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Y. M. C. A.


Narberth's Patriotic Fete In Narbrook Park
September 27 and 28 75% to War Relief Funds
25% to Civic Association Open Air Theatre
Afternoon ~ Evening 100% Net Credit to Narberth Many Interesting Features

~ Remember the Civic Association Meeting, Y. M. C. A. Building Next Friday Evening, September
20, J9 J8, at 8 o'Clock Sharp. Read Partial Details as Far as at Present Prepared. Come and
Aid by Further Suggestion. Everybody in Narberth is Invited.
til PATRIOTIC FETE-Plans are unfolding. See Commitlee Lineup. Every person in Narberth is a Member of the Crvic Association. There/ore, YOU are
invited and expected to be present at meeting Friday evening of this DJeek. General Chairman, JOSEPH H. NASH.. Res. /46 Merion Ave. Phone Narberth 675 U/

W. T. l\lelchoir, Principal ,XAH WIIITt~ }:U;PJlAXT 1JOOTH

OOMMITTEES I A. Y. Emmett, Physieal Director ! Knights of Columilus
I tion
Save your Liberty Loan sUbscrlp-
for Saturda)', September 28, and
t~IH~n; COlDlITT";"; I St. Margaret':s Church ! apply for sUhscription blanKS at the
Geo. ~l. Colesworthy, Chairman
i: orE~ .\IR JJOnES -- I J. J. Cabrey, Chairman
(Rummage Sale)
: Liberty Loau Booth, Narbrook Park,
C. L. Clegg ;'111'5. Wm. 1\1. Cameron, Chairman i
Daniel Leitch Henry }{ose : .J..\"A~ESE ;'Iliss Mazie J. Simpson and Baptist: ;'111'5. Nicl,erson says the Presby ter-
H. A. Jaeohs Gil'\::;' Sorority Church Committee are receiv,ing goods: ian Church Fish Pond in the Chil-
('U: ..\X-FJ) CO)DII'I'Tn; J. A. Snydel' Miss Maud Wlpf in Charge
Tea Garden ancl Flower Show at the old post ·office building, for! dren's Booth will have in it the best
A. E. Wohlert, Chairman :'Ill's. J. S. DOllnelly
this booth. Every evenhlg, 7 until 8 i fi.'h ever caught ancl the Grab Bag
;'Il~E. A. B. Ross :'III'S. E. C. Batehelor
St:HlHAX o'clock. during the week of Septem-, will he bulging out with good things.
'flU ~SI'OR'I'.\1'IO~ C'mDII'I"rn~ ! PA'I'nO~.;SSt:S Fortune Telling and Palmistry her 16. and after send ,Watch for these and other attrac-
:\H,s Fanny Loos. Chah'man :'Il1ss Gel'trude Wright in Charge ' t'on
Robert J. Edgar, Chairman I ANY HOUSEHor~D ARTICLES • I S.
George B. Suplee :'IIJ's. Wm. B. Goodall DUPLICA7E WJo:;DDl~G GIFTS i
.... S. AHJfY
Fred. Walzer ;'IIrH. Joseph H. !'\ash
:"III'S. Edward Odell ill Charge
i Ta:k ahout "uolly Pops" and "Dip-
John G. Walton ;'III'S. Robert Ross V'l\'E HU~DREn PRIZES ; ped Apples" at the Campfire Girls'
::'III'S. Charles Verna Canteen Supper BOOKS I Booth at the Jo'ete. They will be the
A. C. Shand, Jr.
'J'Rn: PLA~'r~~C, C'mDII'l"J't:t: IlAB1' .. AlUm; i ('InC' ASSO('UTIOX :'IIEX'S TIES i Ynt, 'yUl\t, YUM.
A. E. Wohlert, Chairman ;'111'5. Clifford 'r. Moore, ChairmanI l\Irs. H. A. J.acobs in Charge
Rev. l<'. M. Gray ;'IIJ's: G. M. Co:esworthy ?III'S. J. H. r\ash
~1J·s. Royden Hunt :'Ill'S. Rohert Dothard I"UR:\,ITURE If you want to help the Army Can-
T. H. Coggeshall
;'III'S. Edwin C. Town :'Ill'S. Roy C:ark ETC.. F,TC., ETC , teell Booth send food of all kinds to
.'!iss l\I. J. Simpson i :'>Irs. Odell, 01' phone her.
:!I1iss Jeannette Turner All these cun he turned into money
I C'IIH,l)m~~'S
,,'IEI,I) AS818TA~T8 for the 25-75 pel' cent. fund.
; l)fll.ll'I~(; CW (;nOtr~ns alltl Altls Preshyterian Church
J. H. ~ash, Chairman IU IX C'IJ};C'KS
. (ur ]1111,,· 111111 ('ostume 1)lIralle8 Fish Pond. Toy ~alloons, etc. Donation, to help the Country
Hobert J. Edgar
~lr. Hi'll and the :\'arherth Home :'IIt·s. L. \V. :\'ickerson in Charge 'Store are solicited. Communicate ~
H. C. Gara
H. R. Hlllegas Guards ('fll'~'I'nY STUHt: ; promptl:: with Hev. Gray anrl Mrs. i Jf It rains 011 }'rlda)' and Satur-
P. A. Lanahan I :'IIethodist Chnrch .~ Si:er. I da)"-both dll)s-the fete wIll be
A. J. Loos E.VENTS Hey. F. M. Gray and :'III'S. A. K.! held on liiucceelUlIg Friday and
W. l\L Wentz Baby Parade Siler In Charge Enthusiasm ran high at the Civic Sutllrlla,', October" and ii.
Children's Costume Paralle ,Associatioll meeting last l<~riday eve-
(mO(;~n8 ..'(I/m C'O~SEnY:\TIOX
Jf It ruills 011 }'rilluf, September
Ai rp·lanes · ning in the Y. M. C. A. Building. In
H. R. Hillegas, Chairman :'I'1rs. A. B. Ro,:s in Charge ; 2., the }'ete wIII he Ileid on Satur.
Y. ;\1. C. A. Speaker's : fact the room was so full of it that
:'III's. F'. Hichard Gifford I,iherty Loan Speakers (111)", S('ptelnber .2l'1, und Monday,
:'III's. E. A. Muschamp (;,\)..:S i it plugged up the holeR in the plaster
E. of C. Speaken Selltember IlO.
S. A. Rudolph, 2d ;'Ilotion Pictures Janlcs C. McKell In CharGe · wa lIf'. Af'k n n~'one who was there.
Walter Y. Shaw Ten n i:- Association If It rains 011 Saturday, Septem.
Fortnne Tellers
Tab:eaux Robert J. Edgar her 2l', the }'ete will be held on
I.WIITI~G Daneing Donation.; of Tlll'ift Stamps are }'rilluf, Selltemher 2" and Mon.
Walton M. Wentz, Chairman Palmi.'try (mn. SC'OFTS : wanted for Bahy and Costume Parade du)", September 30.
VerI Pugh Hands Dipped Apples prizes. Send them to the ehalrman of 1 ,

