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International Journal of Geotechnical Engineering

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Numerical modelling of rainfall effects on the

stability of soil slopes

Adarsh S. Chatra , G. R. Dodagoudar & V. B. Maji

To cite this article: Adarsh S. Chatra , G. R. Dodagoudar & V. B. Maji (2017): Numerical modelling
of rainfall effects on the stability of soil slopes, International Journal of Geotechnical Engineering,
DOI: 10.1080/19386362.2017.1359912

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International Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2017

Numerical modelling of rainfall effects on the stability of soil slopes

Adarsh S. Chatra  , G. R. Dodagoudar and V. B. Maji
Computational Geomechanics Laboratory, Geotechnical Engineering Division, Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Madras,
Chennai, India


High intensity rainfall leads to slope failures that are initially unsaturated. Rainfall is the main triggering Received 8 November 2016
factor for the slope failure; however, the denseness of the soil with associated soil properties has not Accepted 20 July 2017
received adequate attention on the stability of the slopes. In this study, the finite difference analysis
of transient water flow through unsaturated–saturated soil is carried out to study the effects of rainfall Unsaturated soil; rainfall
intensity and duration on pore pressure generation, degree of saturation, slope stability and shear strain intensity; soil slope; finite
increment during rainfall event. A parametric sensitivity analysis is performed considering three rainfall difference analysis; pore
intensities applied over the soil slopes consisting of three different soil states namely loose, medium
Downloaded by [University of Florida] at 07:48 04 August 2017

pressure; slope stability;

and dense. Results indicate that the rainfall affects the stability of loose and medium soil slopes much as saturated permeability; FLAC
compared to the dense soil slope. The rain-induced instability is much more in loose soil slope as compared
to the medium soil slope.

Introduction The physical processes of the infiltration of rainwater into

ground and its seepage through the soils have been utilised by
Slope failures and landslides are among the major natural dis-
many researchers (Green and Ampt 1911; Lumb 1962; Pradel
asters occurring more often in the world. The subject of sta-
and Raad 1993). However, some of these models do not take into
bility analysis of rain-induced failures in soil is an interesting,
account of sloping ground conditions, down-slope flows, rainfall
important and challenging one both from theoretical to practical
intensity and most importantly, the dependence of soil perme-
points of view in geotechnical engineering. The slope failures and
ability on moisture content (Ng and Shi 1998). The aforemen-
landslides occur when hillslopes become mechanically unsta-
tioned limitations have been addressed and taken into account in
ble, because of geologic and hydrogeologic processes and pose
Green and Ampt (1911) infiltration model and further integrated
a serious threat to human life and built environments in their
with the slope stability method to predict the safety, time and
proximity and along the runout of the mass movement. These
depth of failure of soil slopes subjected to rainfall infiltration
slope failures have become common geotechnical problems and
(Chen and Young 2006; Muntohar and Liao 2010). Although the
are most common in many countries such as Hong Kong, Italy,
infiltration slope stability model is capable of taking into account
Singapore, and India (Lumb 1975; Hendron and Patton 1987;
of infiltration, the model is not capable of generating the proper
Dodagoudar and Venkatachalam 2001; Rahardjo, Leong, and
shape of slip surface. The stress–strain information in the slope
Rezaur 2008; Jaiswal, van Westen, and Jetten 2011). In India, the
section is difficult to evaluate using the above models; however,
Nilgiris region has frequently confronted with the occurrence
the numerical models are capable of providing this information.
of slope failures and landslides during rainfall leading to sev-
In literature, a few numerical analyses have been performed to
eral casualties and loss of properties (Ganapathy, Mahendran,
assess the failure mechanism of slopes under rainfall (Ng and
and Sekar 2010). The process of rain water infiltration into the
Shi 1998; Gasmo, Rahardjo, and Leong 2000). Cai and Ugai
soil and its movement in unsaturated soils have been studied by
(2004) conducted finite element studies on the stability of slopes
hydrologists, geologists and geotechnical engineers by carrying
subjected to high intensity and longer duration rainfall. They
out the field and numerical investigations (Lumb 1962; Philip
concluded that the initial volumetric water content, saturated
1991; Iverson 2000; Ng et al. 2003; Tsaparas et al. 2003). The
permeability, matric suction, rainfall intensity and duration are
physics-based and numerical models are capable of reproducing
responsible for the increase in pore-water pressure and eventu-
the physical processes during rainfall infiltration and failure ini-
ally it affects the stability of slopes.
tiation in the variably saturated soils during the process of slope
Rahimi, Rahardjo, and Leong (2011) studied the influence of
failures and subsequent mass movement. Numerical modelling
rainfall patterns on high and low permeable soils subjected to
takes into account of various physical processes in the unsatu-
delayed, normal and advanced antecedent rainfall patterns. The
rated soil during rainfall and help in proper understanding of
results indicate that the low permeability soil is more affected
the failure mechanisms.

