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Purchasing - AME Approval

Demo Script (Internal)
Table of Contents

Purchasing - AME Approval Integration [EDUP0063] dd-Mon-yyyy.......................................................1

Purchasing - AME Approval Integration........................................................................................................1
Enable AME for purchase Requisitions.........................................................................................................7
Verify/Enable AME Parallel approval Rules.................................................................................................9
Enter Requisition in iProcurement (Parallel Approval)..................................................................................11
Approver(s) approve Requisition...................................................................................................................13
Verify Requisition Approval..........................................................................................................................15
POST DEMO: Disable AME for Requisition Approval................................................................................18
POST DEMO: Verify AME Rules.................................................................................................................20
Appendix A: Create Custom AME Rules.......................................................................................................21

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Purchasing - AME Approval Integration

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Purchasing - AME Approval Integration
Document Control

Date Owner App Version Change Reference

09-Feb-2007 Joseph.Kim 12.0 v1.0 New for R12

The purpose of this demo setup script is to review the various integration points purchasing has
with AME (Approvals Management Engine) and how it can be leveraged for different approval

What's New?
Release 12.0 of iProcurement further expands and enhances integration with the Oracle
Approvals Management product. This integration gives enterprises even more flexibility to
configure their business approval processes. Key enhancements include:
Position Hierarchy based Approvals
 Position based hierarchies allow organizations the flexibility to create reporting
structures that remain stable regardless of personnel changes. Enterprises already
using position hierarchies via Oracle Approval Management can immediately
leverage those hierarchies for the requisition approvals process.
Parallel Approvals
 The Parallel Approvals functionality gives enterprises the option to speed up the
approvals process by routing a requisition to multiple approvers simultaneously.
Support for FYI Notifications
 Certain individuals or business roles need to be kept informed of purchases and
decisions, but do not necessarily need to take action against that notification.
Release 12.0 provides new functionality to allow certain individuals or roles to
review the purchases, but do not require any response from the recipient.
Graphical Display of Approval Chain
 Release 12.0 provides requesters and approvers with a simple and intuitive graphical
view of the approval chain and requisition status for a given requisition.


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Purchasing - AME Approval Integration

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There are multiple design gaps in AME that do NOT allow it to model the
current position hierarchy as set up in your Vision demo env with HR
Position Hierarchy, and Purchasing Approval Groups/Assignments. Due
to these issues: the ADS demo env as setup by default to NOT use AME.
Please review the demo script for greater details on the design gaps and
how you can leverage AME as necessary for your demos.


AME supports the follow Procurement related document

AME Transaction Type Procurement
Purchase Requisition Approval Purchase Requisition (ex. Req created from
iProcurement for Core Purchasing).
AME is turned on and off via Document
Types form (Requisition Purchase)
Internal Requisition Approval Requisition of type internal
AME is turned on and off via Document
Types form (Requisition Internal)
Work Confirmation Part of the new R12 Complex Services
demo flow for Work Confirmation
submitted by supplier. To be approved by
buyer organization.
AME is invoked by design.
Sourcing Award Sourcing module for award approval.
AME is turned on and off via Sourcing
Admin tab.
POS Supplier Approval Management New in R12 to support supplier approval.
AME is set by profile: POS: Use AME for
Supplier Approval. ADS has set site level
to NO.
Requester Change Order Approval For changes to requisitions.
AME is turned on and off via Document
Types form (Change Order Request

For this demo script, we will use AME Transaction Type: Purchase Requisition
Approval as that is the most common procurement type in which AME would be leveraged to
show various types of approval for different business scenarios. We will also use the operating
unit “Vision Operations”.

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Current Vision Operations Approval Setup WITHOUT AME
Listed is the current Vision Operations approval for Requisitions WITHOUT AME.

 Position Hierarchy = Materials

Sample of some users in the hierarchy and how they roll up to other users:
Position User Limit
MM400.Materials Manager Operations 25k
BUY501.Buyer 1 Cbaker 50k
PDR810.Production Director Chorton 100k
EX140.Chief Financial Officier Cbrown unlimited

For user OPERATIONS, any requisition under 25K will be self approved. A requisition
for over 25K will require approval from CBAKER. A requisition for over 50K will require
approval from CHORTON. A requisition over 100K will require approval from CBROWN.

