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Name : Muhammad Jundi Sholihuddin Adz-dzikri

Class : B
Date : Thursday, 30 July 2020

Is Modern Culture bad for Our Cluture?

in my opinion, the negative impact of foreign culture on Indonesian society, especially

among adolescents, has reached an alarming stage, because there is a tendency for

adolescents to forget the culture of their own people. culture goes along or talkative about

how to dress for example teenagers don't want to be old-fashioned, If you do not follow the

western style of the village dress because it is considered modern, trendy and keep up with

the times, even though it shows its genitals that are prohibited by religious teachings or

contrary to the customs of Indonesian society for generations. apart from how to dress and

fashion, promiscuity and fun in adolescents, which are seen as deviant behavior, both

religiously and socially are also a problem for culture in Indonesia. Indonesian teenagers

generally behave in a bandwagon without being selective in accordance with their religious

values and customs. teenagers also feel that culture in their own country seems far from

modernization. so that teenagers feel proud if they do not keep up with the times, even

though they are contrary to the values of religious and cultural teachings. so in the end

teenagers prefer western culture, compared to our own culture.

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