordinating system
c. modular coordination system d. bldg technology system
in the illustration on SPACE INTER RELATIONSHIP NETWORK for a small bank, w/c spaces have to consider
PROXIMITY as DESIRABLE, but NOT very necessary?
a. 5 & 6 b. 3 & 4 c. 4 & 8 d. 4 & 8
what do you call the illustration on freeway configuration?
a. 4 level interchange b. diamond interchange c. universal interchange d. clover leaf interchange


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