For user CBAKER, any requisition under 50K will be self approved. A requisition for over
50K will require approval from CHORTON. A requisition over 100K will require approval
from CBROWN.

For user CHORTON, any requisition under 100K will be self approved. A requisition over
100K will require approval from CBROWN.

For user CBROWN, any requisition amount will be self approved.

AME Position Hierarchy

AME allows for various approval methods. New in R12 is the support of Position Hierarchy
and Parallel based approvals. The existing Supervisor method remains the same.

But with the Position Hierarchy method in AME are some design gaps that DO NOT allow
it to model exactly what we have without AME.
 AME does look at the same position hierarchy as defined in the Document Type
form. So for Vision Operations it does look at the “MATERIALS” hierarchy as
defined in HR to see which positions roll up to other positions.
 AME requires intermediate approvers to approve the requisition along the
position hierarchy chain.

For example if the following rules were created in AME for HR Positions action type:
Rule 1: under 25K, requires approval up to position MM400.Materials Manager
Rule 2: 25-50K, requires approval up to position BUY501.Buyer 1
Rule 3: 50-100k, requires approval to position PDR810.Production Director
Rule 4: over 100k, requires approval to position EX140.Chief Financial Officier

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But the approval behavior would be as follows:

For user OPERATIONS, any requisition under 25K will be self approved. A requisition
for 30K will require approval from CBAKER. A requisition for 60K will require approval
from CBAKER and CHORTON. A requisition over 100K will require approval from

For user CBAKER, any requisition under 25K will be self approved. A requisition between
25K – 50K will require approval from CHORTON (even though CBAKER should have
approval authority to 50K. Based on the AME rules, it goes up one position in the hierarchy
and ignores the user approval limit). A requisition for 60K will require approval from
CHORTON and CBROWN. A requisition over 100K will error out with statement
(Approval List could not be generated. Please contact your System Administrator to review
AME rules setup.) since there is no one 3 positions higher than CBAKER.

For user CHORTON, any requisition under 25K will be self approved. A requisition
between 25K – 50K will require approval from CBROWN (even though CHORTON should
have approval authority to 100K. Based on the AME rules, it goes up one position in the
hierarchy and ignores the user approval limit). Any requisition over 50K will error out with
statement (Approval List could not be generated. Please contact your System Administrator
to review AME rules setup.) since there is no one 2 or 3 positions higher than CHORTON.

So based on the above behavior with AME, it does not cover the “downward” path of the
position hierarchy/approval assignments to allow CBAKER, CHORTON, and CBROWN to
approve certain amounts under their limit. AME also adds intermediate approvers to the
approval chain and not just the final approver.

For those reasons, ADS has setup the Vision demo instances so
AME is not enabled in the Document Types for Requisition
approval. ER bugs 5241416 and 5241383 have already been
logged against AME development team.
As required for your demo, you can turn on AME for requisition approval and leverage the
following seeded AME rules for various approval types.

Seeded AME Rules

ADS has created the seeded AME rules to showcase the following AME types of approval:
Approval Method Seeded Rules
Supervisor VO Supervisor Rule 1, 0-25K
VO Supervisor Rule 2, over 25K

Position VO Position Rule 1, 0-25K

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VO Position Rule 2, 25-50K
VO Position Rule 3, 50-100K
VO Position Rule 4, over 100K

Item / Category VO Item = DVD-B100

specific rules to
show Parallel
VO Category =


 When creating AME rules, all rules within the Start and End date will apply. So if you
have rules for Supervisor, Position, and Item/Category that are valid at the same time, the
system will add approvers for all rules that apply. Therefore some seeded rules have
been “End” dated except the ones needed to show parallel approval business example as
used in this demo script.