('omnlllnity Singing Jliss Doris Von Cnlin in Charge : eadl r'omm It tee.
Iwo'rliS A:'iJ) 8'I'AG}; Solo Singin~
A. .T. Lons, Cha,irman Quartette. Singing 1i~WJlTS OF rOI,F)nmS
Miss M. J. Simpson Tree Planting St. Margaret's Church I Based on the manuel' in which the ANNDUNCEMENT
Mrs. Edward Odell Pony Carts Patriotic Wares, Misct\ilaneous faculty and pupils received the re-. :o\ames are heing added to these
W. D. Smedley Auto Sightseeing Trips :"Ilerchandise. Etc. ' marks of Mrs. James Poote on Mon-: (,ommittees as rapidly as p·eTsons vol-
Ernest A. Jackson Games J. J. Cahrey in Charge ' I . l' bl 'unteel' to serve. Other organizat'ions
, (ay mornlJlg. l unng. assem y exer- I
Eats · dses. the succe~s of the coming I are. arr.anglng for other booths,
p('BUnTY ;\Iusic UHEH'I'Y I.OA~ "patriotic parade" 15 alreadv assur-! willch Will be announced as they are
H. C. Garn, Chairman Flowers Hon. F. W. Stites, Chairman .. I . t' : suggested and plans develop. See
J . .J. Cabrey el I. All per.'ons WIS Ilng 0 co-oper-.
G)·psy Teuts ate with the cOlllmittee, toward mak- suhsequent announcements,
C. L. Clegg :m:n C'IWSS
W. Arthur Cole Ing this parade an attractive one, to:
\Y. A. Fuchs iBOOTHS & EXHIBITS: m:ues : the extent of offering whatever ~A-; 1I1'1'c'~ II fhunci' }'or ~arhel1h Boys
IUld C~lrls to }'1Il 'I'llI'll' ThrIft
H. A. Jaeobs IIt:WIAN
! i ,TIO:\'AL costumes,. nags or draperies:
K H. Sickels . Bapt'ist Church Whit2 Elephant· 'I'll un"I' S'I'AJJPS ! they ma,'· have, Will kindly get In'
: touch with them. Anything of this 8tlll1l11 ('ul'ds
Sale (Rnlllmage Sale) E. S. HaweR. Postlllaster
I character loaned I'm' this purpose will .
J)nU(mA:~UIE i ;'Iliss :'II. J. Simpson in Charge
Chairmen of all Committees and: ! Y. )r. r. A. JlrT with nOY S('O{T'rS i he well tal,en care of. Kindly phone
BooUls i
IIH1Tl~JI : Ladies' Auxiliar~'
! Narberth 314-1\1 for details. InHtearl of begg,ing dad for a quar.-
i Wom3n's Sull"rage I Henry:'>1. H. Bowes and Fred C. ! tel', out and hustle tor subscrip-
SPEAKt;nS I ;'III'S. Charles W. Young" In Charge Patten in Charge Buy YOUI' Sunday chocolate and to- I
tions to "Our Town."
Hon. 1". \V. Stites, Chairman
Postmaster E. S, Haws i ('III~ESE UAHY PAnADE baceo at the "Y. M. C. A. and Boy i 1"01' each $1.00 subscr,jption to Nar-
Burgess Carrol Downes Tennis Cluh o
, ne
I I'
o' t Ie most Important events·
Scout Hut" September 07 an I 08
. •. - l -.
'berth's bright little paper given to
·l\1iss ;'Ilaizie Simpson at the Civic As-
J. C. McKell, Chairman 0, the Patriotic Fete will be the 1 sociation Booth, l"r,iday or Saturday.
l\U'SIC Robert J. Ellgar Bahv Parade on Saturday afternoon,' , . ..•
A. .T. Loos, Chairman . 1 08 I rhe Sororitv Girls lire aiming to September 27 and 28, durmg the Nar-
(See also games.) S eptem IeI' - . " . I 'tl l' . tl F t Th iOt St amp,
:'III's. F. P. Barclay t\11 I I have the FEATURE of the Fete with i lei I . atno c 'e e, one rL
. mot leI'S are asked to enter'. . , . I will he the Irize
'Yo p. Na:,h FUE~('II their habies as soon as possible. As their Japanese 1ea Garden and Dahlia, I·
S. A. Rudolph, 2d "'oman's Communit.)' Club there are many lovely babies in Nar- a~d Chrysanthemum decorations.· You have two weeks in which to get:
Jo'red C. Patten :\ll's. C. P. Fow:er III Charge 1 I " I 1 . 1 hese decorations wlll be for sale.:
lert I. \\ e \\ ant to lave t lem ALC in Gi[' " d ,.' . . new suhsel'iptions-each one of which.
;'Ifiss Gertrude Wright : the parade. All children four veal's ts all tlo\\ el., are soliCited. Phone:
.·I'r.U.UX : d I id d b 'bl Miss \\'ipf for particulars means a new stamp on your card,
! an UII( er are cons e·re a es. . I J.. , . ' .
(,lIn,DRE~'S rOSTDIE PARADE Louis l\f. Ligrest, Chairman ! There will be prizes in the ['orm of ' I rlzes fOI rene\\ als wlll be on the
:'III's. .Tames G. Foote. Chairman :.\Irs. Ligrest. et. al. 'Thrift Stamps. The Knights of Columbus repre-' same hasis and dates will he advanced
:'III's. Hugh W. Brown Kindly phone any of the following sentation will be taken care of b : from .time of expiration.
;'111'5. Harry Dowen , JUmXES Committee for particulars: 1\11'15. E. . y !
~lr8. ~Ierritt Davis Greensward Dance , c. Town, Mrs. Royden Hunt, Miss i parlshionel'H of St. Margaret's I ('111110 on. girls 111111 bo)'s, do your bit
Entire Faeult)' of School Delta Sig,m3
1 i
Jeannette Turner. Mrs. G. l\f. Coles- Church. and excellent displays can; for ~Ill'berth 11IId IlIcltlentaJl)" do )'our
C. Howard McCarter, President Miss Augusta Witherow worthy, Mrs. C. T. Moore, Chairman. ,accol'lllllg,ly be expected. 'hit fill' the hoys 01"er There.

OUR TOWN I t1veness of the plants from which ther

CUB'S WEEKLY LETTER Telephones, or course, we
are selected can be taken into con-
sideration-which Is an Important
J\ n EXllerlment In Co.olicratlve point In selecting home-grown seed.' To the Editor of Our Town:
Journllllsm-No 1'ultl Workers. Walt until the seed matures, then dr)' . Although our local communit)' mar·
1268 HOWARD'S deliver - any
p I ace - any
It thoroughly immediately after it has ket is a success in the fullest sensp
Owned and Published every Thurs- been harvested, put it in packages of the word, many of us, strange to The Brightest Spot in Narberth
day by the Narberth Civic Associa- well labeled, and store in a dry place say, know little about it. For the
tion. where it can not be destro~'ed by in- sake of those who have not taken ad- A Drug Store in the Most Modern Sense of the Term
sects, rats, or mice. vantage of its benefits, I recommend
Subscription price one dollar per
year in advance. , a Saturday morning visit to the standing in front of their boxes, in- night Jo'rolll the Buttlefield!; lIi f:urulH'
,\ Jo'I~f: l'rAI,lAX nOO'I'JI ; "marl,et." There you will find the stead of getting out of the way and,
XAUBEU'l'H ASSOCIA'l'lO~ freshest and cleanest vegetables and giving some one else a chance'? One of tJhe most intel'esting allli
According tn plans, the I,talian fruits. most of them the product of I timelv feaotures of the PatrloUc Fet,"
President-Joseph H. Xash. bOOe:l at the PUitriotic Fete next week our local war gardens. The prices i
The~'e \~ere just tw~ automobiles \v:ill l;e the exhibit of war relics direCt
Vice-pr~sidents-A. C. Shand, James promises to be one of the best and are right in line with those we. think seen In ~arberth on Sunday. One from the battlefield.s of Europe. An'l
Artman, A J. Laos. most interesting in the wllole celebra- we ought to pay (that's saying some- was red and the other black. Xow, if w.hat will make this exhibit partieu-
Secretary-Treasurer-Geo. :\1. Coles- nion. It willi he entirely in the hands· thing) and the proceeds are prorated there had only been a white one, all larly interesting will be that mauy or
worth\'. of the Italians of Xarberth, who are betlveen the grower and the Women's of the colors of the German flag would the llI'ticles wiH be relics brough~
Dir~ctors-W. Arthur Cole, :\Irs. C working under the direction of :\11'. Community ClUb, the latter diverting have been represented. back hy residents of Narberth wh,)
P. Fowler, Henry C. Gara, W, R. D, Ligrest, o[ Wayne avenue, the chair- 11s share into war channels. Here's tub. have already seen military and Re,l
Hall. George 1'1. Henry, H. R. Hillegas, man. In addition 10 other features, a chance to save SOUle money on our -------.- Cross service in France and Italy.
Charles E. Humphreys, Daniel Leitch, this hooth will 'have 'a fine exhibit or tahle and at the same time aid a pa, 'I'Jo:~'r! 'I'E~'I'! WHO'S GO'I' A 'l'f;~'1'? The committee haVing charge of thi~
K A. ;\Iuschamp, 1\lrs. A Perry Redi- fruits and flowers. : triotic project. fea.ture have already arranged to se-
fer, :\Irs. A. B. Ross, Flelcher W Incidentally we might give the Wonder 'llOW many tents there are, cure a number of war relics, but any
members of the Women's Community in Narberth? We can't {ell you the additions tihat can be made to the ex.
Stites, Walton i\I. Wentz, A. E, Wah-
lert. :\Jrs. Charles W. Young. THE FIRESIDE · Cluh a word of appreciation for their exact nUlllber. hut we know you hibit will be greatly appreciated. E
· enterprising and hard work, That'; wonld he surprised if you knew. As I'OU have anv such l'ellcs or know
HARRY A. JACOBS, (Additional Fireside on Page 4) · all the pay they'll get and they don't a matter of fact, we are not sure of ~ny Narberth' folks that have, kindly
t: ll!t or. 'even ask for that-or expect it. as far I.:le exact number ourselve;;, but of comlllunicate with Mrs. C. P. Fowler,
--------_ . ._------ Get tickets for your canteen supper; as I know. this much we are certain: there are chairman of the Frenc!l Booth COIll-
l\lrs. Roy E. Clark A. J. Laos
from :'III'S. Odell or any of the U. S.' pleuty for ,the purpose~ of the Nar- mittee. Good care wHI. of course, b'~
}Irs. C. T. Moore Henry Rose
Army Boot,h CommiHee. I wonder If· last Thursda~"s regis, berth Patriotic Fete, providing that talwn of alii articles loaned the com-
G. ""I. Henry . W. T. :i\Ielchior
Mr. and Mrs. ElIer~' K. Taylor, 15 tration was responsihle for the surl- you foIl,s who own tents will be so mittee, and they will be returned
Assol'1ut e .t:tl1l0rs Ehnwood aVelllte, are receiving con- den dropping of their dis~uiseR hI' kind as to g'~t in touch with :\11'. A..J. promplly to the owners.
gratulations on the birth of a daugh- several of our veterans of 46 and over Laos and tell I llim ~hat you will be
. -------
ter. Elizabeth Everit Taylor, on Mon-! who
day, September 16, at Bryn :Mawrl youths.
Send all letters and news items to Hospital, Bryn Mawr, P a . ·
have been camouflaging as. glad to lend him your 'tents.
. The tents wil!, of course, he retlll'n-
i ed 10 the owners in good condition.;
Wh y G T 0 0
e·tY ?•
P. O. Box 966. Committees and' c.hairmen shonltl, Notiee how quiet it's he en around: but just to he on the safe side, Wi), B Y
Send all advertising copy to P, 0, re.member in s. ecuring supplies fo.r! here lately? Know WhY? B. ill Cum- . suggest that you write your name and ! ~tor. ,. uy OUI"'
Box S20. their hooths anl~ tahles that the fete i mer's been a way. He's back now,: address on a shi·ppiug tag and fasten II inC , VICTROLAS
i\lake all remittances to P. O. Box is a two-day affatr and that the seconJ however. And, would you believe it.: it ,to your tent. V:.,
118. day, if clear, willi I)robably be the big- that hale anrl hearty but relicenL: And don',t take for granted that.: . _ , ~ and
Our Town is on sale at the depot gest in attendance and sales. . ~'oung man is abGut to celebrate his: everybody else in town that owns n ,
11ewsstand, and at the store of H. E, Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Frank W·i 50th birthday? Yes', sir, Bill willi tent will lend it and Nlat yours won',': RECORDS
Davis. i
Calvert an(~ daughter, Marjor!e, for- reach his half century on September! be needed. may take t,hat same! Al
Entered as second-class matter merly of :\arberth, late of swarth- 125 And we all thought he was in view anrl then JIlt.. Loos won t /!;et th<:!,
October 15, 1914, at the Post Office at more, were shocked on Monday to th~ draft! Bill has two sons in the' number of tents that he needs. AZPELL'S
Narberth, Pennsylvania, under the act hear of the accidental death of alII army and the old man looks as though
of :\Iarch, 1879. three by gas. " I there might be a punch or two left. IUU\" PAIUln: MUSIC STORE
I·'rench dasses are 'bemg formed to in him. We celebrate Pershing day 32
THCRSDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1918 start Oetober 3. A begill'n'ers' class and other great days, but let's not The haby parade will be on Satur- E. LANCASTER AVE.
will be arranged, and any of our overlook Cum mer day. I r1ay afternoon, September 2S, to form.
--E;IE-"R-G-E-NCY---PHO~E CALLS townspeople Wishing to take up the Bill brings us a story from Wi 1- ,at Forrest avenue north of Whlllsor.
study of French should see Mrs'jliamsport of a couple of twin boys., and march along Windsor to Nar-
~~;~~~:501250 George Abele or Mrs .. Joseph T. Bar- born within five minutes of one an-! b:ool, Park, wher~ th~ judges Will. re- T. STUART COWIN
clay as soon as pOSSible. I other, one coming within the IS-year new them anrl lhstrtbute the pl'lze,;.
The many friends of }o'rank W. cal'l draft limit bv two minutes and the The committr,e: Mrs. C. 1'. :\Ioore. a pupil of the best teachers in Phil-
vert and family, formerly of Narberth., other missing it by three. Only one. chairman; Mrs. G. M. Colesworthy, i\Ir,;. adelphia, wishes to announce the
were greatly shocked to rearl of their 1 0 1' these boys was requirerl to regis- Royden Hunt, Mrs. Edwin C. Town opening', of his seventh season as a

