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Liann Aira B.

BSED- SS 1-1

Introduction to Social Studies

(A Reflection Paper)

Introduction is an essential part in learning any kind of academic discipline. It

provides basic fundamental knowledge that are necessary in studying a certain subject

in order for each student to move into the next phase of learning. Social Studies is one

of the complex disciplines that is both crucial in academic and in real-life aspect. It is

important to understand the Introduction of Social Studies in order for us, leaners to

avoid difficulties in learning the subject. The video presentation that I had watched

about the Introduction of Social Studies discussed significant building blocks of the

discipline and explain it in a very simple and easy way to understand. The video creator

uses a white plain background which help us to focus more while watching the video.

Moreover, the speed of transition of one topic to another is also moderate enough for us

to follow it. It is commendable how the creator of this video concise the introduction of

Social Studies in 3 minutes and 30 seconds despite of the complexity of the subject.

We are living in a modern world of information abundance, what we just

have to do is to scrutinize and utilized that diversified information that we have, similar

to the video presentation that I had watched. The video started in the definition of Social

Studies pertaining to the study of man and his environment. Most of the definition of

Social Studies is similar to the definition that the video presented which highlights the

study of human and the society. Furthermore, Social Studies focuses on understanding

the underlying connection between human and society and how it affects each other.
Thus, if we understand the interrelation of human, society and its natural environment it

would enable us to be more responsible in our action and personal decision which can

also affect the external environment and people that surround us. There are plenty of

reference in the internet that I can read to further understand the definition of social

studies that would also help me to apprehend more the discipline.

The Objective of Social Studies was also tackled in the video. The objective

mainly emphasizes the understanding of the different complex systems that coexist in

our society and how we could deal with it. Moreover, it stated that the aim of the Social

Studies for students that are specializing it is for us to be able to clearly understand the

intent of the subject. The objectives of any academic discipline must be learned by us,

students in order to evaluate and reflect after studying the subject. The aims of Social

Studies also focus on the application of knowledge in the society particularly in civics

education. We, as a student that specializes this discipline could asses our learnings by

applying it in our own community. We can gain experiences on the application process

and used those experiences to improve and develop more our skills and knowledge in

Social Studies.

Social Studies is an interdisciplinary subject which makes it even more complex.

The video mentioned various branches that was covered by Social Studies which

includes Anthropology, Economics, Geography, History, Political Science, Psychology

and Sociology. These branches help us students to understand more the different

facets in our complex human society and natural environment. In addition to that,

methods of learning Social Studies was also discussed on the video which involves;

enquiry method, observation method, fieldtrip method, learning through concepts and
discussion method. The scope and method that was stated on the video are vital in

learning this discipline. It helps me to know the cover of the subject and the course of

action that I should consider in order for me to deeply understand the discipline.

This basic fundamental knowledge that I earned after watching the video help me

to understand more the subject that I am specializing. Thus, it helps me also to gain

more knowledge in this subject that would be useful in studying this academic discipline.

Social Studies is an indeed a complex and broad discipline however, learning can be

easier if we utilize all the tools that the modern world brought to us in acquiring

knowledge for the benefits of the man and society.

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