 When creating your own custom AME rules, be sure to add the condition
“TRANSACTION_SET_OF_BOOKS_ID” for your specific operating unit. AME has
only one Transaction type for Requisition approval across all operating units. So it is
best to make each AME rule specific to a particular operating unit/Set of Books ID so
you can have different rules for different op units and not have the rules conflict with
each other. For example, if you have a Rule: Requires approval up to HR Positions:
PDR810.Production Director. But did not condition it with SOB for Vision Operations,
that rule would be applied to other operating units that may NOT contain that position.
Therefore it would error out. More details are listed in the Appendix of this demo script.

Related Business Flows (Optional)

For more details on current Vision Approval setup and how to modify the position hierarchy
(non-AME), please review the following demo script: Purchasing - AME Approval
Related Documents >Reference Materials Folder > Fundamentals

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Pre Demo Steps (Optional)

Review the ASSUMPTIONS section to understand the

current Vision approval setup and what is available with
The demo is specific to AME Transaction Type: Purchase Requisition Approval for
Vision Operations.

Begin Demo

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Enable AME for purchase Requisitions

Enable AME for purchase Requisitions

This demo script uses AME Type: Purchase Requisition Approval as the example
within Vision Operations to show approval method “Parallel”.

1. Log into Purchasing

Field Vision Operations
Username / password operations / welcome
Responsibility Purchasing, Vision Operations (USA)

(N) Setup > Purchasing > Document Types

 If necessary, choose Operating Unit “Vision Operations” to continue

 (I) Click the pencil update icon for type = Requisition Purchase

2. Turn on AME for Requisition approval

 For field Approval Transaction Type, use LOV to choose value “PURCHASE_REQ”

 (B) Apply

When this field is blank, AME is NOT be used. When entering in

“PURCHASE_REQ” in this field, the AME Transaction Type : Purchase Requisition
Approval is being used along with all its Rules.

Also note for AME position hierarchy based methods/rules, AME does look at the
default hierarchy as defined in this Document Types form. In this case, it will look at
the position hierarchy “MATERIALS”.

At this point AME is turned on for Requisition Approval

 (H) Home, to return to users main portal page

3. Clear Cache

To make sure the iProcurement screens update properly to show the change in approval to
AME, you MUST clear the cache per the following:
Field Vision Operations
Responsibility Functional Administrator

 (T) Core Services

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 (ST) Caching Framework

 (H) Tuning

 Search for Name = POR_ORG_PARAMS, then click (B) Go

 Select box

 (B) Clear Cache

 (H) Home, to return to users main portal page

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Verify/Enable AME Parallel approval Rules

Verify/Enable AME Parallel approval Rules

4. Switch Responsibility
Field Vision Operations
Responsibility Approvals Management Business Analyst

Business Analyst Dashboard appears with access to ALL AME Transaction Types

5. Access AME: Purchase Requisition Approval

 Along right side of page, in the field Select Transaction Type, use LOV to choose
“Purchase Requisition Approval”

 (H) Rules, along the right side of page

See a table of all the seeded rules currently within start/end period for “Purchase
Requisition Approval”. Notice most of them start with VO and contain words that
reference the approval method for those rules.

CRITICAL NOTE: Some rules have been End dated so they will NOT be visible in
initial Rules table. IF you need to show either of these, you must:
 Update (pencil icon) for the current/active rules or any other rules you see in
the table and add the current date to the “END DATE” field. Then click Apply
button. If need be refresh the page and the rules should no longer be visible in
the Rules table.
 To add back the “Supervisor” or any other previously created rule, from the
Rules main page, click on (B) Use Existing Rule, for Transaction Type field
enter in “Purchase Requisition Approval”, then click (B) Go. This will find all
rules and show status of Active or Inactive (has been End dated). Select the
radio button next to rule you would like to activate again, then click (B)
Continue. Verify Start and End date so it will be valid for your demo period,
then click (B) Finish. You should now see this rule back in the Rules table.
Repeat as necessary to activate other rules for your demo.

This demo flow will use the Position and Item rules to show parallel approval example
as that is new in R12 and is often a demo requirement to show. Parallel approval is
only available through AME.