their home at Lansdowne, Pa. Only I

accidental death 'b~· asphyxiation in tel'. They can tell Bill anything. Miss Jeanette Turner. music teaeher. Lessons at your home
if desired. Special attentiou to be·
last week Mr. Calvert and his familyl One of the oldest inhahitants tells· l'EAl'1I S'rO~ES AUE W.\YI'IW ginners.
paid a visit to :\arhenh in their auto· me that tbe footpath on the south side I'enrh stolles IIl'e \\'11 II t 1'(1 hy the Ph'one, Narherth :l17-W.
Thesl' lIlts IIIl1kl' the ----------._------
mobile. 1 0 1' the railroad station has heen in bad !l'oVllt'nllll'lIt.
The regular meeting of the Woman'~ condition for twenty-five years, Says' hl'st, ehnreolLI fOl' the snlt1iI'r·s !rus
Auxiliary of the Y. M, C. A. will be, it's the worst path of any Main Line I lIIusks 111111 the)' lire lieI'llI'd, Killtn~·
held at the silver tea, given b~' Mrs'l station. Xo place but :\"arberth would: CIt'III1 tll(>lII IIl1d It'll\'e them In hux ut
C, M.O' McCracken, .co:ner N'~]'hertlll have stooll for it 1'01' a moment. Some-: huck o.i t ~2 ,":SSI'X un'III1I', hUIIII' of. TO ORDER YOUR
Pre~jdent Wilson's emphatic .. ~() .. anrl \\'11111801' avenues. 1hursda), Sep- thing in that, I g.uess, because we are )Irs. ". ". {lIlIIerllll.

to Auslr!<l's la'test IJeaCe proposal is tember 26, at 2.30 P. i\l. All members certainly good lIatured. Year after' .\ 11I'Izl' will he !l'h'ell til thl' hor til'
gratifying to t he whole civilized are urged to he present. Ida :\L veal' we wade through puddles and /:,11'1 whll cnllt'cls tht, !lIl'!l'I'St IIl1l11hl'r
world. Chamhley, secretary. I ;nud, twist our ankles in ruts anJ ot' tht'st' strlllt'S. '
Office Stationery
Only eight more working days. All scratch our shoes on loose stones, but __ . _
Germany's perlidy, as exposed hI" ehairmen awl all on committees no one seems to have the nerve or I UnH' )'011 II sllrllllls Slllllll.r oi Tl'gt'· We are prepared to execute
. authentic documents just made IHlblic I shoul<1 hI' at t,he meeting Friday \ authority to go after the railroad com- I hlhlt's III )'ollr ~lIrlle1l1 If so. thl'Y your printing promptly and neat-
hy the St3>te DiJIlurtmeut, is fully es-1eyening. September 20, at 8 o'clock, 1J'In~·. Who's it up to, anyway? ! wlII he /:,relltly 1l11preelatl'tl lit th~ Iy, and at surprisingly low rates.
tubli~hed. The Kaiser's hypocriticul Y. :'II. C. A, IJlulding. Plan o[ booth . 1101141111' HOllse. ~o II 11I0 II lit Is too
air of injured InuoceuCl' deceives uo ~I)a('e assignment will be ready to
I heard a noise which was some-. slIlali io St'llll. Plellse lellTe thl'lII hI'.
ha ve every O~le husy on Sat urllay thing like the ('reaking of old hones; f01'1' lloull, lIny Ilay. on the hlll'k porch
The Home Town Prl"ntery
aftel'lloou at :'\.trbrook Parle the other day. Looked around for the; ,,1: llU X. l':Slo;('X 1I1·elllll'. the home or 1,108 CHESTNUT AVENUE Ph1203n,,e,J~,
PrelJarations for the P,~t,riotie Fete The eOllllllittee in eharge of the eause anll there was the Count tryin!;· JTrs. IIlIrry ,,-. Derh)·. '"
or September 27 and 28 are going for- Foo(1 Couservation Booth at the N:l1'- to play tennis.
ward rapidly. T.he various commit- berth fete will be g!,lll to reeeive
tees are as husy as hees. 'Phe IJro- donations of jam, jellies or relishe:; Our Celtie friend, Xotions, must'
gram as thus far announced is very for sale there. One glass from many have enlisted, judging hy the scarcity·
aHnH·tive. A large attendance ami families will not he missed, yet quile of his communications to Our Town.
g(!od returns seem assured. Let us a sum could be eleared in this way Perhaps he's telling them to the
hope tlwt the weather man will he for the good cause. If you can con- marines now. I, for one, miss him.
I,.ind and giye us two perfect days. trihute ('all phone 1639-W. It's said that he rebulwd his laundress
-------- : Say. you huzz wagon fellows who several tdmes for arrivin!?,' late on
The names of the members of the I SO willin!?,'l)' do not use your auto on washdays and after while he noticel],
Patriotie Fete committees have beeu Sunday, hal\' coulcl you use the day a big improvement, which he grace..
puhlished. 'rhere are many of 01H' hettel', after you have heen at church, fully acknowledgell in these wor(ls::
residents who could give valuable aid than to write one of the Narberth "GOod morning, Mrs. M,urph~'! You've
to tllese commiLtees by suggestions hoys who are in the service. or het- been coming early lately, You're fir~t
and personal worl{ or donations ot tel' still. write two of them every sunOl at last. but you used to he behinll
.salable articles. Such help will he {Ia~'? The same news will do for both before,"
welcomed. If you have anything: if the hoys are in different hranc!les I _
w,!wteYer to ol1'er. get in touch with 101' the service. Howard Wilson says he saw a sign
the chairmen by telephone. 'rh~ time: It is ~·our r~tlty an(1 'sh~uld he your Ion a garage in Maine, reading: "Auto·
is getting short and much st111 re- pleasure to. gll'e a~l the tlll~e that you mobiles repairell here. Fords fixed." I
mains to be done. can spare III helplllg out III the Red . _
All Englishman of m~' acquaintance
Cross work rooms. Hasn't this war
1'Or IL\YE ClAUn}:~ SJo:EII ~OW, heen brought home near enough to told me that the most interesting thin!!; i
SAYf; IT some of ~'Oll to make you wake up he had seen in America was Nur-I 227 Haverford Ave.• Narberth
and realize that our own hoys rildlt berth's new postomce, because the 1
. Some of the .garden seed now ~row- here in ~arherth I~lig,ht be it.l need of "keep to the left" in force here ~e­ French Dry Cleaning and Pressing
lIlg abundant III your garden Will be. ~ollle of the surgICal dressmgs that minded him so much of his natIve ~~~~~~~~~~==~~==:-::=~=~:-::=:-::=~~:-::=~~=:-::=:-::=~~~
needed next year when planting ti~le: you are neglecting to make at the land. To '1iim it also indicated that
-(:omes. Better save a supply willie Red Cross roollls? "'rl Ha \VS, ·in deference to the
LEE'S GARAGE Essex Ave. abo Haverford
A Narberth
you can. It is not hard to save seed A very at,tractive prog.rllm of the President's wishes. was paying a COIll- venue 1605
and qUi.te ,frequentl)· the home-grown fete is. I?ein g prepared under the pliment to our ally in attempting to
supply IS better than any that can be supen'lSlon ef Messrs. H. C, Gara and put an English custom over on us
Overland Sales and Service Agenc"lJ 'J'
bought from the seed man. Home- 'V. A. Cole, In addition to the formal I'm afraid it can't be done, because REPAtHS, STORAGE, GASOLINE AND OILS, OPEN DAY AND NIGHT
~rown seeds are suited to local en-/IJrogmm there will be much informa- we"re so used to Ihe /!;ood old- L S H
vironme·nt, aud the vij:(or and produc-I tlon of general Interest that will make fashioned American way of inclininl! • C. HA AN
___. ..._ . ---- __I the pro.gram a souvenir well worth to the right that we can .never he

keeping. It is planned to -di&tl'ibute a broken' of It-even though our faces
copy ito each househOld in Nurbert,h, be pushed in time and again by thosp The MISSES ZENTMAYER'S
-dl I Ibit tl and other copies may be obtained on irritating inverted perverted, blank·
A boroug h or nance pro 1
riding of bicycles on the sidewalks. It
s te thegl'ounds for a small sum. etl' blank doors '
Is dangerous to pedestJ'lians. Parents
Instruct your children accordingly.
.\ ,'il'l with a dimple will laugh at
any fool thing a mRn says.
I Have :VOll ever noticed the nUlllh,,-
or people that read their mall while
Will Reopen September 18th, 1918

