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Shanto-Mariam University of Creative Technology

Module Name: English Communication Skills-V

Module Code: ECS 2209


Submitted By

Name: Sarmin Akther

ID: 191401030

Section: A

Batch: 51

Semester: 5th
Junk food can be found just about everywhere. It is sold in supermarkets, convenience shops ,
offices, schools, and machine vending. The abundance of fast food and its popularity make it
difficult to restrict or stop it. You may have wondered if you should at all costs steer clear of it,
or follow the mantra to enjoy it all in moderation. Although the concept of junk food for anyone
will vary, most people agree that it isn't the healthiest thing for you.

These highly processed snacks contain an excess of calories — especially in the form of fat and
sugar — and little to no vitamins, minerals or fiber.

Examples include:

 soda
 chips
 candy
 cookies
 doughnuts
 cake
 pastries
 Burger
 Sub Sandwich
 Naga wings
 Noodles etc.

Although usually these things come to mind when you think of fast food, others aren't so readily
recognizable. Many foods perceived as nutritious are disguised as just junk foods. Fruit drinks,
for example, contain vitamins and minerals but may also provide the same amount of sugar and
calories as soda. Manufacturers market granola and breakfast bars as free from high fructose
corn syrup and filled with whole-grain heart-healthy grains. Therefore we should avoid junk

Thank You.

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