 You should only be using the following rules for the Parallel approval business example:
VO Position Rule 1, 0-25K

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VO Position Rule 2, 25-50K
VO Position Rule 3, 50-100K
VO Position Rule 4, over 100K
VO Item = DVD-B100
VO Category =

NOTE: The above seeded rules are specific to “Vision Operations” SOB.

For any other rules, you will need to end date them so they are not applicable to the
demo flow

 (I) Update pencil icon for any of the rules that do NOT apply to the Parallel approval
case or the specific approval method you are trying to show.

Rules details opens

 Enter in field END DATE the current date

 (B) Apply

Return to Rules table. The rule that was just end dated should no longer be visible in
the table.

Repeat as necessary to remove all unrelated rules for your demo.

As this point the Requisition approval has been setup to leverage AME. In addition the
AME rules have been verify to show the “Parallel” example, or the specific method needed
for your demo.

 (H) Home at top right corner of page to return to users main portal page

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Enter Requisition in iProcurement (Parallel Approval)

Enter Requisition in iProcurement (Parallel Approval)

6. Switch Responsibility
Field Vision Operations
Responsibility IProcurement

IProcurement homepage appears

7. Create Requisition

The business case for this approval is that the requestor is ordering an item that follows both
the position hierarchy approval (based on req amount) and in addition, if a particular
item/category is on the requisition, it will go to a separate approval group for approval.
Therefore if requisition meets both the position amount rule and item rule, it will go to two
separate users for “parallel” approval.

 Search MAIN STORE field by entering in “DVD-B100”, click (B) Go

 (B) Add to Cart for item DVD-B100

Per one of the AME rules, this requisition will automatically go to approval group
“DVD Approver Group” (which consist of user MFG and CHORTON).

 (B) View Cart and Checkout

 Change Quantity to 75 (or what ever quantity that will make requisition amount over
25K but less than 50K.

Based on amount and AME Position hierarchy rules, this requisition will automatically
go to CBAKER for approval.

 (B) Checkout

Requisition information page. Verify the Billing and Delivery information

 (B) Next

Approval and Notes page

8. View Graphical Display of Approval Chain

Notice in the new graphical display of the approval chain. This is NEW in R12. In this
case there is a parallel path for approval based on amount and the item on the

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You should see both CBAKER and “DVD Approver Group” in a PARALLEL path
for approval. If you click on the hyperlink for “DVD Approver Group” you will see
which user(s) are part of that group.

NOTE: There is a system profile that controls the graphical display of approvers.
POR: Display Graphical Approval List. The Site value is YES, which will show the
graphical display. If you want to view in Table format, you can update the profile at the
responsibility level for iProcurement to value of NO.

9. Support for FYI Notifications (OPTIONAL)

Certain individuals or business roles need to be kept informed of purchases and decisions,
but do not necessarily need to take action against that notification. Release 12.0 provides
new functionality to allow certain individuals or roles to review the purchases, but do not
require any response from the recipient.

 (B) Manage Approvals

 Click radio button “Insert Viewer”

 Add a view ex. Brown, Ms. Casey

 Add to location: Specify where you want this viewer to be notified (ie Before Catherine

 (B) Submit

Notice the graphical display updates to add in this “viewer”. Also notice the icon is a
paper with glasses to identify it as a view only and does NOT need to approve the

10. Submit Requisition

(B) Submit

Confirmation that requisition #### has been submitted to _________ for approval.

