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Senior High School Department

Pateros, Metro Manila




FIGURE 3.2.1. Which method is more effective in selling your products to

your customers?

The Title of the Research Project Paper of Senior High School Students
Antonio, J.L., et al. (2018) 1
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila

3.2.2 How are the following ways to find information useful to you?

Table 3.2.3. How useful

are the following Internet Communication tools for your business?

The table 3.2.3 shows the following useful internet communication tools for the
sellers which resulted that most of the repondents find that sharing information,
photos, and videos on social network websites with the highest average of 4.50.
It is then followed by Sending emails and attachments to other people which has an
average of 4.38, then followed again by the third row choice which is Publishing
documents, images, or videos to a website for a public to see with an average of 4.36,then
followed by Sending text messages to other people’s phones with an average of 4.26, and
the last is Using a forum to provide a place to exchange messages and participate in
conversations which got an average of 4.02. Meaning posting / sharing information
using social network websites is very effective in terms of communication with

The Title of the Research Project Paper of Senior High School Students
Antonio, J.L., et al. (2018) 2
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila

the customers because it is convinient and easy to access. It is

supported by the satement of Ramey K., et al. (2013) shows that with the use
of communication technology, customers will have more than one channel to
contact a specific person and voice out their concerns as regards to their service
or products. Specifically, it tackled that a business can set up a website for its
services, through this website; customers can contact the business using the
contact system on the website. On most service-based websites, they include the
"Send us feedback" option, which allows customers to suggest areas of
improvement in service. This communication and exchange of ideas help the
business structure their service based on customer’s needs.

Table 3.2.4 Which

social network or websites do you use to sell and promote your product?

The table 3.2.5 shows that the following social networks or websites that use by
the sellers to sell their product which resulted that most of the repondents find
that Facebook has the heighest average of 4.66. It is then followed by Instagram
which has an average of 2.64, then followed again by the fifth row choice which is
Personal website/blog with an average of 2.40,then followed by Twitter with an average
of 1.78, the followed again by Youtube with an average of 1.52, and the last is
Tumblr which got an average of 1.08. Meaning Facebook is very effective tool for
selling product because facebook can connect you to a wide range of
audience/people. In connection with Shankar et al. (2011) stated that social

The Title of the Research Project Paper of Senior High School Students
Antonio, J.L., et al. (2018) 3
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila

media is a place where consumers can learn more about their

favourite companies and the products they sell.

TABLE 3.2.5 How important are each of these electronic multimedia features to

TABLE 3.2.6 Check the box that reflects your answer.

The Title of the Research Project Paper of Senior High School Students
Antonio, J.L., et al. (2018) 4
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila

Table 3.2.7 Check the box that reflects your answer.

The Title of the Research Project Paper of Senior High School Students
Antonio, J.L., et al. (2018) 5
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila

The Title of the Research Project Paper of Senior High School Students
Antonio, J.L., et al. (2018) 6

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