CONTACT  Adarsh S. Chatra,

© 2017 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

than the high permeability soil in terms of stability. Furthermore, Capillary forces above the groundwater table saturate the soil to
the rate of decrease in factor of safety (FOS) values for advanced short distance and above the capillary fringe unsaturated zone
patterns in rainfall is found to be more than the other rainfall pat- exists. The unsaturated zone exists till soil experiences satura-
terns. However, their study was restricted to pore-water pressure tion due to rainfall or flooding. The mathematical statement that
and FOS variation with time. Ali et al. (2014) investigated the describes the flow of water in a variably saturated soil is obtained
effects of different boundary conditions (slope angle, drainage by combining the statement of moisture conservation and the
of layer) on the failure time and failure depth subjected to vari- simplified momentum equation which is given by Darcy’s law
ous rainfall intensities. They concluded that the shallow failure (Chow, Maidment, and Mays 1988). The equation governing the
was observed for more permeable drained boundary, whereas one-dimensional flow of water in unsaturated soils is attributed
the deeper failure was observed for less permeable drainage to Richards (1931) and is given as
boundary. Xue et al. (2016) conducted coupled and uncoupled
𝜕𝜃 𝜕 𝜕𝜃
( )
analyses on the effect of long duration rainstorms on red-clay = D(𝜃) + k(𝜃) (1)
slopes in China. This study has indicated that the settlement is 𝜕t 𝜕z 𝜕z
observed at the slope surface for short duration rainstorm and where k(θ) = permeability of soil, θ = volumetric water content,
for longer duration rainstorm, non-uniform swelling of the slope z = elevation head, t = time, D(θ) = k(∂ω/∂θ) = soil water diffusiv-
is observed. No significant variation in pore-water pressure and ity and ω = suction head. Two unknown parameters in Equation
FOS values are detected for both the coupled and uncoupled (1) which need to be determined are permeability and diffusiv-
analyses. ity. These parameters are functions of volumetric water content
The study presented in this paper focuses on correlation which depend on the matric suction. The Richard’s equation is
Downloaded by [University of Florida] at 07:48 04 August 2017

between the stability of soil slopes and rainfall intensity and dura- highly non-linear and the soil parameters are dependent on the
tion. Uniform rainfall patterns are used in the numerical analysis flow variables which makes it difficult to obtain the analytical
of soil slopes with different durations and soil conditions. The solution. The matric suction is defined as the difference between
effects of hydraulic characteristics of soil, rainfall intensity and the pore air and pore-water pressures. The relationship between
duration on the stability of soil slopes of different densities viz. the water content in a soil and the pore-water pressure can be
loose, medium and dense are studied in detail. The main rainfall expressed in the form of volumetric moisture content vs. matric
events are applied to the slopes right after the application of the suction, known as the soil–water characteristic curve (SWCC).
antecedent rainfall. The antecedent rainfall is applied to simulate A widely used representation of the hydraulic characteristics of
the initial conditions prevalent just before the occurrence of the the unsaturated soils is the set of closed-form equations formu-
major rainfall events. This will be the case in most of the resid- lated by van Genuchten (1980), which are based on the capillary
ual soil slopes during rainfall in tropical and sub-tropical areas. model of Mualem (1976). The SWCC, the diffusivity and the
The variations in pore-water pressure in slopes under different permeability functions are expressed as
rainfalls are computed using finite difference analysis (FDA) of ( )
transient water flow through unsaturated soils. These pore-wa- 𝜃 − 𝜃r
ter pressures are then used along with the strength reduction
Θ = ( ) (2)
𝜃s − 𝜃 r
technique to calculate the FOS using FDA. All the finite dif-
ference computations have been performed using FLAC. The (1 − m) ks 1∕ − 1∕
( )

displacement characteristics of the slopes are also studied and D(𝜃) = ) Θ 2 m

are provided for the selected points of the slope cross section. 𝛼 m 𝜃s − 𝜃r
This information can be used to advantage while estimating the
[( )−m ( )m ]
1 1
amount of initial slide-mass likely to be involved in the slope × 1 − Θ ∕m + 1 − Θ ∕m −2
failure process.
[ ( )m ]2
1 1
Theoretical consideration k(𝜃) = ks kr = ks Θ ∕2 1 − 1 − Θ ∕m (4)
Improvements in understanding of the principles of water flow
in soils that connect soil behaviour to slope stability, improved where Θ = relative degree of saturation, ks and kr = saturated and
analytical procedures supplemented by rigorous examination of relative permeabilities, θs and θr = saturated and residual volu-
the mechanics of slope stability analyses, comparison with field metric water contents, α, m and θr are the empirical parameters of
behaviour and use of computers to perform thorough analyses hydraulic characteristics of the porous medium. The five param-
have led to the complete understanding of the stability of slopes eters viz. ks, θs, α, m and θr in which the saturated permeability
in soils under rainfall conditions. (ks) and saturated water content (θs) can directly be determined
from laboratory tests. The other parameters can be determined
by fitting the SWCC. The van Genuchten model is considered to
Fundamental flow equation
provide a better match to the experimental data.
The rain water approaching the ground surface can be divided
into three processes namely, surface moisture, subsurface or
Numerical modelling
unsaturated flow and groundwater flow. Soil is unsaturated
when the porous medium still has some of its voids occu- In order to simulate numerically the onset of rainfall-induced
pied by air, and saturated when the voids are filled with water. slope failures in variably saturated-unsaturated conditions, the