 (T) Shop

Notice the requisition table has been updated to include your requisition. Also the
status is “IN PROCESS”

 (H) IN PROCESS hyperlink for your requisition

See a display of approval. Both approvers should have a ‘clock’ icon next to them,
meaning it is waiting for their approval. When the users approve the notification, the
icon would then change to a “check mark”

 (H) Logout as requisitioner

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Approver(s) approve Requisition

Approver(s) approve Requisition

11. Log into apps
Field Vision Operations
Username / password cbaker / welcome
Responsibility Workflow User Web Applications

12. Approve Requisition

 (N) Advanced Worklist

 (H) Click on notification tied to your requisition. Should look similar to : Purchase
Requisition #### for Stock, Pat ($$$$$.$$ USD)

Within the notification you can see the approval display and sequence

 (B) Approve

Return to notification page

 Logout as cbaker user

NOTE: If you were to log back in as user OPERATIONS and view the approval history,
it would show check mark icon next to CBAKER (showing it has been approved) and
a clock icon next to “Manufacturing Approval Group” (showing it is still waiting for

13. Log into apps

Field Vision Operations
Username / password mfg / welcome OR chorton / welcome
Responsibility Workflow

14. Approve Requisition

 (N) Advanced Worklist

 (H) Click on notification tied to your requisition. Should look similar to : Purchase
Requisition #### for Stock, Pat ($$$$$.$$ USD)

Within the notification you can see the approval display and sequence. Notice there
should be check mark next to CBAKER since that user has already approved the

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 (B) Approve

Return to notification page

 Logout as mfg user

NOTE: The DVD Approver Group is set up so that first person (between MFG and
CHORTON) that responds approves for all members of that group. So if MFG
approves, it does NOT require approval from CHORTON.

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Verify Requisition Approval

Verify Requisition Approval

15. Log into iProcurement
Field Vision Operations
Username / password operations / welcome
Responsibility IProcurement

IProcurement homepage appears

Notice in the MY REQUISITIONS table, the requisition status is APPROVED.

 (H) APPROVED hyperlink for your requisition line in the table

View the approval history of the requisition, including the sequence and when the users
submitted their approval.

Notice that for approver CHORTON, the message: Requisition has been approved by
other approver. This is due to AME setup so that first responder approves for all
members of that group. In this case the “other approver” was MFG.



For a quick overview of how this new Parallel Approval looks, you can drill down on
Requisition 14060 for user OPERATIONS. Click on the APPROVED hyperlink under
the status column. You will see the following that shows a completed req and approval that
is parallel and also includes a view only notification:

The diagram (must have AME enabled to see this diagram, otherwise will see an error
in its place) shows parallel path for CBAKER and DVD Approver Group, with a view only
notification for CBROWN. Also note the DVD group is made up of two people, only one
of which needs to approve the req. In this case user MFG approved req, so user CHORTON
does NOT need to approve req as detailed in table below.

Sequenc Organization
Approver Action Action Date Notes
e Name
Vision 08-Jan-2007
1 Stock, Ms. Pat Submitted
Corporation 15:34:09
Vision 08-Jan-2007
2 Baker, Catherine Approved
Corporation 15:35:02
Smith, Mr. Jonathan Vision 08-Jan-2007
3 Approved
(DVD Approver Group) Corporation 15:35:22

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Horton, Ms. Connor Requisition has been
Vision No action 08-Jan-2007
4 Esq. (DVD Approver approved by other
Corporation taken 15:35:23
Group) approver

You can also demo this parallel flow with any item tied to category
“SUPPLIES.FACILITIES”. All Grainger supplier items in the IP internal catalog are tied
to this category.

OPTIONALLY you can proceed to create PO, Receipt, Invoice, and Payment for this
requisition to show the rest of the Procure to Pay process. Please see the main Procure to
Pay – Comprehensive demo script for more details.


The above demo is just one example of the approval setup and behavior with AME. Some
other scenarios and approval results are listed when submitting requisition as user
Scenario for requisition Approval Path
DVD-B100, amount under 25K DVD Approver Group (based on item)
DVD-B100, amount 25K – 50K DVD Approver Group (based on item)
CBAKER (based on amount)
DVD-B100, amount 50K – 100K DVD Approver Group (based on item)
CBAKER, then to CHORTON (based on amount,
notification goes to CBAKER, and to CHORTON)
DVD-B100, amount over 100K DVD Approver Group (based on item)
CBAKER, then to CHORTON, then to CBROWN
(based on amount, notification goes to CBAKER,