Capital $160 000; Surplns, $120,000; Undivided Profits, $100,000 I .' BAUY p,lnAm; , IPHONE TO ==
' , I All entries for the baby parade for r · NARBERTH 672 WALTON BROS.
&TRUST CO'.1 I;~ltlur(~~~dl~fte~~OOa~'
corner, Forrest and Windsor
;r~Pte;;~~I~la~~~!' When. you want automobile trips, furniture
avc- : moved, packages carried, freight hauled.
' I nues. at 2.30 o'clock sharp, as the, automobiles stored, etc.
· A rca de 8 UJ·Id·log
Narbert h OffICe, I babies have to be classed and the:
parade starts promptly at 3 o·clock.:

It will march along Windsor avenue I

to Xarbrook Park. wI~ere the j.udges,
CHESTNUT. Bel. 16th St 1I IJ ••• IJ··· II rL~AN
2% Interest Paid on Checking Accounts (strangers from out o[ town) Will re-:
view' them and after the awardin5
.' 'ld'l I '
Flnesl Photoplay The-
.Ireollis Sizelnihe

of the pl'lzes. the chi ren WI I Je P ... "opl.....-Conllnuous lOA. M. to 11.30 UNDER BACl ERIOLOGICAL CONTROL
handed over to the parents or CllS- P. M.

3% Interest on Savings Accounts todians of them who will be asked'

to be there at the finish.
Arrangements have been made to
Phlla•• Pa.
Pasteurized Milk DELIVERIES
Bryndovls CerlJlled WEST PHILA
Milk •
have the intersecting streets ropeJ Week ('oJllDtenc/ng SeIlteDtller II (Pedrlallc Society) OVERBROOK

Your Account Solicited Dff so tha t tra ffic may be :,uspended

during the time it will take the
.n;SSI~ I,ASK\: l)resenfs
Special •• Guernsey" MERION

parade to pass.
The Home Guards have I,indly:
(ROberts' &: Sharpless' BALA-CYNWY
Dairies) NARBt.RTH
I at
the prayer meeting fmlll Lestel' agreed tD look after this important IX Cream Buttermilk ARDMORE
JefferiEs, :\'aval Coast Reserves, and matter.
Table and Whipping WYNNEWOOD
- ,
JIEUIO:\, JllEE'l'l:\'(, HOUSE I
Joseph Light. U. S. Mal'ine Corps.
Th'iS Wednesday, Septell1'bel' 25. letters
There wlll he four classes from
which to choose the prettiest: Cream.
--- . . wlll be read fr011l Russell M. Lukens.
Merion Meeting House I~ opened for I Batt. D. 108th Field Artillery. A. E.
I'.'orship every First-.lIa)· at 11 A. i F., and Stanl':!y ;\1. Lukens, U. S. S.
M. \'isitors are c.onl1all wel~ome. I Drechterland. The pastor will give
Class A from 1 % years down.
Class B from 1% years to 3.
Class C fr0111 3 years to 4%.
SUII/lOrtcll II)' 1'hoDlllS ~feighlln
Juvenile class fr0111 4% to 5 In- i ~IAIS !:ROD!!CTIOS ~T,\nTS ,\S SK\R
A registry book IS kept for Vlsitors. I the f01ll'th talk "About Jesus." c1usive (all under 6). I AS I'OS~~:~~,I'r..4~~) 7~~~1... ~~o ~~;: ~i:oo. 2.00. 45th and Parrish Sts.
A!I are asked to register their !II,ames'l The :\Iethodist Church has charge
A prize for the youngest.
of the countrv store at the Patriotic • A prize for the fattest.

I Fete in Xarbr~ok Park vn Friday and
ST. 3IAIWARt:'l"S fllUUCll
--- I
Saturday. September 27 and 28.
A prize for the most physically at.:
I Mrs. C. T. Moore wishes to thank
nero U. t'. fowh'J, Heetor
'fill-: l'UJ:SBV'ft:U'AS C~lllJneJ(
A prize for the most attractive ithe "friend" who so kindly sent a
tlvins of any age. I <!onation anonynlously for the prizer:
Early Mass on SUIlllay from April A prize for the most artistically, tor the baby. parade. . . 1~J.
1 to October 31 at 7 A, 1\1. Fr011l ltH. ,John Ylln "'eNS, ~I/n/Nh'r
decorated vehicle. inclUding coache~,
I Those havJllg electriC aut01110j)lles Y. M. C. A. BUILDING
Xov.eml!;er 1 to Mardi :n at 7 A. M' --_ go-carts. wagons. i were right in it last Snnday, for there
Late Mass. 9.30 A. 1\1. .thr~Ughollt the !\feetings for next Sunday: Noveltv class. Including floats. ek i was no ban on the use of the "jUice."
year. !\lasses on hol~ da~ s. 6.30 ~nd I
10.00 A. .\i.-Sunday school. All Each ~hild will please bring a flag.: _
8.:)0 A. M. Wee!<liays at. 8. Evenlllg departments. I Please send all entries as soon as, SPt;l'IAI, XOTIfF. TO 'l'WIXS
devotions and other ser\'lce;.; at regu- 11.00 A. i'lL-Public worship. Ser possible to any member of the Bahv . .
lar times. 1110n theme. "Service and Sacrifice." Parade CDmmittee pUhlished in this There IS to be a special class brlllg
7.45 P. :\i. -F:veniug worship. Ser- paper.
man theme. "lour Other Self."
,ing up the rear of the baby paralle
for twins of all ages. I
GARAnteed Roofs
J>ERSIII:\'(~ llAY
Andrew S. Unrke, Rector
Church Notes
The attendance at the prayer meet-
I:\' XAUUERTII There will be a prize for the most, -
attractive pair. Will all mothers of M· F H L
--- ing on \Vednesday evening was very The people of Narberth celebrated twins kindly call up Mrs. C. T. Moore, I ISS 005 .anDY .•
The services at All Saints' P. E gratifying. Let us keep Ujl the good General Pershing's birthday on Fri- Xarberth 675-M. and give their names I WIll Reopen Her
Chureh. Montgomery and Wynnewood work. day. the 13th. by purchasing War to her. as this is to be a special! PIANO STUDIO
avenues, for next. Sunday are as fol- The address of 1\11'. George W. Stamps and Thrift Stamps. Our citi- feature. I
In Ibe Arcade 01 the Harris
S 00 A. I\L-Holy C0111111union.
BI'aden before the. main qepartment
of the school last Sunday was greatly
zens responded nobly when they were
met by the committee headed by I\Ir~
----- ----
'l'ln: noxon nOI,I,
I Building
,On ~eptember 23, 1918
9.45 A. :\1.-Sullday school. allpreeiated by H1e large numher who C. ·W. Young. assisted by Mrs. C. P. --- I Telephone. N.rberth 316 J
11.00 A. :\I.--:\iorning prayer and
gathered:to hear him. F'owler. Mrs. Charles Verna and two
The 'Vestminster Circle '111et at the members of the Emergency Aid. Miss "
','.ParrejlSeer'tllt] C--A-' I L--O··-W--'-E'-L-L&-'--CO
The Sunda~' school sessions have
heen resumed and the rector desires Thursday evening.
home of :'III'S. Warren Wright last Mildred Harris and Miss Jane Laird. postoffice. thirty of them are de;.;ig-
The total sales for Pershing Da~' nated as officers. I R.eaI E state •
to have each teae-her and scholar on The Senior Endeavor Society was amounted to over $2900. In this suh- There are many more names that
hand at 9.45 next Sunday morning.
and if possible have a friend with
reol'ganized last Sunday evening. The I stantial manner our citizens ex- should be aelded to the roll. If the.y i
folIowing officers were elected: pressed their admiration for Dur great.: lire handed to the postmaster hy theIr I Insurance
. 01', Burke is hOlne [rom hi;.; vaca- President.
'1 :\Ioiss
'I' Agnes
'I ,,' I' Rose;
1\1 C vice- tllereo they will be promptly placell , sO~rt~~d~laUon
ec generaj in command of the American l'l'riends. NARBERTH, PA.
presll ent. " ISS a h.ul!< me . coy; s - Expeditionary Forces in Enrope. n. _
tion ancl will officiate at all of the ret.ary. :'Iliss Ebba Sjoholm; treasurer.
services next Sunday. :'IIiss Dorothy Wilson. The J U n i o r !I
b r thR . Attracfl"ve New Houses
egIs te r
You are most cordially invited to Endea\'or Society will be organized
,He andfree.
worship with will
anll ~'ou us. the
be pews
most next sunda_e\_·e_niI_lg
. . ..._ __ _ .~_ Are Becoming Scarce
welcome. Hay(- 1'ull AnJ ,TaplllU'sc I,llnternsl . 5 F. h cld' II I have remaining for sale a very
.__ Tu'o Lines, IOc per ,ssue; c or eoc a ,tiona ine attractive
1I.\I'TrS'l' fIll'IH'1I
OF 'I'IIE t:VANGl;L How ahout those Japa.nese lanter11>; ,\('COU:'IO'I',\ :-;TS ~11 ..
that you have had around YOUI' hou>;\' l{eltn. II. C. CertlOo<1 Puhllc Account"nt. S"o(t-I'o\\"'11 I)alrl.. ~. ::h~>r,e. Pre.ton 239~ I HOUSE ON ANTHWYN ROAD
fOI' several yea'rs, wondering just 202 Dudley ave. Phone. ;\'llI'herth 300-W. Soe display aO"e~:i7~~~ent In thl. I..".
Un. ,\\,('I'J' S. lIellllllr, I'llstor
what you would do with them-hesi- A\)\'I':IlTI~I:-;(; T. Slullrl ('"wlu. ~(,,; ~"'rl"l1 a"".
ServiC'fi' as follows:
tating about l{eeping thenl because l'ult'. "°
Arthur. Phon,-~. Xpl'uce 11;3S.