hydro-mechanically coupled transient analysis is required to be soils are obtained from the transient flow analysis. Then the FOS
formulated in a consistent manner. The two-dimensional finite calculations are performed utilising the SSR technique by pro-
different analysis for the transient water flow through unsatu- gressively reducing the shear strength of the material (cohesion
rated–saturated soils has been adopted earlier in the field of and friction) to bring the slope to a state of limiting equilibrium.
hydrology. In this study, the rainfall-induced instability analy- The soil slope is modelled using Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion.
sis of slopes is performed using a finite difference code, FLAC The SSR technique requires many trial runs with a trial factor of
(FLAC Manual 2011). The governing differential equations for safety Ftrial with the c′ and φ′ adjusted as given by
subsurface flow are expressed as
� 1 �
ctrial =
c (10)
[ ] [ ]
𝜃 𝜕Ps 𝜕𝜃s 𝜕𝜀
n s + = − + 𝜃s (5)
Ks 𝜕t 𝜕t 𝜕xi 𝜕t [ ]
𝜙�trial = tan−1 tan 𝜙� (11)
[ ] [ g
] Ftrial
𝜃g 𝜕Pg 𝜕𝜃g 𝜕qi 𝜕𝜀
n + = − + 𝜃g (6) The Ftrial value at which slope fails can be found using bracketing
Kg 𝜕t 𝜕t 𝜕xi 𝜕t
and bisection. Initially, upper and lower brackets are established.
where qis and qig = fluid flow of water and air, respectively, Ks The simulation for first Ftrial converges is considered as lower
and Kg = bulk modulus of water and air, respectively, θg = fluid bracket and non-convergence of Ftrial is taken as upper bracket.
saturation of air, Ps and Pg = pore-water and pore-air pressures, Further, a point midway between the convergence and non-con-
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respectively, n = porosity of soil and ε = volumetric strain. vergence are tested. If the simulation converges, the new value
The slope stability computations are carried out in the pres- is updated to the lower bracket and if the simulation does not
ent study using shear strength reduction (SSR) technique in converges; the upper bracket is replaced with the new value. The
FLAC. The shear strength contribution coming from the neg- process is repeated until the difference between the upper and
ative pore-water pressure in unsaturated soil is considered in lower brackets is less than a particular value.
the stability analysis. For this purpose, Bishop’s effective stress
formula is used (Bishop 1959):
( ) ( ) Stability analysis using FLAC
𝜎 � = 𝜎 − P g + 𝜒 Pg − P s (7) Slope geometry and boundary conditions

where σ′ = effective normal stress, σ = total normal stress and In this study, the slope geometry, mechanical and hydraulic
χ = parameter which is function of soil type and degree of sat- properties that are given in Cai and Ugai (2004) are considered.
uration and it’s values varies between zero and unity. The shear Figure 1 shows the homogeneous slope of silty sand having spe-
strength of soil is expressed as cific slope geometry and boundary conditions. The slope angle
of 33.7°, slope height of 10 m and initial height of groundwater
𝜏max = c � + 𝜎 � tan 𝜙� (8) table from the bottom of the slope is taken as 4 m in the analysis.
where τmax  =  shear strength of unsaturated soil,  c′  =  effective The boundary conditions utilised for the seepage analysis are also
cohesion of soil, ϕ′ = angle of internal friction of soil shown in Figure 1. The three main rainfall events with intensities
Substituting Equation (7) in Equation (8) we get the following (i.e. boundary fluxes), I = 0.1 ks, 1 ks and 10 ks are applied to the
equation: surface of slope right after the application of a particular ante-
cedent rainfall during the stability analysis of rain-induced slope
instability. Along the sides of the slope below the water table, a
( ) ( )
𝜏 max = c � + 𝜎 − Pg tan 𝜙� + 𝜒 Pg − Ps tan 𝜙� (9)
boundary condition equal to total head is applied.
Traditionally, slope stability analysis is analysed using limit equi-
librium approach. Over the years, finite element/finite differ- Initial conditions
ence method with shear strength reduction (SSR) technique has
been applied to the practical slope stability analysis (Zienkiewicz, Firstly, an antecedent total rainfall of 2000  mm prior to the
Humpheson, and Lewis 1975; Ugai 1989; Dawson, Roth, and main rainfall event is applied to the surface of slope for one
Drescher 1999; Griffiths and Lane 1999). Studies have shown that year in order to simulate the antecedent groundwater condi-
the SSR technique is a reliable and robust approach to assess the tions in the slope section. The pore-water pressure, degree of
safety factor of the slope and locating the corresponding critical saturation, shear strain, displacement, etc. are evaluated at the
slip surface. One of the main advantages of the SSR technique end of the main rainfall events. The plots corresponding to the
is that the failure surface is found automatically through the above parameters are drawn against the depth from the slope
zones within the material where shear stresses overcome the surface at the selected locations in the top and bottom portions
shear strength of the material. The SSR technique does not have of the slope sections, Section x–x and y–y (Figure 1). Initially,
the concept of slices, hence there is no need for the assumption the pore-water pressure distribution near the soil surface, after
about inter slice side forces. the application of antecedent rainfall prior to the main rainfall
The analysis of the rain-induced slope instability is carried event, is different for different soils depending on the denseness
out using FLAC in plain strain mode. The pore-water pressures of the soil. Bowles (1997) suggested the equivalent density and
needed in the calculation of shear strength of the unsaturated friction angle for different relative densities for the granular soils