SUPPLIES.FACILITIES category, Facilities Approver Group  (based on category)

amount under 25K
SUPPLIES.FACILITIES category, Facilities Approver Group  (based on category)
amount 25K – 50K
CBAKER (based on amount)
SUPPLIES.FACILITIES category, Facilities Approver Group  (based on category)
amount 50K – 100K
CBAKER, then to CHORTON (based on amount,
notification goes to CBAKER, and to CHORTON)
SUPPLIES.FACILITIES category, Facilities Approver Group  (based on category)
amount over 100K
CBAKER, then to CHORTON, then to CBROWN
(based on amount, notification goes to CBAKER,

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Non DVD-B100 and non (self approved based on Position, does NOT require
SUPPLIES.FACILITIES item, amount approval from this user)
under 25K
Non DVD-B100 and non CBAKER (based on amount)
25K – 50K
Non DVD-B100 and non CBAKER, then to CHORTON (based on amount,
SUPPLIES.FACILITIES item, amount notification goes to CBAKER, and to CHORTON)
50K – 100K
Non DVD-B100 and non CBAKER, then to CHORTON, then to CBROWN
SUPPLIES.FACILITIES item, amount (based on amount, notification goes to CBAKER,
over 100K CHORTON, and to CBROWN)

As explained in the Assumption section. There are design gaps with AME support of
position hierarchy. So if you log in as user CBAKER, the follow approval behavior will
appear based on the seeded AME Rules.

Log in as CBAKER:
Scenario for requisition Approval Path
Any amount under 25K (self approved based on Position, does NOT require
approval from this user)
Amount 25K – 50K CHORTON (based on the approval rule to go up 1
position higher) This does NOT match the normal
position hierarchy behavior, which would have
allowed self approval based on CBAKER users
approval limit.
Amount 50K – 100K CHORTON, then to CBROWN (based on amount,
notification goes to CHORTON, and to CBROWN)
Amount over 100K Message: Approval List could not be generated.
Please contact your System Administrator to
review AME rules setup.
This is based on AME not being able to find any position
higher than user CBROWN

So the user of AME with Position Hierarchy will be limited to certain situations.

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POST DEMO: Disable AME for Requisition Approval

POST DEMO: Disable AME for Requisition Approval

To ensure the AME rules DO NOT affect demos of other SC using your demo instance,

This is CRITICAL so
you need to disable AME after your demo.
other demo scripts work properly in terms of approval.
16. Log into Purchasing
Field Vision Operations
Username / password operations / welcome
Responsibility Purchasing, Vision Operations (USA)

(N) Setup > Purchasing > Document Types

 If necessary, choose Operating Unit “Vision Operations” to continue

 (I) Click the pencil update icon for type = Requisition Purchase

17. Turn OFF AME for Requisition approval

 For field Approval Transaction Type, remove value “PURCHASE_REQ” so field is


 (B) Apply

At this point AME is turned OFF for Requisition Approval

 (H) Home, to return to users main portal page

18. Clear Cache

To make sure the iProcurement screens update properly to show the change in approval to
disable AME, you MUST clear the cache per the following:
Field Vision Operations
Responsibility Functional Administrator

 (T) Core Services

 (ST) Caching Framework

 (H) Tuning

 Search for Name = POR_ORG_PARAMS, then click (B) Go

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 Select box

 (B) Clear Cache

 (H) Home, to return to users main portal page

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POST DEMO: Verify AME Rules

POST DEMO: Verify AME Rules

19. Switch Responsibility
Field Vision Operations
Responsibility Approvals Management Business Analyst

Business Analyst Dashboard appears with access to ALL AME Transaction Types

20. Access AME: Purchase Requisition Approval

 Along right side of page, in the field Select Transaction Type, use LOV to choose
“Purchase Requisition Approval”

 (H) Rules, along the right side of page

See a table of all the seeded rules currently within start/end period for “Purchase
Requisition Approval”. Notice most of them start with VO and contain words that
reference the approval method for those rules.

As necessary, End date any of your custom rules or any other rules that DO NOT
apply to the “Parallel” approval scenario as detailed in this demo script.