luea~. Plans, Copy. Art. '!'ypography.

Spp tll~play adn"I'll~t'JIll'nt 111 thl:-; i~.Io,;II1'.
Laos, Fanny II. Plano teach~r.
Sunday. 9.45 A. :\I.-Bible school. rOll didn't know \\~;]en ~'on might ever AUTO~I01Sn.ES StUdio, Arcade 13Iog. Phone. 311)-.1. Don't hesitate if you want a good home.
nse them. and hesitating to throw C,'u,ore, Sllbl,· '1'0 hll·e. SJ"h"lIn. ~lI,s Ehhll. ~llIRlc Teacher alld Ac,
Classes for all. f I 1 t Phone, 12S9 or Ii:?i'i. cOlllllan!:-;l. :!~s Jona. a\'e.• N'arheJ,th. WM. D. SMEDLEY
11.00 A. :\1..-:\Iol'11ing worship; sub- them a wav because you earel t la L'•••• Garnl:'e-nopalrlng. r'tc. Phone. lG05. :-;OT,\I(\, runt.l('
VOli 01' so;ne Df your friends might See oispla)' all\'l'rtlst'lllellt In this Issue. Jen·,,,Io·,. J. II. III Narherth a "e,
ject. "Three Things the War is Do- illl ve some unexpected use for them nA:'IOr;;S Ph,,"e. tltl6·~1.
ing. . :U(-r)ulI 1'1 tit· &: Trust Co. Phone. Ard'l1ore 3. T,pmn. \\'nrrf>ll It. 200 \Voodhille an~. A COMPLETF LINE OF
nne of these .days? Ho,v ajJout 'e:u. ~ee dl~ptny Utl\'PI,tlseIl1enl in this tHl'lt:e. Phont?'o l~O~-'V.
7.45 P. :\1.--8ven ing worslnp; sUh- I 'It OI'TICJ.-\;o,,,
ieet. "Greater Things Ahead." "'e say.
UlJ I 1.)1... ~
'Veil. tIle tilue ~has arrived; they are SnU'llIe,'_ "'Ill. IJ. Photle. 600.
I·'t.rtfun. ('n rl .... ;.01; I';~:rowx a \'c. Phonf'. ~:U:.'"
l'hila. addl·eHs. l~()lj Chestnut :-:l, f, l'lISl :;~:"
. \\'e(!ne.,.day. S.O(l P. :\I.-Prayer See display nclv(>rlisement In thlJ'l t~:'Iue, 1•.l\IXTI~J(S O AT
neelie'1 in the Xarberth Patriotic Fet'? Co\:'IOIJ\·. I'TC. ('"il'. ,""n,'. n.
('hnrl'h Xoh-~
and this is your opportunity to put Ih,,'ls, 11 .... Pholle, 1:,Li4-\V.
thenl to fJ'ood use. Get in tOUch ,vilh See display n<!\'PI'Llspment In thl~ 'l'l~l1e,
:;·lli Jla\·t"'fol"l1 ave, Phone, Rpnlcl' 11':::~.
\r. (j. ('uIIIIUI."r. Phone. l~-li~ "., DAVIS'
At a hUi'iness meeting last Wednes- ~
(lay evening tile following were chosen ea nteen Commit,tee; Mrs. Charles ""'.
(-./\UPEX'I'EUS l\;\"U nl7IJ..I)I':It~
:\II'~. B~dward Odell. c:hairman o[ th<! J'·III<1ns. Cha,. I..
IQ3 Duoley II ve. Phone. 3S2-:lI.
\\'nl7.(·r. Fr,'cl, I
::11) !';IJHWllod HVe., 1'\'arlJerth,

I I, \\-i1'.'lr ~ ,.~. ,Phonp. _I :4: -.1..


to repres-ellt this church at the ses- Young". chairman of the British Booth .
sions of the :HUh ·anniversary of the
(~O~T.ltACTOltS ,
ShUIHI. ,r\. C ••Jr. Coltllll(>r'dal "I rll~t Bldg.,
Dell\'l'r. nkh:';~11 ~~~tA~~~~:·I.. H"
Philadelphia Balltist Association Committee. and Miss Maude 'Vipf.
chairman of ['he Japanese Booth Com-
Phone Nil. he th 1693.'V Bulltllnb_
Phlia. I'hone, SPl'llc:, ":'13,: ;\'arherth 1214-J Witt,.. (;"n. \. rFaln'iew ,;,.••.
1Jr.;:-;TI:ST~.. Ph"ne, CYllwyd "S-.r. FIt'"'-c!a"" work.
Frank Crist
\\'hie:l meets with the FI'ankford Ave- 1 (~nrnl'run, Hr. "'. :\1. Phon!!', 395.\\, I MEATS & PROVISIONS
lIue Church, heginning October 1: Mrs. mi~tee. anl1 tell them jt'st ·lOW many II~ E •• es n'·'>. ",\r"II,I/II." IIHh allo CheMllllt ~'". Phil.
PIIOTO pr ...\ YS
Japanese lanterns you have. These Orr. Ur. A. I •• t01 Rlmwond a\', P.hone, 393·W., .~t>t" di...;pla\' ndn>.rtll'iPlllPJ1t In thl~ l!iJ!iJue
H. S. Hopper. :\Irs. C. H. Keim. Mrs. ladies need quite a number to use in Phlla. 1"11 bert ~2',~. Keith Bldg. ·1·I.ll~IIII~O. f':TC. . Hi&h Grade Butter
Agnes Hirst, Deacon 'V. J. Clark, J. UJ(U(.GISTS Sup)."P. {.tOC). JC Phnnt', 12"~•. Telepbone-NarlJerth 6401 A.
lna,l\.j,ng the decora.tions for the cele- lluwnrd'H. Phone. l~lij. :O:pe f'h,play ad\·e .. tll'l~"nlf'llt In ttl:!iJ 1!l~Ue
C. Simpson, J. P. Briggs and Pastor hraLion and will appreciate every as- ;<ee display a<l,·.:'tlsem.nt In thl. :•• ue. Willi. 11. II. Phone. 319.,r.
.\\'e1'\' S. Demmy. 't See dlNplay nd~\'f>r·tl~~r~l~nt !n thl~ '11!1111a
sistance you can give them. ""1'1 e I'nl:'h \'erl ~25 1~1I1l a"e.
lU.. J':CTIUCI.o\:\S
. Th'e ladies' moble class. taught by vonl" name on :1 small piece of paper I
~a; Phone. ~:,O-\\'. Ard. Phone, IG3-J. f'1I!,I",,'1I .'I: Co. Phone. 12,1."'.
It 1·••\1. hS'I.-\TI'. H. C. FRITSCH
:\Irs. C. A. :\lcA,lplne. will hall! their FISH A~J) O\·S'fI·:ns . ~f': dlspla," ad"ertlReJ11~!"'t lr, thl! b:'lue PnperUes For Rent and Sale
ancl paste it all the bottom of each 1IIIIII'rh,I """>t.,,. Co, Pholle, ~arl>erth 606. ,1'rll"'''' II. C. Phone. 2.. "-".
. .
month]\' business meeting and social lantern and it will be ,returned to yon. See <I1,plll" 1l,j,-PI'IIRPlT1pnt In thl. Is.ue. . "t'. "I'I,I~~. a,I\'l'rtlRelllent I~ thl. I •• u.
Fire Insurance
on Tllt;rHlay evening. the 19th. at the
Even if you only have two or three W"hlt'rl. A. K
. O;\llIJE:'IO :'IOunSI,Rn:~ I c.",III"'.". "Ill. u.
.114 \\'oo<lRI<!p ""e. Ph,,!,e. 685-'1'".
Bell Phone 86l! W.
home of :\Irs. William D. Smedley on or four lanterns. don't hesitate to ~loll,golT1er)' n'·e. Phone. 696 Xarberth. :'illsh. Rnberl '!. Phone. 60". IT.lll BulldJng. Narberth, P..
Xarberth avenue. offer them. l\Il's. Odell. Mrs. t:oung ~. "
(.HOCI'.rts.. , "C)n('~' fnr l' !r~t and ~PC'"ond ~rortgagt!'•.
slllIn,,,n.•1:llIIe, C, ~32 l':sRes a"e.
Jrnllt-rlal Grocer)- Cn. Phone, Xarberth 606. Phone. r.:~f'i. or lot:?O Ch ...... nllt It.
m~1'IWmST };PISfOI''\ r, (;IIURCII
and :\iiss Wipf wiII al>preciate
ki,ndness and can nse every lantern
your See dl.plny allvertiselllent
t1AUl.1S(;. I,TC,
UroM. Phone. 672.
In thl. I.,ue.
noo.... :-;Il. RTf'.
('"m·;\I,·f:!nlt-,· Co. Phnnp. 1258-W.
dl~T11Jl~' nl!v€"rtlsf'ment tn thllll Issue.
"The I.ittle Church 0\1 the lillI" tihey can get. I "'nUnll
See display a!lvertl.ernpnt In thl. 1•• 1Ie.
10;'"" ...
. Allller. John A, 243 lona ave. Phone. 6111.J Plumbing, Gas Fitting
Shrn :?4~ Hnvprtonl A'·p. 'Phn" ... 1"1)6 ••1
and Heating
JfAKE 'I'll}; I'.\UK S1'I(' AXil SI'AX Jln\\'llIlln. Sllllluel I'. (Lite.).
111) Elnnvood ave. Phone, 603-W.
Owing to the shOl,tllge of labor c1ul''' lurl,hnrllt. Miller. General rn.umnce.
>"('11001. .\~n 1{\~f)EIW"nTI';:\
Thp llUMSt'N Zpntntll,-t-r'", ~1'ho()1 nnd lilntlt"r.
It'llrlen. 125 \\'IU<lRol" five., Will reopen
ing the summer. som'e of the lots in 100 Mllpte ave. Phone, 659-~I. S"p'elllh"1" !Sth. I!'IS.
Sel'\'j<:"O's for \lext :::;t1I11la~·. September · . Jones. Chus. It. SIIOF:MAKERS '1'1
Nal'hert'11 Park. where the P a t rlQUc :1"" 1'. :-Inrherth ave. Phone. 6S2·J. (lnnd "'pnr !"hu" Hellalr ShUll. Ie famous grand opera ~tar.
22. as follo\\'s:
9.45 A. l\1.-Sunday school for all • • fi~O.J Phlla. nclrlreA8, Penn !\.[utual Bldg.
Fete will be he'ld next week. nlave dun..... Will. J. 103 S. Narherth ave. Phone. CUllslnnlltw. n. ro. Y.'. lIl. C. A. Blclg.
Tilt" above t.1t!'partment I!hould be or tb.
Geraldine Farrar's return t.o the screen
ages. not r':!ceived ,the at,tentlon whICh ')'rutt,'r ISru•. (Fire. •te.) ~rpnlp", u.p to thp romrnunit;·. the lIot c"n. ill the tl'llselr dramatic photoplay,
theh' owners would donbtlefis like to 209 Woodelde n'·e. Phone. 1262-R. I lain. the nllllle or Her~' prole.slonlll m.n "The Turn of the Wheel." was a most
11.00 .-\. :\I.-:\Iorning service. t bl i
'l\he pastor will preach on .ole sub- given them. But 111 VJeW of the C.llr..~'. Jnhn 211 'Essex av'e. Phone. 1245-R. nOes or eRn In nny "'sy .~r\·e hi. fellow.
. . I A'l"YEn~ trn(lpRmnn. rllPchnnlc. Rhop}tee-per. '?'tc.. 'Whc

