Flame Test

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Sodium sulfate Colour

w/ indicator Orange
Blue with tones of green and purple; green on
CuCl the edges, green at the end, purple at the tops.
Strontium Very light sparkly blue, hues of green
Potassium Red, pure red
chlordie Cute
Orangepink hues of
mainly, butpurple
lots ofatgreen
the start
and a little blue
Zinc potentially on the very edges
(V) Fireworks (sparky orange)
Lithium Blue hue; mostly orange and a little sparkies
chloride Hot pink/red;
Mainly yellow,tiny
orangeues a at
lot the end on the
, green
BaCl edges and a tiny bit of red at the end
Fe III Sulphate Tiny baby
Green the orange sparkles
orange,then red for a long time with
BaCl.2H2O strayshues
blue) of purple
of red and yellow towards the very
Calcium end, and orange
Really orangey red with blue green pink on
chloride edges, super cool
NaHCO3 Yellow
Zinc nitrate Yellow

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