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Appendix A: Create Custom AME Rules

Appendix A: Create Custom AME Rules

As needed for demos, you may be required to create custom AME rules specific to your
customer business practices. The following covers the basics of creating AME Rules. For
full details on the AME product module, please refer to the AME User Guide or the Help
link when in the AME product.

21. Log into Purchasing

Field Vision Operations
Username / password operations / welcome
Responsibility Approvals Management Business Analyst

Business Analyst Dashboard appears with access to ALL AME Transaction Types

22. Access AME: Purchase Requisition Approval

 Along right side of page, in the field Select Transaction Type, use LOV to choose
“Purchase Requisition Approval”

The following diagram shows what makes up a Rule:

23. Attributes sub-tab

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 (H) Attributes, along the right side of page

Taken to the Setup tab in AME. Notice the sub-tabs: Attributes, Conditions, Action
Types, Approval Groups.

Attributes sub-tab shows the various attributes available for Purchase Requisition
Approval AME transaction type.

 (H) Next 10, to view all available attributes that can be used in the creation of

As necessary, you can create your own attributes to meet your demo requirement. But
this will probably NOT be required.

24. Condition sub-tab

 (ST) Conditions

Conditions sub-tab shows all conditions available for Purchase Requisition Approval
AME transaction type.

 (H) Next 5, to view all available conditions that can be used in the creation of Rules.

IMPORTANT: For SCs that need to create Rules specific to their

industry/country, you will need to create conditions specific to their
SOB/Operating Unit so the resulting rules are specific to their
industry/country. ADS has seeded some conditions
“TRANSACTION_SET_OF_BOOKS_ID is equal to ###” for the most
common operating units (Vision Operations, Vision Services, etc).
25. Create Condition

 (B) Create

 For Attribute field, use the LOV to choose your specific attribute (ex.

 Enter in values specific to your condition (ex.

TRANSACTION_SET_OF_BOOKS_ID // is equal to // 127 (Vision Korea) (ex.
ITEM_NUMBER // DVD-B100) etc.

 (B) Apply

Confirmation that Condition has been successfully created.

As necessary, you can view seeded conditions to get an idea of what can be created.

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The table below listed the various Set of Book ID and Set of Book Names so you can
create conditions specific to your industry/country:
413Progress FR
268Progress State & Local
289Progress UK
352PS Germany
332US Federal
42Vision ADB
501Vision Argentina Adjusted
500Vision Argentina Historic
330Vision Australia
186Vision Belgium
205Vision Brazil
205Vision Brazil (USD Report)
540Vision Chile
566Vision China
546Vision Columbia
290Vision Communications (USA)
567Vision Consolidation Japan
569Vision Consolidation Korea
22Vision Corporate
142Vision Corporation Japan
455Vision Czech
541Vision Denmark
21Vision Distribution
480Vision Finland
124Vision France
126Vision Germany
162Vision Germany MRC
476Vision Greece
670Vision Health Services
542Vision Hungary
208Vision Insurance
207Vision Italy
187Vision Italy EUR
127Vision Korea
544Vision Mexico Adjusted
543Vision Mexico Historical
123Vision Netherlands
123Vision New Zealand
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477Vision Norway
478Vision Norway Cash
1Vision Operations (USA)
475Vision Poland
520Vision Portugal
568Vision Project Mfg
103Vision Project Mfg (EUR)
649Vision Russia
62Vision Services (USA)
143Vision Services Japan
185Vision Spain
62Vision Svcs R&D
122Vision Sweden
454Vision Switzerland
453Vision Taiwan
433Vision Thailand
545Vision Turkey
125Vision UK
288Vision University

26. Approver Groups sub-tab

 (ST) Approver Groups

Approver Groups sub-tab shows all approval groups available for Purchase Requisition
Approval AME transaction type.

Approver Groups allows the user to create groups of users that can be used to send
approval notifications. Ex. Upper Management Approval Group would be a list of
users in the CFO, CEO, CIO, etc group that have ability to approve.