ject "The Ktngdol11 of Heaven-

<,ominl;' celebration. aUll the fact that
. . 1'11J...
Phlla. nclclrees. Lincoln Bldg. !"",,,sm.n. and who Is progr~,s"'e .noug!
F1"teh..r \V 41~ Havertord ave. to nll,l nnme to list 'It R~"lster.
110 a e event II the world of the
silent drama. The story is t.hat of a
I t'f
When?" there will be a good many VISItors in Ph':ne '312-W phii... addre••, Crozer Bid&,. As It 10 ,1Ifflc1llt for tho.e c"ntrlbutlnp most leau I nl woman who risks her
7.00 P. M.-Ep\'orth League. town during the ,two days it is hoped. ' I WIITIN'O FIXTURES Ihplr time and errort. to the production 01 ail in t11(! exciting game of love. and
" J. j,. -.. "Our Town" to perBonallv either kn()'W 1')'
7.45 P. l\I.-Evenlng service. Special that all lot owners in Narbel'th Park. 1I1"llnnalll dohn, Narberth phone. 1288. Inter\'iew all .ueh It would he mo.t h.lp. will be shown at the Palace Theatre.
will mal,e a special effort between 1533 Che.t.•t.• Phlla. Pbone, Spruce 1138, t~1 It Iho.e not ';ow found In the prlnt.d Ardmore. on Wednesday afternoon
music; seroll1onlJy jla,srtor. "Sacrificing ]lIEAT!". ETC. list would .end In a memo of tbelr nam••.
to l\)no\\'." now and next week to clean 11p the Cotter, Howard F. Phone, 1298. addre••. phone number. and bu.lne•••• or and evening when Miss Farrar will
ground and put everythtng in goo,1 llpe <llonlRY Rllv~rtlopm.nt In till. I••ue. prote••ion. for U.tlng. Thl. will eo.t a. rol· be seen for the first time in pictures
La,st Wednesday letters were real! Crl.t. Frnnk. Ph"ne, 368. low.: 10 cent. each I••u. tor 2 lin•• ; 6 e.llt, ,
condition. See display advertisement In thl. \s.u.. : for eaeb additional line. i under the Goidwyu banner.

netty naxter's Gossip
Messrs. Warwick and Shaw: Win the Big Event RECEIVES AID A Confert to SnlYl'ng('-An "Old 1,1111,.;.
Sees the Ught
Under "Mars Henry" Watter~on the
.rustice and Ross Lose Hard-Fought Three-Set Match-Good 1\'
.,rs. R oma I ne C. August 27,~arbel'th.
Hoffman, 1918. Louisvllle Conrler-Journal was for
Progress Being Made in Other Contests-May Finish .
' Pa.: I many years one of the strongholds of
Tournament This Saturday I ~ly dear Mrs. Hoffman-After In-\ the anti-suffrage cause, but with the
qUlrles at chapter headquarters, retirement of that implacable foe of
Philadelphia, we find that Charles votes for women, the "old lady on thc