Figure 1. Slope geometry and boundary conditions for a homogeneous slope.

having very loose to very dense state. The density values adopted Table 1. Soil properties of the silty sand.
in the present study are taken from Bowles (1997). Lee and Singh Soil ks (m/s) γd (kN/m3) n (−) φ′ (°) ψ (°)
(1971) proposed an approximate relation between the relative Loose 1 × 10−6 15 0.4339 30 0
Downloaded by [University of Florida] at 07:48 04 August 2017

compaction and relative density as Medium 1 × 10−7 17 0.3584 34 0

Dense 1 × 10−8 19 0.2829 39 9
Rc = 80 + 0.2 Dr (12)
where Rc is the relative compaction and Dr is the relative density.
Table 2. Engineering and hydraulic properties of the soil (after Cai and Ugai 2004).
From the densities adopted in the study, the corresponding rela-
tive densities are obtained for the loose, medium and dense soils. Parameter Value
The resulting changes in the initial FOS values, Fi, are plotted in Young’s modulus (MPa), E 100
terms of the normalised FOS, i.e. Fn = Fi/Fs, where Fs is the FOS Poisson’s ratio, υ 0.3
Cohesion (kPa), c′ 8
evaluated during the analysis. In order to have a comparable data, Shape parameter, m 0.4475
the normalised safety factor, Fn defined as the FOS at each time Scaling suction (kPa), P0 1.411
step to the initial FOS (Rahimi, Rahardjo, and Leong 2011), is Residual saturation, θr 0.049
used in the study.

Soil properties
The three different soil types namely loose, medium and dense
are considered to the study the response of silty sand slope sub-
jected to three different main rainfall events. The properties of
all these soil types are given in Table 1, in which ks = saturated
permeability, γd = dry unit weight, n = porosity, φ′ = friction angle
and ψ = dilation angle.
The shear strength and soil hydraulic properties as given in
(Cai and Ugai 2004) are kept constant for all the cases to ensure
that the changes in stability of slopes are only attributed to the
changes in denseness of the soil. Table 2 gives the engineering
and hydraulic properties of the soil slope. Figure 2 shows the soil
water characteristic curve of soil.

Results and discussion Figure 2. The soil water characteristic curve of soil (Cai and Ugai 2004).

The three typical rainfall intensities that are possible in residual

soil slopes, i.e. I = 0.1, 1, 10 ks are applied on the slope section The pore-water pressure at time, t  =  0  h represents the
to study the effects of rainfall intensities on the stability. Before pore-water pressure measured after the antecedent rainfall. After
the application of these main rainfall intensities, an antecedent the application of main rainfall event, the increase in pore-water
rainfall of 2000 mm in one-year period is applied over the slope pressure is observed for the loose and medium soils. Due to the
section. The above-mentioned rainfall intensities are applied lower values of the saturated permeability and porosity corre-
over the homogeneous soil slopes having three different densi- sponding to the dense soil, the water did not infiltrate during
ties namely loose, medium and dense. The corresponding relative the rainfall and it flowed as surface runoff. The results in the
densities for the loose, medium and dense soils are 0.15, 0.4 and form of variations in pore-water pressure distribution, degree of
0.73, respectively. saturation, shear strain increment and displacements at Section
Downloaded by [University of Florida] at 07:48 04 August 2017

Figure 3. (a) Variation of pore pressure at crest for Section x–x with I = 0.1 ks, (b) Variation of pore pressure at Section y–y, 2 m from toe with I = 0.1 ks, (c) Variation of pore
pressure at crest for Section x–x with I = 1 ks, (d) Variation of pore pressure at Section y–y, 2 m from toe with I = 1 ks, (e) Variation of pore pressure at crest for Section x–x
with I = 10 ks, (f) Variation of pore pressure at Section y–y, 2 m from toe with I = 10 ks.

