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culture that is accepted and enjoyed by the majority of

global society, including lifestyle, music, ideas, even hobbies, and more. Due to
globalization, technology is increasing, including the role of the mass media where it is
the mass media that plays a major role in the spread of new cultures or foreign cultures
which are then known as pop culture.

The development of pop-culture conditions causes a socio-cultural problem in

Indonesia, because Indonesian people will tend to imitate western life as well as the life
of foreign people who often conflict with the values and norms that apply to their society.
This is what then can also cause a culture shock or culture shock.

1) Culture Shock or Culture Shock

The occurrence of a culture shock is usually marked by social and cultural changes
such as habits, beliefs about the values and norms that exist in society. The norms that
were previously valid and became a guideline for community members are increasingly
fading their presence and bonds. Culture shock also occurs a lot in the lives of Indonesian
people, for example, there are socio-cultural problems involving the lives of children and
parents, one of which is the waning of the habit of greeting and kissing parents' hands
when traveling or asking for blessings. The existence of culture shock also causes the
emergence of a cultural gap in society.

2) Culture Lag or Cultural Gap

The fading of a value or norm that applies in society to become a guideline for the
lives of its members, is also likely to cause a violation of the norms or rules to the
applicable law. Changes in habits adopted by community members lead them to different
ideas or different mindsets. As an example of social inequality in the community and
cultural gaps such as, an action or deed that was initially considered wrong based on
values and norms in society is now actually believed or
carried out to become a habit that is considered right.
3) Changes in Work Patterns

Globalization also brings changes or profound influences on economic aspects and

the world of work, such as the pattern of knowledge-based international trade. So that
only those who have skills and knowledge are looking for workers, which means that
having skills alone is not enough. This triggers socio-cultural problems such as increasing
unemployment rates because they cannot meet international work standards. The
situation is that there are many unemployed people like what happened in Indonesia, as
well as the range of increasing poverty levels that occur in a country.

4) Rising Individualism

The existence of globalization has indeed increased the opportunity for an individual to
organize and determine his own life, because globalization is also closely related to the
importance of every human right. Therefore the emergence of a socio-cultural problem in
society, namely the increasing nature of individualism, or also prioritizing self-interest
over common interests. Even so, it needs to be understood again that humans are born as
social beings, which means they cannot live alone and always need the help of others in
achieving common goals and interests.

The nature of individualism is an example of action as a social being that is not in

accordance with social values and norms that can be self-defeating, but it cannot be
denied that as the times progress, the nature of individualism in society also develops,
because everyone definitely wants a better life than others. other. This situation can
actually also lead to more serious socio-cultural problems, such as conflicts between
individuals, unfair competition, social jealousy, and so on.

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