SC'OIlE HY 1'00''1'S-llOrHU:S f'J1UJ,S

KerWOOd, sergeant-pilot. I-,afayette I corner"-as that newspaper call;;
Eocadrille, Bre·. 1117, now prisoner I itself, echoing II popular nicknamc of
Plarers First Set. Pts. Gms. :\0. 11846, Ire. Cle. Baraque E. Gies- affectlon-comcs the announcemen t
Justice anri--Ros,.'---:-'-'-~~-:-.'--. .-:-. -:-4 ;) 4-4 0 4 0 5 4 7 6 4 1) 53
sen, Germany, was brought down be- i that it has seen the light and will
s.llI\\' nnd WarwlelL ...... " .... 2 7 0 2 4 2 4 3 4 6 9 4 6 7 hind the German lines on ~lareh 31,' henceforth braveJ,· carry the hanncl'
----SeeOl!;l Set 1918, Having been In the Frenl'!l 1 :\11'. and Mrs. Thornton A. Gr·ugan of Justice and equality of poliliea I
----.,..--:;:---------;;:- -------- ----------
,h.stice and Ross 9 4 2 0 1 0 7 2 2 27 army he is considered a French are motoring through :"ew England. rights for the citizens still disfran-
Shaw and Warwick 7 2 4 ~'!...~4_4 __ 38 prisoner of war, and as packages are chised in more than half the States
:\liss :\layo Sudo, of Philadelphia, Is
Third Set allowed to be sent. only to American Visiting l\lrs. A. K. Slier, of Woodside of the Union. This will put new heart
Justice and Ross 5 4 10 0 4 1 1 0 4 3 32 4 pl'isoners of war the only possible into the courageous women who are
Sha wan d Wa rwick 3 2 12 _4"-;-0:.....4:.-.4_4--=-2_5 4_0 (j thing to do is to send money, sizes. carrying on the bat.t1e against preju-
c and t.he kind of garment.s needed to ~lr. and Mrs. J. C. 1lcKel1, of Essex dice and reaction hy their example
I the following address, the garments avenue. spent the week-end in Ger- of self-sacrifice and orderly devotion
Sllaw-and-'Varwicl,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
Justice and Ross · .. ·············· 112
I and food then being purchased abroad mantown. to t.he count.r)··s cause in it.s hour of
I and sent direct to him. The follow- Mr. and :\lrs. William B. Gool1all trial. This sllde!en reversal of polie')'
PIa vel's Justice and Ross Shaw and Warwick
---:----se-.;. lst--:!lid 3rd 1st 2nd 3rd
I illg data will show you what to do: are motoring thl'Ough :\ew York State all the part of a great newspaper is
"Allied prisoners of war-Persons On theil' vacation.
Placements .-.--.-.-:.---:.-.--9--7---- 8 1:~ 10 10
r1eoirlng to send parcel:, to Allled :\lrs. Rezo Brooks is now occupying
in recognition of the noble part the
women of the I~ivilized world are
S~rvice Aces 1 0 0 1 0 2 i prisoners of war should send money her home on Chestnut avenue, after playing in "carning on" toe fi!!;ht
:"et 23 15 11 22 9 11
Out 22 12 15 14 10 11 't.herefor to the Bureau of Prisoners' having been In ~lalne alI summer against barbarism, and the Courier
Double Fault. ,................... 1 1 2 7 1 2 : Rr> li ef A. R. C.. Washington, D. C.. MI'. anll Mrs, J. A. Scott have closed Journal's announcement of 11H'
Foot Fault 0 0 0 4 0 0 1 whil'h bureau will endeavor to have their Ocean City cottage and returned reasons whieh have led to its change
'flltnf----- ! bon/!;ht in Europe and have forwarded to their home on Woodside avenue. of view should be read and pondere::
Placements :~:-.-'---'---:-:--'--.-.-
..-.-.-.--241--------- ! to the prisoners the suppllE:s specified. . W a t c I1 tlle paper:; for t IIe an- hy the noisy hanllful of agitator" W11'l
Service Aces 1 ! 1l\10ne)' fotr ptlrisoBners ShOU h1 111keWIS~ noun cement of the :\arbert.h lIig.. ot.ill imagine that their obstructi\'t'
:"et 49 : le ~ent a lC ureau a f p r saner,;; S .. ." tactics are helping along the sUffrage
: Relief. Letters should he sent direct I chool Alumnae play on Octohel I_ cause.
Out 49
Double l<'ault, Justice............. 1 Shaw ;) i to the prisoner at the above :H1dress." Mr. and :lr~..CarrOl1 Do\~nes awl "This is not n reversal of 'th,'
Double Fault, Ross................ a 'sha'w
Warwick h
. We have written \Vashlngton ask- daughter, 'irglllla, spent a lew day:: Cour:er-Journal's views.' It is ratheI'.
Foot l<'ault, Justice ·.· 0 i ing whether exception is made for with .Carroll Downes, Jr., at An- the progress of its position. * * .. The
Foot Fa u It, Ross ·.· 0 'Varwiel{______ 4 Americans serving in the French napohs. war has hroughL new light to aIel
Referee, W. R, D. Hall; Linemen, A. T. Grugan, W. J. Kirkpatrick army. but have not yet had an answer. Mr. and ~'!rs. Hunter ~lcDowelI. who topics. Its proeesses have been dras-
and J. S, Harris. Hoping this will be the Information I have been spending the summer at tic, swift and sure. It has taught.
you desire, I am, Ocean CILy, f\. J., have returned to us to turn from things which in
The doubles championship In the consistent and skillful returning of Yours very tT'·u!)'. Narberth, ordinary times were sound, but whl('11
annual tournament of the ~arberth the ball. Time after time Shaw re-; EvnIln3 C. WnUulllIlI. "The Jonah," High School Alulllnae will be obsolet e In the time to come
Tennis Association was won last turned balls at the net and high Chairman Home Service Section. I play, Saturday evening, October 12, at It has taught ns a lesson in woman:'
Saturday afLernoon by Messrs. War- bounding smashes of Ross' racket far We have since this had a 1ette:, 8.15, School Auditorium. Admis:,;ion --From Public Le'dger.
wick and Shaw in three straight sets back of the service line that under from Washington stating t.hat the 35 cents.
against Messrs. Justice and Ross. ordinary circumstances would have man's need was cabled to them and Mr. Hugh Speed and family, who \OW nO\"I' I~ET EXCITED
And just as a matter of record, so been sure points for the opponents; that since then food and c1othlnJ;?; have spent the summer in :"arberth.
that Hughey Fullerton won't think while Warwick's sharp, accurate have heen forwarded to him from have leased the Marra house on Chest- :"0, the world Is uot slipping hacl,-
that he's the only pebble on the beach drives just an inch or two above the Berne, Switzerland. Packages cannot Inut avenue. wards, even if vou :have notic'ed sign:,
when it comes to doping out "world's net were one of the outstanding he sent from here. We have shown I Mrs. C, ·B. FI~tcher and her daugh- of life in ancl about the old pOSe
series," we don't mind saying that features of the match. the letter to bis mother and we know ter, Mrs. C. V. :"oel, who have been office. Don't JUIIlP to the conclusion
we gave the readers of Our Town Justice and Ross played a hard. de- it will be a comfort to her. I
I visiting in :\ew York, have returned that Postmaster Haw,; ha.s move,l
the straight stuff last week and it termlned game up to the last ball. I:. n. Wlllhnum. to :"arberth. back to his old quarters.
wasn't our fault if things didn't turn Time after time In the first set It, The Gardens COlllmittees will 111'ob- What's ·happening Is 'that ,the 01<1
out some oLher way. looked as though the result would be I I wish I could tell you some of the' ably make ,their announcements and 1 )lost office is being used .as the head-
Which Is to say, that. we warned, in their favor, and there wasn't 8 1 wonderfUl work that this 11ranch of. awards at ·the Civic Association boot.h .Quarters for receiving contributions
the public that they would miss some moment throughout the contest when; the Red Cross Is doin.g,but it would I during th.e fete. . . . for the White Elephant Sale, which
mighty good tennis if they neglected Warwick and Shaw would have dared i flII your paper 1llany. hmes over. How- I Mr. William H. Pugh and famll~, w\ll be one of 1he features of the
to come around to the court at Elm- for a minute to relax their vigilance; i ever. I would like to say this: : formerly of Haverford avenue, :\ar-I Patriotic Fete nexL Friday and Satlll'-
wood and Essex avenues last Satur- If they had, there would have been i "If anyone wishe:;; at any time .to herth,. have .moved Into their new 'I day, September 27 and 28. The familar
da~'-and they did-that is, those another story to tell. I flnd out where any man In the servIce home III MerIOn. old building is 0llen ever·)' evenint;
that didn't come around. And we Other Jrn.tclle~ I is located, the Home Service Depar~-I Postmaster Haws has the address I from 7 to 8 o'cloel, and lViiss i\Iazle J.
warned Messrs. Justice and Ross that. 0 d' ment wllI find him, whether he IS of most of these out. of town men who SIml1son, chairman of the commltt,"p I
Lawrence Warwick was one of tllose n Satur ay afternoon. and through· III . the DllIted . S
• tates or III . F rance, 01' I are " a t tlle f ron t" or e I sew Ilere II e' Ill -I ' charge of the sale, Is on hand to
Paoli marines with a silver "sharp- out last week and thIS week ot.her even if he is In a German prison' fending the colors. receive articles.
shooter" medal to his credit-but tOllrnament matches w:re pla!eel. camp. Thev will teII you the name
Ileavily disguised; and that Waltllr GOOd progress was made lIl.the nllxeu of the ca'mp where he Is held a judges" stand on September 28 the various articles which ,they feel that
I After passing the reviewing and I All residents ure urged to contrihute

Shaw covered an ordinary tennis daub

eOurt. witll t.he same ease and 11011- fi au I es.' WIth
d bll es and. the I women's slllgies an I prIsoner.

chalance that a mythical giant would lila s JI1 .t. lese . lree can es s
I t t'l
le prospects t t ofb t.he

and will gIve
Of his physical condItion.
"Or if any man's alloLment doesn't

you a report,:
I' pageant '.
w'III as:;emb I e III III t IH! )Jal'k .
. the open aiI'I they ean give '\0 the fete to he solll

during tdJe -two days' celebratlOn.
Red Cross work room In the Y. ~1 member take things to ,the old post
' . Re-

exercise in stepping from the sol- paved . thIS COll1l1lg Saturday after- come through as It . should the I-I ollle I C. A. open every day from 9 until . r.0'1 office between '
7 and S o'clock anv
diers' monument In Washington nolon. ., I Service Department will report It and I except. Saturdays and Sundays, also l' weekday evening hetween now an;l
Square to the front d 001' of I nl1epen- Willi n Ihe. consolatIOn d 1\1 N slllgfl I .
es Messrs WIll advance t1le money un t'l 't
1 I comes i open "on ay IlIg , s.
'1 d . ht September . 27.
dence Hall. So It wasn't our fault I ams an .?l ell aug Jt each I thro,ugh from the government as it 1 Ensign Walter:\1. Burkhardt. at- -----
that Warwick and Shaw did just as at. leI' to a standstIll " .each player wln-. I i should. TheIr . aim 'IS to take care 0 f t acl led toB the ureau' ,. . .
at "avlgatlOn I ,-t S('IHHH, l;'\ niH;' ('O~Tf:S'l'
predlct.ed that they might be expected nlllg two sets, It helllg nec~ssary .0 I the families of the men 'over there' Washington, spellt the week-end a' ---
to do. : postpone
But laying aside all kidding and! allTernoon t liS .wefek ·
I' fifth set. unlll some ii and trom

