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Design thinking is a method used

to solve a problem in a creative and practical way. So,

in a software development team, the team will seek
and understand the problems experienced by users and
define what solutions are suitable and effective for
solving these problems.

After knowing the meaning, now we will discuss the
benefits. The following are the benefits you can get:

- Can be applied to various types of companies.

- Can create new innovations.
- Save cost.
- Can reduce the time for the design process.
Design Thinking is an iterative process in which we
seek to understand the user, challenge assumptions,
and redefine the problem to identify previously unseen
alternative strategies.
Design Thinking is an iterative
process in which we seek to understand the user,
challenge assumptions, and redefine problems in an
attempt to identify alternative strategies and solutions
that may not have been apparent to our initial
understanding. At the same time, Design Thinking
provides a solution-based approach to solving
problems. Design Thinking is a way of thinking and
working and a set of hands-on methods.

Design Thinking is based on a strong interest in

developing an understanding of the people we target in
designing products or services. Can help us analyze
and develop empathy for our target users. Design
Thinking helps us in the questioning process: asking
the problem, asking the existing assumptions, and
asking the impact. Design Thinking is very useful in
solving very complex or unknown problems, by
reframing the problem from a human perspective,
generating multiple ideas in brainstorming sessions,
and adopting a hands-on approach in initial design and
pilot testing. Design Thinking also
includes a process of continuous experimentation:

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