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TABLE 9 Ratio r for drag coefficient transition equations

Type of Cross
Method rm rr
16-sided 0.2752 0.4844
Method No. 1 12-sided 0.5975 0.7136 16-sided 16-sided
8-sided 0.8277 0.8774 r = 0.26 r = 0.625
RD = 0.9857 RD = 0.9927
Method No. 2 12-sided 0.26 0.75
Method No. 3 12-sided 0.50 1.00
16-sided 0.26 0.625
Method No. 4 12-sided 0.50 0.75
8-sided 0.75 1.00
Note: See Section 2.6.3 for description of methods.
12-sided 12-sided
r = 0.50 r = 0.75
RD = 0.9827 RD = 0.9913

shows the transitional limits provided in Table 9 for Method

4. The proposed transition equations are plotted in Figures 7
through 18 with bend radii of 2 and 4 inches, mean recur-
rence intervals of 50 and 25 years, and wind speed of 90 mph.
Tables 10 and 11 provide drag coefficients for various diame-
ters for Method 4. Percentage difference between the proposed
method and the multisided shape is provided also. When com- 8-sided 8-sided
paring the 2- and 4-inch bend radii, the change in the drag r = 0.75 r = 1.00
RD = 0.9798 RD = 1.0
coefficient is larger for the 4-inch bend radius and also affects
a large range of diameters.

2.6.4 Summary

A method was developed to determine the drag coefficient Figure 6. Transitional limits for Method 4.
for the transition from multisided to round shape. The pro-
posed method uses a linear transition equation with respect
to the variable r to interpolate between the drag coefficient range of multisided pole sections with different values for r
for round poles, Cdr , and the drag coefficient for multisided would be needed.
poles, Cdm . Four sets of constants (representing rm and rr) were
used in evaluating the transition equation. The limiting con-
stants of Method 4 are recommended for use. The accuracy 2.7 CONNECTION PLATE AND BASE PLATE
of the proposed design method, however, should be verified
through experimental results. Wind tunnel tests using a wide Current practices were reviewed to identify the need for
structure-specific connection plate and base plate flatness tol-
erances for erection. A survey of state departments of trans-
portation, manufacturers, and consulting engineers was made
Cdm to determine the current practice. The survey was studied to
determine a consensus of tolerances for specific structure
Drag Coefficient

Cdr types and connection details. Different tolerances for lighting,
traffic signal, and sign support structures were investigated.
Recommended tolerances based on the research findings are

rm rr 1.0 2.7.1 Survey Results

Eight state DOTs indicated that they specified tolerances
Figure 5. Proposed drag coefficient for multisided for flatness of base plates and connection plates for overhead
sections. (text continues on page 28)

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