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Nama : Naufal Nur Kusuma Rafid

NPM : _202112500487
Matkul : Active Reading
Kelas : R3G

A. Social Science
Moral Degeneration Becomes a Social Science Challenge in the Digital Age

Social science can be interpreted as all fields of knowledge regarding humans in

their social context or as members of society (MacKenzie, in Sumaatmadja, 1986: 22).
So that in general the study of social science is an aspect of human life in society.
Society itself is part of a social system in which it is a combination of several human
beings who are interrelated and influence each other, so that humans cannot live
without the help of others.

In the aspect of human life itself consists of: social interaction, culture, material
needs, education, norms and regulations, psychological attitudes and reactions,
geography, and so on. These aspects then produce social sciences (IIS) such as
Sociology, Anthropology, Economics, Education, Law, Social Psychology, Geography,
History, etc. In its development, social science is divided into sub-sciences, among
others anthropology, sociology, communication science, economics, geography
education science, history and political science (Dr. Mukminan, 2015: 4).

In the life of society social sciences have quite an important role in several
fields, such as the field of Education, the field of social services, the field of social
psychiatry, the field of politics, and other fields of science.

Suharyo Sumowidagdo, a physicist from the Indonesian Institute of Sciences

(LIPI), said social science will be relevant at any time, as long as there are still humans.
Unless all humans become robots, but that's impossible. However, it is undeniable that
in every changing era, the branches of knowledge will find their own challenges. The
challenges of social science in the digital era are no exception.

The rapid development of technology makes it easier for every class of society
to access anything, this era is called the digital era. In this digital era, it is undeniable
that it brings a new lifestyle for humans that cannot be separated from electronic
devices. This convenience certainly brings good/positive changes that are felt by the

1. Topic: Moral Degeneration Becomes a Challenge for Social Science in the

Digital Age.

2. Main Idea: Social science can be interpreted as all fields of knowledge

regarding humans in their social context or as members of society (MacKenzie,
in Sumaatmadja, 1986: 22). So that in general the study of social science is an
aspect of human life in society.

In the aspect of human life itself consists of: social interaction, culture, material
needs, education, norms and regulations, psychological attitudes and
reactions, geography, and so on. These aspects then produce social sciences
(IIS) such as Sociology, Anthropology, Economics, Education, Law, Social
Psychology, Geography, History, etc. In its development, social science is
divided into sub-sciences, among others anthropology, sociology,
communication science, economics, geography education science, history and
political science (Dr. Mukminan, 2015: 4).

3. Supporting Details: In social life, social sciences have an important role in

several fields, such as education, social services, social psychiatry, politics, and
other fields of science.

The rapid development of technology makes it easier for every class of society
to access anything, this era is called the digital era. In this digital era, it is
undeniable that it brings a new lifestyle for humans that cannot be separated
from electronic devices. This convenience certainly brings good/positive
changes that are felt by the community.

4. Types of paragraph: Expository Paragraph

B. Exact Sciences

Intelligence is Bhineka Tunggal Ika, not just exact sciences

Don't compare. Each head has a different intelligence. It doesn't mean that
people who are weak in mathematics, people who are weak in science are stupid. Do
not !!!. Why are smart people always associated with mathematics and science?, even
though human intelligence is different and cannot be seen from just one point of view.

Mathematical and logical intelligence, this intelligence is usually related to the

fields of science and arithmetic
Language intelligence, this language intelligence is usually owned by people who have
good linguistic skills and are intelligent in processing words

Musical intelligence, well, we can see from its name, it's called musical intelligence.
This musical intelligence is related to a person's sensitivity to sound and rhythm Body
intelligence, this intelligence is a person's intelligence in processing the body and
movement Self-intelligence, self-intelligence is intelligence to analyze itself. analyzing
himself means understanding and realizing what strengths he has and what
weaknesses he has Natural intelligence, natural intelligence is a form of our sensitivity
to the natural surroundings
Spiritual intelligence, this intelligence is high intelligence in interpreting self-existence
with the creator of the universe So from the nine intelligences we can conclude that
we should not demand the same intelligence of every human being. They are smart in
their respective fields. Not all heads who are low in mathematics, low in science also
have a low level of intelligence. Everyone has different innate. Everyone has various
potentials and cannot be demanded to be generalized.

Don't look down on anyone because they are low in terms of exact sciences,
because every human being has different intelligence. Remember it!

1. Topic: Intelligence is Bhineka Tunggal Ika, not just exact sciences.

2. Main idea: Mathematical Intelligence, Language Intelligence, Musical

Intelligence, Bodily Intelligence, Self Intelligence, Natural Intelligence, Spiritual
Intelligence, Etc.

3. Supporting details: Don't look down on anyone because they are low in
terms of exact sciences, because every human being has different intelligence.
Remember it!

4. Types of paragraph: Expository Paragraph

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