x–x and y–y are provided. The FOS values with varying rainfall pore-water pressures with rainfall duration (i.e. time) for a rain-
duration are obtained and provided in the form of plots. The plots fall intensity, I = 0.1 ks. For the slope section with loose soil con-
depicting the critical slip surfaces are also given along with the dition [see Figure 3(a)], at the crest of the slope (Section x–x),
shear strain increment. the pore pressure increases gradually from −5.6 kPa at 0 h rainfall
The following abbreviations are used in the figures: L = loose to −0.90 kPa at 84 h rainfall. For the slope section with medium
soil, M = medium soil, D = dense soil, pp = pore-water pres- soil condition, the variation in pore pressure is not observed
sure, FOS  =  factor of safety, Fi/Fs  =  initial FOS/FOS during at a depth of 2 m from the crest of the slope. For the slope sec-
analysis, sat = degree of saturation, ssi = shear strain increment, tion with dense soil conditions, no change in pore pressure is
Xdisp = Horizontal displacement, Ydisp = Vertical displacement. observed all along the depth of the slope at Section x–x. The
These abbreviations are used in the figures: for example, L_0h_ pore pressure remains constant for dense soil throughout the
pp_0.1ks_xx can be taken as – Loose soil with rainfall intensity duration of the rainfall (84 h). This is mainly due to the lower
of 0.1 ks depicting pore-water pressure at Section x–x of Figure permeability and porosity thereby restricting the infiltration of
3. Similarly all other abbreviations are used accordingly and are water in the slope.
self-explanatory. Figure 3(b) shows the variation of pore pressure for the case
Suradi and Fourie (2014) conducted the parametric studies of loose, medium and dense soil conditions at Section y–y, 2 m
on the Jabiru slope, Australia, considering uniform rainfall inten- from the toe with I = 0.1 ks. The variations in pore pressures at
sities. It is noted that the upper bound (I = 4 ks) to lower bound the surface of the slope near to toe for the loose, medium and
(I = 0.25 ks) intensities are sensitive to the rate of decrease in dense soil conditions are −3, −4 and −4.4 kPa, respectively, at
FOS towards minimum FOS. It is concluded that the rainfall time t = 0 h. At time t = 84 h, the pore pressure values for the
intensities higher than the upper bound do not increase the rain- loose, medium and dense soil conditions are 0, 0.82 and −3.7 kPa,
water infiltration, whereas the rainfall intensities lower than the respectively.
lower bound cannot saturate the surface soils. The three rainfall Figure 3(c)–(f) depict the variations of pore pressure with
intensities considered in this study are representative of the lower depth for I  =  1 ks and I  =  10 ks, respectively, for all the three
and upper bound intensities occurring in the present study area. soil conditions. The difference in magnitude of pore pressure
variations for I  =  1 and 10 ks is negligible. The pore pressure
variation at the crest of the slope and at a depth of 4 m from
Effect of rainfall on pore-water pressure generation
the crest (Section x–x) for the loose soil condition having I = 1
An antecedent total rainfall of 2000 mm (I = 6.43 × 10−8 m/s) ks increases gradually from −5.6 to −6 kPa at t = 0 h to 0.3 and
is applied to the slope section up to one-year period in order 21 kPa at t = 17 h, respectively. The gain in pore pressure at the
to simulate the antecedent groundwater conditions prior to the slope surface and at a depth of 4 m from the crest of the slope
main rainfall event. Figure 3(a) and (b) show the evolution of (Section x–x) are 100 and 128%, respectively, and is responsible

for the reduction of the FOS of slope to 0.92. It can be stated that shown in Figure 4(a)–(d). The rate of decrease in FOS values for
a rain storm of intensity, I = 1 ks occurring for 17 h of duration the loose and medium soils is rapid till 48 and 12 h, respectively,
is responsible for inducing instability in the slope with loose soil for the rainfall intensity of 0.1 ks [see Figure 4(a)]. For the case
conditions. This particular rainfall event can be considered as a of dense soil slope, the FOS values remain unchanged over the
triggering event for the slope under consideration. entire duration of the rainfall and for the medium soil slope; the
The pore pressures at the surface of the slope near to toe at FOS values remain constant after 12 h of rainfall.
time t = 0 h are −3.5, −3.9 and −4.4 kPa, respectively, for the slope Figure 4(b) and (c) show the variations of FOS values with
sections with loose, medium and dense soil conditions. After the time for the intensity of rainfall equal to 1 and 10 ks, respectively.
application of rainfall intensity of 1 ks, at time t = 17 h, the pore For both the intensities, the magnitude and trends of FOS val-
pressures are observed to be 0.47, 0.46 and −3.6  kPa, respec- ues with time is similar. It can be observed that for I = 1 ks and
tively, for the slope sections with loose, medium and dense soil I = 10 ks, the variations of pore pressures [see Figure 3(b) and
conditions. It is seen from Figure 3(c) and (d) that for the slope (c)] and FOS values are almost same. For further analysis, the
section with loose soil condition, there is 113.5% increase in the rainfall intensities, I = 0.1 ks and I = 1 ks are only considered for
pore pressure and for the medium soil the increase is 111.6%. the loose and medium soil slope sections. For the slope section
The increase in pore pressures at Sections x–x and y–y further with loose soil condition, a FOS of 1.7 was obtained at the end
increases the wetting front depth with time thereby bringing the of antecedent rainfall duration. For the same slope with rainfall
slope to the point of instability. In the case of dense soil slope, intensity, I = 1 ks, at the end of 17 h of rainfall, the FOS value
no major differences in the pore pressure values are observed. reduced to 0.92 thereby inducing the instability in the slope. This
This is attributed to the lower permeability and porosity of the situation can be considered as a rain-induced slope failure for
Downloaded by [University of Florida] at 07:48 04 August 2017

dense soil. the slope under consideration.

Rahimi, Rahardjo, and Leong (2011) proposed a normal-
ised FOS in order to compare the low conductivity and high
Effect of rainfall on stability of slope
conductivity soils subjected to different rainfall patterns. A
The changes in FOS values with rainfall duration for the slope similar attempt has been made in the present study to compare
sections having loose, medium and dense soil conditions are the FOS values for loose, medium and dense soil slopes with

Figure 4. (a) Variation of factor of safety with time for I = 0.1 ks, (b) Variation of factor of safety with time for I = 1 ks, (c) Variation of factor of safety with time for I = 10 ks,
(d) Normalised factor of safety with time for I = 0.1 and 1 ks.

