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Journey mapping
Empathy mapping
Video ethnography
Indepth interview
2. Ideation
The goal of Ideation is to generate a large number of ideas — ideas that potentially inspire newer, better
ideas — that the team can then cut down into the best, most practical and innovative ones. The main aim
of the Ideation stage is to use creativity and innovation in order to develop solutions. By expanding the
solution space, the design team will be able to look beyond the usual methods of solving problems in
order to find better, more elegant, and satisfying solutions to problems that affect a user's experience of a
Advantages: -

 Ask the right questions and innovate.

 Step beyond the obvious solutions and therefore increase the innovation potential of your solution.
 Bring together perspectives and strengths of team members.
 Uncover unexpected areas of innovation.
 Create volume and variety in your innovation options.
 Get obvious solutions out of your heads, and drive your team beyond them.

Methods: -

 Brainstorm
 Braindump
 Mindmap
 Storyboard
 Affinity Mapping

Divergent thinking opens the imagination to all possibilities, while convergent thinking analyzes and
chooses from among those possibilities. In a sense, divergent and convergent thinking are the Yin and
Yang of creative problem solving. Neither is superior to the other – simply more appropriate for the task
at hand. Divergent thinking allows a group to generate as many fresh, new ideas as possible in a short
If divergent thinking is casting the widest net possible to capture new ideas, then convergent thinking can
be thought of as harvesting of the very best of catch. Convergent thinking is ideally suited for thoroughly
evaluating the merits of an idea, or seeing how well it holds up to scrutiny based on pre-established
criteria. We use convergent thinking to gain clarity, consider practical constraints, draw conclusions,
determine the bottom-line, and select the best ideas.
Divergent thinking is a method that is used to come up with creative ideas. It is usually a spontaneous,
free-flowing and nonlinear process, where many ideas are generated and explored over a short time. This
is done with little criticism and judgment to discover unexpected connections. If divergent thinking is like
spontaneous brainstorming, where imagination is set free and ideas are freely flowing and quickly
collected, then convergent thinking is the next step, where ideas are organized and structured.

3. Prototyping
It can make for a richer experience, bring the team closer together and cut down on time. 

a prototype is an early sample created to test a concept or process. They’re typically created to evaluate the

accuracy of assumptions made by the designers in the design process.

used to Test Ideas with Users quickly and take feedback to make further refinements. Building Prototype

brings life to the theoretical ideas for real time feedback.

Prototyping is a crucial part of the design process and is practiced widely across design disciplines. This way the

design team can see the beginning of the ideas brought to life.

The feedback from users is crucial and often shows flaws in the prototype which can then be reworked for a

stronger final product. With a prototype a designer can try their idea with users and see what’s working and what

isn’t. By prototyping and then testing, designers can reveal the assumptions that they have made and uncover

helpful insights that they can then use to improve their solution. 

Ways to protoype: -


Advantages: -

Better understanding of the design intent

Early changes save time and cost 

Clarity of Design

help you in getti ng relevant feedback on improving look and feel of the product

Validation before development 

Evaluate Technical Feasibility

User research and user testing

Gain first-hand insights

Identify any usability issues or design flaws before it’s too late

Make informed design decisions

Set concrete goals

 Let the real users experience what you have in mind rather than just explaining it and leaving it to imagination. Just

show them how it works. 

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