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Pre- Finals and Pre-Finals

Reading and Writing

School Year 2020-2021

NAME:________________________________________________ DATE:___________________________
Yr. AND STRAND:__________________________________________ TEACHER: Sir Daniel Magcalas

I. Answer multiple questions about each item. If you get all questions for the single item correct, +2.
II. Or if the item requires shade the circle in front of the correct answer.

1. The author is saying that people can have their own opinions, but you don't really know that person so
well. "Forming an opinion about someone without getting to know him or her can be bad not only because it
may be untrue but because usually it is unkind." That is what the author said.
1. Conclusion
2. How does the author believe that people should form their opinions?
3. Lesson Title: Critical Thinking [Unit 2 Lesson 1 pp.103]
How does author feel about Jose Rizal?
4. What does the author say implicitly about Jose Rizal? Explicitly?

2. SQ3R stands for Survey, Question, Read and Recite.

1. Part 6: Reading Strategies
What does "SQ3R" stands for?
2. What are some study tools you can use when studying for an assessment?
3. Part 1: Fiction Vocabulary
What do you mean by plot?
4. Why did the school charge Martha $15 for the Scholarship Jacket

3. Where and when does the story take place?

1. Tone
2. Climax
3. Setting
4. Theme

4. Elena was turned away because Eugene is smart and he doesn't need someone to help him. Eugene's
mom didn't like the race of Elena and also it is because the mom didn't like where Elena lives.
1. Part 3: Take a chance on me
What does the author say about judgment?
2. In the end, what happened with the Scholarship Jacket?
3. When you survey a text, what kind of basic information are you looking for?
4. Why is Elena turned away from Eugene's house?

5. Turning point in a story; most intense moment

1. Character
2. Climax
3. Safety
4. Flashback

6. People or animals in the action of the story

1. Flashback
2. Climax
3. Character
4. Safety

7. State the problem you are investigating "the purpose of this lab is to..."
1. Conclusion
2. Internal Conflict
3. External Conflict
4. Purpose

8. Includes all the information you collected in the experiment, which may consist of: observations
1. Part 5: Scientific Method
2. What can you find by logging onto Infinite Campus?
3. Part 3: Take a chance on me
What does the author say about judgment?
4. Part 1: Fiction Vocabulary

9. In take a chance on me, it is about not judging people. The author is saying that you can't judge people
by their appearance. You should always accept someone on who they are. Get to know that person, on who you
judged. Try and become friends.
1. Part 2: The Scholarship Jacket 
In "The Scholarship Jacket" what were Martha's history and math teacher arguing over?
2. What are some of the advantages of the SQ3R reading strategy?
3. Part 3: Take a chance on me
What does the author say about judgment?
4. Part 5: Scientific Method

10. Summary of the lab, state you hypothesis, state whether your results support or do not support you
hypothesis. Create an explanation by using quantitative data from your results to support your answers.
1. Conclusion
2. Purpose
3. Internal Conflict
4. External Conflict

11. Number the specific steps you will perform in the experiment. (Assume someone else will be able to use
your procedure.)
1. Part 5: Scientific Method
2. Experimental Procedure
3. What can you find by logging onto Infinite Campus?
4. What are some study tools you can use when studying for an assessment?

12. Some of the study tools you can use for an assessment is quizlet and matching.
1. What are some study tools you can use when studying for an assessment?
2. What are some of the advantages of the SQ3R reading strategy?

3. What can you find by logging onto Infinite Campus?
4. Why did the school charge Martha $15 for the Scholarship Jacket

13. The author is saying that people might have judged him without actually knowing him. "Take a chance.
People who didn't know me and who judged me for themselves took a chance and we formed great friendship."
sometimes when you judged people it can either let them down or it can create a friendship.
1. What does the author say about people who took a chance on him?
2. Ho does the author believe that people should form their opinions?
3. Conclusion
4. Part 4: American History
How does Elena feel about Eugene? How do you know?

14. Starts with the present and looks back into past
1. Flashback
2. Setting
3. Character
4. Climax

15. The school charged Martha $15 because Martha is Mexican.

1. Why did Martha's grandfather not give her the $15 needed for the Scholarship Jacket?
2. What are some study tools you can use when studying for an assessment?
3. Why did the school charge Martha $15 for the Scholarship Jacket
4. Part 2: The Scholarship Jacket 
In "The Scholarship Jacket" what were Martha's history and math teacher arguing over?