three different rainfall intensities. Figure 4(d) shows the nor- applied rainfall intensity of 0.1 ks (i.e. 1 × 10−8 m/s) is smaller
malised safety factors for the three slope sections with three than the antecedent rainfall intensity of 6.43 × 10−8 m/s which
different rainfall intensities. For the intensity of rainfall equal results in the decrease of the degree of saturation.
to 0.1 times, the saturated permeability of the loose, medium A variation of degree of saturation with rainfall duration is
and dense soil slopes, the reduction in FOS values is 15, 10 and shown in Figure 5(c) and (d) for the rainfall intensity equal to
0.7%, respectively. saturated permeability of the soil. The degree of saturation along
The decrease in FOS values for the slopes with loose, medium Section x–x reduces from 15% at the surface to 7% at a depth of
and dense soil conditions for I = 1 and 10 ks is 45, 17 and 0.7%, 1 m for the loose soil at t = 0 h. There after the degree of satura-
respectively, from their corresponding initial values. It is seen tion remains constant along the depth. At t = 17 h of rainfall, the
from the results that a negligible decrease in the FOS value is soil along the depth is completely saturated. At rainfall duration
noted for the case of dense soil slope. The normalised FOS of of 17 h, the increase of pore-water pressure caused the slope to
0.55 for the loose soil slope comes under the failed state as this fail by fully developing the critical slip surface. For I = 1 ks, the
value corresponds to a FOS of less than 1. degree of saturation for the medium soil condition is 98% at
t = 0 h up to a depth of 1 m from the crest of the slope. For the
remaining depth 1 to 4  m, the degree of saturation decreases
Effect of rainfall on degree of saturation
from 98 to 10%. At t = 17 h, the rain water infiltrated all along
Figure 5(a) and (b) show the variations of degree of saturation the depth of the slope thereby fully saturating the slope. Even
for loose and medium soil slopes with time for I = 0.1 ks. The after the saturation, the medium soil slope is stable due to lesser
degrees of saturation near the crest and at Section y–y, 2 m from increment in pore-water pressure [see Figure 4(c)].
Downloaded by [University of Florida] at 07:48 04 August 2017

the toe of the slope for the loose soil condition at time t = 0 h are
15.7 and 14.7%, respectively, and after 84 h of rainfall, the final
Strain response of slope during rainfall
degrees of saturation observed at the crest and toe of the slope
are 81 and 82.4%, respectively. For the medium soil condition, The rainfall infiltration which leads to reduction in matric suc-
a decrease in degree of saturation is observed for I = 0.1 ks at tion also changes the shear strength and unit weight of the soil.
t = 0, 84 h up to the depth of 1 m from the crest of the slope. The The plots of shear strain increment with time for loose soil slope

Figure 5. (a) Variation of degree of saturation at crest for Section x–x with I = 0.1 ks, (b) Variation of degree of saturation at Section y–y, 2 m from toe with I = 0.1 ks, (c)
Variation of degree of saturation at crest for Section x–x with I = 1 ks, (d) Variation of degree of saturation at Section y–y, 2 m from toe with I = 1 ks.
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Figure 6. (a) Variation of shear strain increment at crest for Section x–x with I = 0.1 ks, (b) Variation of shear strain increment at Section y–y, 2 m from toe with I = 0.1 ks,
(c) Variation of shear strain increment at crest for Section x–x with I = 1 ks, (d) Variation of shear strain increment at Section y–y, 2 m from toe with I = 1 ks, (e) Shear strain
increment after 12 h of rainfall for loose soil slope, I = 1 ks, (f) Shear strain increment after 17 h of rainfall for loose soil slope, I = 1 ks.

Figure 7. (a) Variation of horizontal displacement at crest for Section x–x with I = 0.1 ks, (b) Variation of horizontal displacement at Section y–y, 2 m from toe with I = 0.1 ks,
(c) Variation of horizontal displacement at crest for Section x–x with I = 1 ks, (d) Variation of horizontal displacement at Section y–y, 2 m from toe with I = 1 ks.

are shown in Figure 6(a)–(d) for I = 0.1 and 1 ks. Figure 6(c) (i.e. slope with I = 0.1 ks is more compared to the medium soil slope.
I = 1 ks) depicts the variation of the shear strain increment along For the case of loose soil slope, the magnitudes of horizontal
Section x–x at t = 0 and 17 h which allow the identification of displacements are much more for I = 1 ks as compared to 0.1 ks.
the most active shear zones for loose soil condition. The subse- The maximum values of horizontal displacements are observed
quent increase in rainfall duration helps in the development of for loose soil slopes all along the depth section x–x.
progressive failure mechanism [see Figure 6(e) and (f)]. For the The larger horizontal displacements of the loose soil slopes
case of I = 0.1 ks, no major changes in shear strain increment is are responsible for the actual mass movement involved in the
observed for both the loose and medium soil slopes rain-induced landslides. The actual landslide mass to be involved
Figure 6(e) depicts the plot of shear strain increment after in the mass movement can be evaluated after the location of
12 h of rainfall for the loose soil slope with I = 1 ks. It can be the critical slip surface along with the magnitudes of horizontal
seen from the figure that the slope is still stable. With increas- displacements and nodal velocities.
ing rainfall duration, distinct shear bands are formed leading
to failure along a critical slip surface. Large irreversible shear Vertical deformation response of slope during rainfall
deformations have occurred after 17 h of rainfall at the upper
portion of the slope. The most probable slip surface originated The variations of vertical displacements at Sections x–x and y–y,
from the toe of the slope and moved towards the top surface as 2  m from the toe of the slope for the loose and medium soil
shown in Figure 6(f). slopes are depicted in Figure 8(a)–(d) for I = 0.1 and 1 ks. Figure
8(a) and (b) show the distribution of vertical displacements at
Sections x–x and y–y for I = 0.1 ks for the loose and medium soil
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Horizontal deformation response of slope during rainfall

