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Role of Literature in Society

Rania Rifdah Taufiq – XI MIPA B

Literature, derived from the Latin word littera which means letter or handwriting, encompasses of various types
from poetry to drama.i Although nowadays literature seems to gradually lose its value within the modern society,
literature remains an essential portion to it. The contributions literature continues to make, even when it is
neglected, could not be set aside. Literature is a leading role in the development of our society by shaping our
civilization, developing each individual tolerance, and catalyzing the procurement of our social actions.

Often, literature pieces eloquently provoke thoughts by placing the readers in a different point of view.ii This puts
the readers out of their state of mind and let them question their point of view on that topic. Thought provoking
literature works will exposes readers to controversial issues and let them explore their stances and principles
toward certain topics. Such experience happened to the protagonist of Farenheit 451, Montag, when he started to
read books, which is a taboo feat in Bradbury's dystopian world.iii Literature challenged and shaped Montag’s
beliefs. Hence it can be inferred that literature, which stimulated ethical reflection upon Montag, likewise to
prominent philosophers such as Plato and Kant, gave birth to the idea of morality and intellectuality which greatly
shapes our civilization. iv

Literature teaches us to analyze a character, allows us to reach inside his or her mind so we see what drives a
character, what shapes his or her beliefs and how one relates to othersv. One example is when readers read Great
Expectation: in the book, Pip is embarrassed by Joe, because he is crude and Pip is on the way up. Reading it,
they asked themselves, what is it like to be Pip and what is it like to be Joe? Would the readers behave better than
Pip in his situation? It is when readers sympathize with the characters’ actions that empathy occurs. It is also
scientifically proved that reading literary fiction enhances the ability to detect and understand other people's
emotions, a crucial skill in navigating complex social Through literature, readers further discover
the human nature in various situations such as joy, sadness, and anger. Therefore, we can see why literature
develops individual’s empathy and tolerance.

Literature catalyzes the procurement of social actions due to its thought provoking nature. It exposes critical,
often controversial, issues such as prejudice, discrimination, and political frauds in society which can have a
powerful impact across multidiscipline. A great example is during Indonesia’s darkest days in the 1960s, when
radicalism thrived through the culture community of Lekra (Lembaga Kebudayaan Rakyat).vii Through Lekra,
artists and writers alike were expressing their disappointment toward the government through creating
controversial literature works. These works, which are considered leftist biased, contributed to the building
tension within the society, which led to the 30 September Movement in 1965viii. Another example are the works
of feminist writers, which catalyzed to the protests that demands gender equality and promote women’s rights.ix

Through deliberate elaborations that the writer made, we can see how literature takes role in our society. Literature
is proven to contribute to the development of our society through its broad outreach. It relentlessly shaping our
civilization by developing morale and ethics in our society. Its authenticity plays a huge part in building
individuals’ empathy and catalyzing the procurement of our social actions.

Bradbury, Ray. 2013. Fahrenheit 451. Harper Voyager: United States.
Foulcher, Keith. 1987. Politics and Literature in Independent Indonesia: The View from the Left. Vol 15, First Edition. Brill: Adelaide,
South Australia.

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