16. Central idea or message

1. Climax
2. Tone
3. Theme
4. Setting

17. Conflict between a character and external force

1. External Conflict
2. Conclusion
3. Internal Conflict
4. Purpose

18. On Infinite Campus, you can find Assignments, Grades, Attendance, schedule and Missing
1. What are some study tools you can use when studying for an assessment?
2. What are some of the advantages of the SQ3R reading strategy?
3. Why did the school charge Martha $15 for the Scholarship Jacket
4. What can you find by logging onto Infinite Campus?

19. Sequence of events

1. Part 3: Take a chance on me
What does the author say about judgment?

2. Part 6: Reading Strategies
What does "SQ3R" stands for?
3. Part 5: Scientific Method
4. Part 1: Fiction Vocabulary

20. Struggle within a character

1. Internal Conflict
2. Purpose
3. What does the author say about people who took a chance on him?
4. External Conflict

21. Martha's grandfather did not giver her the $15 because Martha's family is poor so they didn't have a lot
of money.
1. Why did Martha's grandfather not give her the $15 needed for the Scholarship Jacket?
2. Part 2: The Scholarship Jacket 
In "The Scholarship Jacket" what were Martha's history and math teacher arguing over?
3. When you survey a text, what kind of basic information are you looking for?
4. Why did the school charge Martha $15 for the Scholarship Jacket

22. List 2 major safety precautions that should be followed in the experiment.
1. Character
2. Climax
3. Theme
4. Safety

23. In the "Scholarship Jacket", Martha's history and math teacher were fighting about who gets to have the
Jacket for graduation.
1. Why did the school charge Martha $15 for the Scholarship Jacket
2. Part 2: The Scholarship Jacket 
In "The Scholarship Jacket" what were Martha's history and math teacher arguing over?
3. Part 3: Take a chance on me
What does the author say about judgment?
4. Part 5: Scientific Method

24. Writer's attitude towards the subject

1. Tone
2. Theme
3. Character
4. Setting

25. Skimming:
* Look at the title, sub-title, sub-headings, and illustrations to find out what the text is about.
* Read the first and the lat sentence of each paragraph
* Let your eyes skim over the text taking in key words.
* Identify a specific question you want answered or piece of info you want to find.
* Use headings and anyother aids that will help you identify which sections might contain this information.
* Used during reading (x2)
* used to get information quicker
1. Skimming V.S. Scanning
2. Resolution
3. Experimental Procedure
4. Conclusion

26. State your prediction or educated guess as to the outcome of this lab. It is written in "if...then..." form. If
the (independent variable) is_______ then the (dependent variable)_______ will_________
1. Conclusion
2. Hypothesis
3. Flashback
4. Purpose

27. A conclusion tying it all together

1. Conclusion
2. Resolution
3. Skimming V.S. Scanning
4. Setting

28. At the end of the story, the principal made an exception to give Martha the Jacket. The principal was the
one who asked the Board to giver her the Scholarship Jacket on graduation.
1. In the end, what happened with the Scholarship Jacket?
2. Part 3: Take a chance on me
What does the author say about judgment?
3. Why is Elena turned away from Eugene's house?
4. What are some of the advantages of the SQ3R reading strategy?

29. When you survey at a text, you are looking for what you are about to read. (Skimming)
* Bold Words
* Titles
* Authors
* Skimming
* Headings
* Pictures
* Captions
1. What are some study tools you can use when studying for an assessment?
2. When you survey a text, what kind of basic information are you looking for?
3. What are some of the advantages of the SQ3R reading strategy?
4. Why is Elena turned away from Eugene's house?

30. Some of the reading strategies are:

* Used before, during, and after reading with heavy informational text.
* It makes your reading active
* It helps improve your understanding
* It can be used for many subjects. (Not just one subject)
* It simply things
1. What are some study tools you can use when studying for an assessment?

2. Part 3: Take a chance on me
What does the author say about judgment?
3. What are some of the advantages of the SQ3R reading strategy?
4. What can you find by logging onto Infinite Campus?

31. Elena feel like she is in love with Eugene. How I know is that one day, Elena ran into him, in he same
hallway, where his locker is also located.
1. Ho does the author believe that people should form their opinions?
2. Conclusion
3. Part 4: American History
How does Elena feel about Eugene? How do you know?
4. What does the author say about people who took a chance on him?

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