slopes. Major changes in vertical displacements are not observed
The variations of horizontal displacements at Sections x–x and for the entire rainfall duration, i.e. t = 0–84 h. For the case of
y–y, 2 m from toe of the slope for the loose and medium soil loose soil slope, the magnitudes of vertical displacements are
slopes are depicted in Figure 7(a)–(d) for I = 0.1 and 1 ks. It is seen much more for I = 1 ks as compared to 0.1 ks. The magnitudes
from Figure 7(c) that the increase in horizontal displacement is of vertical displacements vary from 1.4  m at a depth of 1  m
more for the loose soil slope compared to the medium soil slope. along Section x–x at crest to 0.94 m at a depth of 4 m [Figure
The rate of increase in horizontal displacement for the loose soil 8(c)]. There is a correlation between the nodal velocities and the

Figure 8. (a) Variation of vertical displacement at crest for Section x–x with I = 0.1 ks, (b) Variation of vertical displacement at Section y–y, 2 m from toe with I = 0.1 ks, (c)
Variation of vertical displacement at crest for Section x–x with I = 1 ks, (d) Variation of vertical displacement at Section y–y, 2 m from toe with I = 1 ks.
10   A. S. CHATRA ET AL.

magnitude of vertical displacements which are usually evaluated and vertical displacement are established using the non-linear
by the coupled hydro-mechanical analysis. regression. Equation (14) provides the relationship between vs
and Ydisp for the loose soil condition with I = 1 ks for the rainfall
duration of t = 0 to 17 h. Equation (15) gives the relationship
Relationship between seepage velocity and vertical
between vs and Ydisp for the loose soil condition with I = 0.1 ks
for the rainfall duration of t = 0 to 17 h. Similarly, Equation (16)
In FLAC, the fluid flow equations are expressed in terms of pres- gives the relationship between vs and Ydisp for the loose soil con-
sure in lieu of head. Therefore, the Darcy’s law can be expressed dition with I = 0.1 ks for the rainfall duration of t = 17 to 84 h,
in terms of pressure gradient as which is a rational fit, correlates better with the FLAC results.
𝜕p The correlations are given as below:
vs = 𝜅 (13)
𝜕y 2
vs = 430.0881 − 1040.17 Ydisp + 770.3924 Ydisp
where vs = seepage velocity, κ = mobility coefficient and 𝜕p∕𝜕y 3 4 (14)
− 159.77 Ydisp + 7.69238 Ydisp
= rate of change of pore pressure with respect to depth in a slope.
The objective is to develop a relationship between the seepage
velocity and vertical displacement (Ydisp) evaluated considering 2
vs = 7.38252 + 67.7801 Ydisp − 1174.12 Ydisp
different rainfall intensities (i.e. I = 0.1 ks, and I = 1 ks) and dura- 3 4
+ 6496.222 Ydisp − 10435 Ydisp
tions at a depth of 4 m from the crest for the loose and medium
soil slope sections.
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( )
The first step is to develop the expression for the pore pres- 1
sure as a function of depth for different rainfall intensities and
vs = 2 (16)
0.10992 + 0.14684 Ydisp − 0.4282 Ydisp
durations. The relationship is of fourth-order polynomial which
fits better with the FLAC results. Further, the rate of change of where Ydisp is expressed in mm units and vs is in mm/h.
pore pressure at a depth of 4 m is calculated for different rainfall Equations (17) and (18) provide the relationship between vs
intensities and durations. Using Equation (13), seepage veloc- and Ydisp for I = 1 and 0.1 ks, respectively, for the medium soil
ity is evaluated for the loose and medium soil conditions for conditions at a depth of 4 m from the crest. The correlations
I = 0.1 and 1 ks. The relationships between the seepage velocity are:

Figure 9. (a) Geometry and finite difference mesh of instrumented site (Ng et al. 2003), (b) Comparison of measured and simulated values of pore pressure distribution at
a depth of 0.6 m from berm (R2), (c) Comparison of measured and simulated values of pore pressure distribution at a depth of 1.2 m from berm (R2).

Table 3. Engineering and hydraulic properties of the soil (Ng et al. 2003). the present study have greater promise in the practical stability
Soil properties Measured values analysis of the rain-induced earth slope instability. Actual rainfall
Mechanical parameters   data can be used in the simulation of pore pressure generation
 Unit weight (kN/m3), γd 15.2 thereby giving the information about the stability of the slope on
 Elastic modulus (kPa), E 10000 real-time basis and the same can be utilised in the early warning
  Poisson’s ratio, υ 0.33
 Effective cohesion(kPa), c′ 16.7 system. This information can be used to advantage in the land-
 Effective friction angle, degrees 28.7 slide hazard assessment. Based on the results obtained for the
Hydraulic parameters   chosen slope section, soil properties and rainfall intensities, the
  Saturated permeability (m/s), ks 3.6 × 10−7
  Scaling suction (kPa), P0 5 following conclusions are drawn:
  Shape parameter, m 0.1
• During rainfall infiltration, the pore pressures increased
due to the dissipation of matric suction and increase in the
2 groundwater table corresponding to the antecedent condi-
vs = 2.07098 − 3.21279 Ydisp + 44.15854 Ydisp tions of the slope. For the slope with loose soil condition,
− 206.368 Ydisp 4
− 293.7865 Ydisp the increase in pore-water pressure is more as compared
to the slopes with medium and dense soil conditions for
all the rainfall intensities. The rate of change in pore-water
pressure is faster for the slope with loose soil condition
( )
vs = 2 (18) followed by the slopes with medium and dense soil condi-
Downloaded by [University of Florida] at 07:48 04 August 2017