As necessary for your demo, you can create your own approval group. Please check
seeded approval groups as an example. Or table below:

 (B) Create
Field Vision Operations
Name Ex. Upper Management Approval Group
Description Ex. Upper Management Approval Group
Order Number Ex. 1
Voting Method Depend on how you want the user(s) to approve.
First Responder Wins = first user in group to approve

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Page 24
forward the req. Does NOT require others in group to
Serial = At any given point, the req will only be pending
approvals from 1 group approver. This is the non-
parallel approval option. (Think, how the approvals
work today in 11.5.10, that's the serial method)
Order Number = approval based on order number as
listed in group member section
Consensus = approvals are routed to all group members
at the same time. All group members must approve in
order for the req to be approved. (If any one member
rejects, the req is automatically rejected)
For Group Member section, click
Add Another Row button to add
Find by HR People / Display Name Ex. Brown, Casey
Find by HR People / Display Name Ex. Tucker, William

 (B) Apply

27. Action Types sub-tab

 (ST) Action Types

Action Types sub-tab shows all action types available for Purchase Requisition
Approval AME transaction type.

As you select the radio button for each Action Type “name”, the page will refresh to
show all the actions (bottom table) available for each type. For example, the “HR
POSITION” name shows the action table where various positions have been added.

As necessary for your demo, you can add more actions to each Action Type. This will
most likely be necessary if you have specific positions to add for the HR POSITION
TYPE specific to your operating unit/Business Group.


 Select radio button for HR Position

 (B) Create under the ACTION section

 Enter in position. Ex. MM001.Materials Manager

 Apply

NOTE: For Action Type: approval-group chain of authority, the Approval Groups
that was created before will automatically appear in the Action list.
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28. Create Rule

 (T) Rules

Table of existing Active rules appears in table. NOTE: There may be many
“INACTIVE” rules due to the end date.

 (B) Create
Field Vision Operations
Name Ex. VO Item = DVD-B100
Rule Type Ex. List Creation
Accept other default values
(B) Next (go to step 2)
(B) Add Condition
Check applicable Ex. ITEM_NUMBER in (DVD-B100)
equal to 1
(B) Continue Review conditions added
(B) Next (go to step 3)
Choose Action Type Ex. approval-group chain of authority
Choose Action Ex. Manufacturing Approval Group
(B) Next (go to step 4)
Review Rule Confirm the conditions and approval action is
per your demo requirement
(B) Finish Confirmation that rule has been added.

Repeat as necessary to create more custom rules for your demo customer.

You can also remove, or update to END DATE rules so they are not applicable.

IMPORTANT: Any and all active rules you see in the RULES table will be in
effect when AME is turned on for requisition approval. So if you have rules that
conflict or do not make business sense, it may affect the approval path that is
generated for requisitions or may cause an ERROR message to appear that
approval cannot be created per AME rules.



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End of activity.

Demo Support
Please see > (M) Support > Procedures, for current information
regarding demonstration support.

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Page 27
Enable AME for Disable AME for
purchase Requisition
Requisitions Approval
Log into Purchasing
Log into Purchasing (1)
Turn on AME for
Turn OFF AME for
Requisition approval
Requisition approval
Clear Cache (3)
Clear Cache (18)

Verify/Enable AME
Parallel approval
AME Rules
Switch Responsibility
Switch Responsibility (19)
(4) Access AME: Purchase
Access AME: Purchase Requisition Approval
Requisition Approval (20)

Appendix A: Create
Enter Requisition
Custom AME Rules
in iProcurement
(Parallel Approval) Log into Purchasing
Switch Responsibility Access AME: Purchase
(6) Requisition Approval
Create Requisition (7) (22)
View Graphical Display Attributes sub-tab (23)
of Approval Chain (8) Condition sub-tab (24)
Support for FYI Create Condition (25)
Notifications Approver Groups sub-
(OPTIONAL) (9) tab (26)
Submit Requisition (10) Action Types sub-tab
Create Rule (28)

approve End
Log into apps (11)
Approve Requisition
Log into apps (13)
Approve Requisition

Verify Requisition
Log into iProcurement

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