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Social Science As An Embracing Concept

Yizleh Tatiana Maldonado Parra

National Open And Distance University


Author's note:

This video defines the broad-spectrum discipline of social science. Social

Science is made up of anthropology, geography, sociology, political science
and psychology. Soomo's video explains the questions each academic
discipline seeks to answer and how each comes together within our society

551034A_764 Didactics Of Social Science

Tutor: Juana Valentina Rozo



Video: “An animated introduction to Social Science”:

1. How does this course help me to articulate the social science in the
According to the video, this course will help me articulate the social sciences
in the classroom in a way to accept differences, that we are all different, that
we have different customs, ways of dressing, that we are physically
different, that we live in different places , that we like different things, that we
are of different races, that we do different things, that by accepting these
differences we are going to learn better, for example in English a topic is
provided to talk about this when we talk about festivals that can be provided
to articulate social sciences with English in the classroom because there
may be different students from different parts of Colombia and this will help
us to learn that societies are different at the same time that we are learning
2. How can I use the theory seen in the video nowadays?:
Well, as a future English teacher at this time, I can use the theory by giving
English advice to anyone who needs it, regardless of their sexuality, religion,
economic status, customs, culture, etc, because what the theory tells us is
that We are all part of the same society, this gives us to understand that we
are all the same, that obviously there are differences but that we must all be
treated with respect, that not because I interact with people other than
myself, I have to discriminate against them or not offer my help.
3. Do I consider economy is left out? Why do I think so?:
Yes, because the economics, though not listed is a social science. While
economics has to do with choices society has to make in the presence of
scarce resources and their structures. Obviously, those in power influence
society's choices, but all the same, economics also influences who gets into
power and their limits. The principles of economics are as noteworthy as
those of any other social science, and like them, humans are still just
scratching the surface of what there is to learn. Because economics is a
sub-set of political science: This goes back to the days when they were both
the same study known as Political Economy. The need to better understand
movements of money during the massive war mobilization started the
division of the studies, the Great Depression codified the split.
Video: “An animated introduction to Social Science”:

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