0.10359 + 0.0993 Ydisp − 0.36238 Ydisp

tions. At 4 m depth from the crest of the slope, the increase
where Ydisp is expressed in mm units and vs is in mm/h. in pore-water pressure is highest for the slope with loose
soil condition. The increase in pore-water pressure is more
at the toe portion of the slope for medium and loose soil
Validation studies for all the rainfall intensities (i.e. I = 0.1, 1 ks).
Ng et al. (2003) instrumented a slope at Hubei province, China. • No major changes in pore-water pressures are observed
The geometry of the slope section is shown in Figure 9(a). The for the slope with dense soil condition owing to the lower
slope was inclined at an angle of 22°. Table 3 gives the engi- permeability and porosity.
neering and hydraulic properties of the soil slope. The response • For the rainfall intensity of 0.1 ks, the rate of decrease in
of the slope subjected to an artificial rainfall event was moni- FOS value is faster for the slope with medium soil condi-
tored. The measured pore pressure response is compared with tion followed by the slopes with loose and dense soil con-
the results obtained from the finite difference analysis. The pore ditions. All the slopes are stable for the rainfall intensity of
pressures were measured at two different depths of 0.6 and 1.2 m 0.1 ks occurring for the duration of 84 h. The FOS of the
from the surface of the berm, i.e. Point R2. Figure 9(b) and (c) medium soil slope is reduced to 1.61 from the initial value
shows the comparison of finite difference results with that of the of 1.77 for the rainfall intensity of 0.1 ks for the duration
field measured pore pressure values at depths of 0.6 and 1.2 m, of 17 h. The loose soil slope has failed (FOS = 0.92) after
respectively. The artificial rainfall was applied in two cycles; each 17 h of rainfall having an intensity equal to the saturated
cycle consisted of rainfall period followed by no-rain period. A hydraulic conductivity of the soil.
difference in pore pressure values between the field and finite • At rainfall intensity equal to 0.1 ks, the final degree of
difference results is observed at the beginning of the first rainfall saturation of the loose soil slope is 82% at 4 m from the
event. Based on the comparison, it is noted that the FLAC results crest (i.e. Point A) for the entire duration of the rainfall.
are agreeing reasonably well with those of the field observations. At rainfall intensity equal to 0.1 ks, the medium soil slope
is saturated up to a depth of 2 m and thereafter the degree
of saturation decreases with depth for the rainfall duration
Conclusions of 84 h.
The numerical simulations of rain-induced instability are per- • The higher horizontal and vertical displacements have
formed with finite difference method using FLAC. The effects been observed for the loose soil slopes for all the rainfall
of rain infiltration on the progressive slope deformations and intensities, but the magnitudes of displacements are much
the formation of a shear failure mechanism are studied for three higher for the rainfall intensities equal to 1 ks for the given
different soil slopes. Intensities of rainfall equal to 0.1, 1 and 10 slope geometry and soil properties.
ks are considered for the stability analysis, where ks is the satu- • The correlations between the seepage velocity and vertical
rated hydraulic conductivity of the soil. These rainfall intensi- displacements are developed for the loose and medium
ties are applied over the slope right after the antecedent rainfall soil conditions for different rainfall intensities and dura-
which provided initial conditions for the stability analysis. The tions. These correlations are applicable to the specific slope
variations of pore-water pressure and FOS under these three geometry and soil properties chosen in the present study.
rainfall intensities are evaluated for the unsaturated–saturated • With increasing rainfall duration, the distinct shear bands
slope sections having loose, medium and dense soil conditions. are formed in the slope section leading to failure along
The FOS values are evaluated using the shear strength reduction the critical slip surface. Large irreversible shear defor-
technique. The deformation and strain responses of the slopes mations have occurred in the loose soil slope after 17  h
are evaluated under rainfall infiltration. The numerical results of of rainfall at the upper portion for I = 1 ks. The coupled
12   A. S. CHATRA ET AL.

hydro-mechanical analysis has given detailed informa- σ  Total normal stress

tion on the physical mechanism during rainfall. The most ψ  Dilation angle
probable failure surface is originated at the toe and then γd  Dry unit weight of soil
spreads to the middle and upper part of the slope surface υ  Poisson’s ratio
as a predominant failure mechanism.

Disclosure statement
Limitation No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.
The present study has considered uniform rainfall events and
specific soil types for the slope and accordingly the numerical ORCID
simulations have been conducted using the FLAC. However, it is
possible to include different rainfall patterns with non-uniform Adarsh S. Chatra
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