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The decisions I have made in life were ones made with consideration of what my heart
wants and what my mind thinks is necessary. Sometimes my decision relies on how much it will
affect myself and the others around me. I have had times where I decided spontaneously, but it
rarely happens.
Certain experiences have changed and influenced the way I decide over the years. But
what influences my decision-making until now is my parents’ opinions on things. I have always
looked to them whenever I decide on something because I feel like they would know what’s best
for me. For a time, my decision-making was influenced by how other people outside my family
would react to my decision. But I outgrew that phase when I realized I don’t really have to please
them, what matters is that I make the right decision according to what I feel.
The decisions made before have a profound impact in my life today, because I believe
that who I am now is shaped by the decisions I’ve made in the past. Some decisions made me
proud, and some were regretful. Nevertheless, they helped hone me to who I am now.
There are definitely things in my life that I’d like to change. But I don’t think those things
are big enough to require deeper discernment and to be changed as soon as possible.

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