my own personal expel'
, : with the work I know that they are
• ience I' liS home. 100 ~laple avenue. I PI'izes in the sdlO01 ~arden coni cst
Major A. H. AJlen, U. S. A., spent conducted hv the Conununitv CluiJ
gettlllg .
rIght 1
lawn to t l Ie I
rea t s u f'f , I he summar~ 0 t lle ma ches . pla\. ed I dOIng . .
It." , Sa t Ul'( i l S un,\)
ay niH d" \\··LI
I I I' . -t el. I have hee'l Hwa,n1ed
liS SIS . .. Helen
to l\li~-
It was SOME match, and t Ilere was. during D Ithe
. "week I just past .. I tallows: _:: r
'ery truly yOUl•s. ' B. T . ,rJ
..lrs. I . D dl . ,
1> 1 teo III u e) ,Ivelllle "I" Keim and Louis Hicklin. . ..,
b tI 'd t! oub es hna s-Wan\lc{ and Sha". X III l' 11 f1' ~f' j
enou~h good PI '
aYflllg on a 1 Sl es 0 defeated Justice and HOHs. 8-6, (j_~ . e
e 1:~lr'l lI lllll U.) • 'LI a or.. . en IS on \.s \\a)
1;"'" .
overj 1n ma1ung their deciSIOn the C011\-
prOVIde plenty a gory to go arounl 6-4. (;\~r". Hoffman, .,al leI' tl I, p a. lere., , , . , . : miltee had several things in mine1:
l 1 R. C.
among all four players. There were
a total of ,,~3 games playe d and I ~ 0 f n
. I'
W. Iatlon slllg es '
. I ' fillals--'. f('.I~ell
..... \ AUHERTII'S lU:(HS'fU,\'I'IO'
Re\. Dr. and ~lrs. J.
"I dec k er announce
... ,. 1 marl'lage
tIe .
I'_manucl The condition of t.he gardens tlll'oun-h-
a l' out the summel' the amount of 1)1'0- '"
them went to deuce. Warwic1{ and vS '
III ams,. 5-7, 6-1, .6- 4 . 4~6. . their daughter, Alice Clara Hosina. to i Ihlce rai~ed and'the amount of worl-
Shaw won 20 games and Justice an d ..... w omen's1 fslllgles-Mlss d EdIth HUIll·:. The following Is a COPy ot. ' I Mr. John C. S cll\vab en IanI,
the regls- 1 , 1>'elIncs-I .done ,. by the VOUllO' gardener- '
Ross had 13 to theIr cre I ,
WIC . k anII SI
• law score d atotal
d·t W
, of 1'~8 .
".lreys Ie eate
ar- 6" 6 O' MI _ M j"1 ( ' .
f -~, l\1 -. • C ssL , W
Mrs. Stepsens o l l '
ar '01 .eowlll
. '.
trat ion Api'll 12, 1918, at :\arberth: lay. eptem e l l , .
k 1 ' 1 f \\'1nn. Xative \JOl'n
1 S
If' .v a u lave
b ' 1 1918
n at sent vour . babv" . , II t.hose who did not

! It is hoped hv t.he club that C\'en
receive prizes have'

pO:;nts, and ,l·ustice and Rosi'l hacl 112. 1\~01 m ·IT rs . I' .
'I -t "ss ~ump lrevs Ie eate(
aJlfWlc I »)M~ e a·,.Ir t. :-l,aLuralized citizens
ISS nil . , . . I B bPI C
,....... 20 nalJle In, do so at once to any melnbe"; been paid In produ('e and experlen('e
'tt ... l -, . .
The first set was one a f tl Ie Ilall e" (' I' 4' 1\' H CI'blzens hy father s natnrahza- ot t le a y aral e omml ee, ,IS \\C for ·thelr work this SUlnmer
fought and lJlost excltlllg contests, f '
. n Ill, 6-1, 6-; I1SS
ve I eated
.... . Miss COWIIl_ 6-3. 6-,>. _ r
umphrevi'l de-
,,' I tlon.

Declarant. aliens, first Jlaller~ .. , ,,-
k "
I'1 - '
8 I now there are a great man, \\ 10 1"0011 ConsenltUon Committee Com-
~"Ilave no t as
· ye t regIs . t ere(. 1
, . .
that loca1enn t i sans
f Jlave en j 0.. munlt.y Club. "
. II 1ong t'line. E very one a f tile la~t
In ., ••flxed
-I doubles-Mr.
f t M andl\ Mrs.~". R ,",ondeclarant . aHens ,.. 30 S elld tl Ie na I nes' 0,f )' a ur IJa)J I'e s to ------
five games was played past deuce, anl1 D. I all de ~a .ed r. and .lrs.. ewell _ _ tny member of the committee for the
there was only a dlfferenee of 7 points 6:
. tl1e f' au rteel1...
O'allles . 1.. 1rkpat

6-11'; Miss Humphreys and :\11'. Total registration
Again this week, thanks to Referee Step lensOl~. 6-~, - ,MISS ump Ire\ s
" defeated
6 O' Mr.
. Hand 1 Mrs_ .
. .
406 I baby parade. which wlIl be on Satur-
d'w. . Septelllber "8 - . See
~. Lleulars In the paper. . further pal'- .
S t 1
eseI've a ure ay evenlllg, coer
. 0 t b
Age eIghteen. 13; ~ge nllleLeen, I ,

4i: I
Hall, we are able to show the score and Mr. Klrkpatrle1{ defeated Mr. alH1 :\11'. and Mrs. Joseph K. Fulton. of 12, for t.he alumni play. The pro-
of the game by points, and. here, as Mrs. Foote, 6-2. 6-1; Mrs. Gruga)l ~n~l a g :. LWen~y, 6; ,)~ge 1l1lrty.-~wo, 11,; ag: ~o. 1 Chestnut avenue, are entertain- ceeds are for Installing a telephone
In last week's single championship M~. ~os: defe,atad Mr. and Mrs. Wal' thll tY-~J~1 ee, 4_, :\~e thll t:-f~U1,
match, nla)' be found the key to the Wick, 6-~, 8-6.
I Ing Miss Katherine Bryar anl1 MI'. between the two huildings.
age th~1 ty-five. 31 ~ ~ge thi~ tttSiX'i ~ : Harper Boyd. of Plttshurg. and Miss
I ,tge tIllrtY~SevelJ: ,,4, age t 1 I y-e g h, Dorothy De Vine, of Philadelphia. CI,ASSIFIED AnVERTISE:ME~T!i;
~lessrs. Warwick and Shaw won ,.. J I' L'l L""I"I'L')'.., \'[' I: 41; age tlllrty-mne, 20; age forty, 20; BJal,lks for use In 'ta~lng subscrip- Two cents per word each tn.ertlon. cash
i I F .• (' ..\ .,Jr.. £, ... ' ' ' ' , age fortv-olle 18' age forty-two 24' .
more jJy their splendid defens ve P ay- :'\ ,UUn:U'fn I'OS'I'Uf'f'lff; . ,. .' , '.. ' I ' I: 6: tlons for Our Town are ready for t.he In advance. No advertl.ement accepted un-
Ing than by aggressive tactlcs, and ,Ige fOl ty-t~lree, 26, ,tge fOlty- au ,1 • use of ,the girls and boys of Na.rberth. Ie.. cash accompanle. copy.
Messrs. Justice and Ross los leaVI y t 1 '1 ~[rs. John Ryan 'Ig:e
' . fori V-five
. 2?
. (~i I V XI Remember, for every $1 subscription OCEAN CITY 1''URNIRJIED COTTAGE FOR
through their outs and net shots. Last ~Irs. Arthur Roberts - 1111' Cels . f' I; o~ 't. taken, a 11hrlft Stamp is given to the l'OAr.Jo~ CJIEAP-Wlthln f~w t~et or OCcn",
tIl . 1. ue "egIs tar. thrf"t'" fottorleR, hllRPH1pnt, ten rooms, hath,
week In the s ng es e lamplOns liP ~Ir. J. :\fm'L!n "getter." pleetrle light, \'I~w or oc~an from e\'~ry
match Kirkpatrick had a total of 42 ~Ir . .Jallles ~Inl'l'ay An outdoor fete fOI" the benefit of rnom. large porrhPR. Price. $3500. "mall
placement shots against Philler's 19: l:llwnrcl S. UIIWS. 1'.:,\ ('H S'I'O\ ES A UE "'AXTEll the "Food for France Fnnd" with :\lrs, IIlllount Box 164.of C"Hh I'pl(ulre<1 frllm quick UU)'N.
whereas In Saturday's dOUbles, War· Postmaster. . Llo~'d Chadwick as chairman, i!-; bein'! -------------.. --
wick and Shaw llad a total of 33 Pelleh stones lire wllnt('d h)' thll planned for October 3. The affaIr 1\·,.\:OO;Tt:lI-IIIHI,·ul'lllln In French. nox 1:,4,
'1'1 It k tl ::"ul'herth.
placements against Justice and Ross' gO\'el'nlllen t • ,lese p S 1II1l'e Ie wllJ be held at the Ardmore p1ar- ----------------
24. Some allowance IUUSt. of course X AR.BER'I'1f "'EA'I'HEU lU:I'onrr best ehul'coul fOl' the soldlm··" glls grounds. 1'"()Jt I-HI.Jo:-T""I)' g-lIlng- "outh will ,!I"1l0'(,
be made for the difference in charae- !"OU Wf:I:K I~Xl)JXG SEI'- JlIIlsks 111111 tJley lire needell, Klndl)' AH chairmen and hooth committees :-:I:':h;~:~k Pon)' Coat. HeaHO"ahle. nnx 1:;4,
tel' b(!l.weeu singles and doubles hut. '1'EJIBER. 14 elt'llll them Il\ld lellve them In box III s.'lOuld be at tale park on Saturday
at tile same time, a comparison of the bllek ot 112 l:ssex Inenue. home of afternoon, September 21. as the Booth l\'~~~~lin"~~'~'l;;~: ~~IlI~~~~'('k~()rpl~(~,~:.('\\:;;;'I::
two scores shOWS an interesting point Bltrometer . . . . 30.33 29.89 Un.• "'. W. Climeron. Committee and Grounds Committee !>erth 1201.
in tlli~ connection. ThermomeLer . . . 80 48 A Ilrlr.e will he !Z'h'en to fhe ho,· lI)' will assign spaces and all should help }i~on SAI...~Qullrtt"re(l J;oltlell oak fllnln~
Rare1~' on the local courts has there Humidity percentage ." 94 65 I!'frl whlt collf>ets the hu'g('st nnmber el'eet the s11C'lters. rOOJll Nutte, In heNt or condition. elln he
Hf'f'11 onl~' by appointment. Addresf=, 130x Xl).
been such a'l exhibition of persistent, C. D. of these stone~. (Additional Fireside on Page 2) 407. ;o.:llr1J~rth.

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