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The Essence of History: The Philippine History

Nationalism is nourished by a sense of history. It is of its essence to know profoundly the past, so
that we maybe in the complete openness with the men who made that history and in intimate
communion with their thoughts, their deeds and their noble lives.


Studying history ultimately the Philippine History may be a complete boredom to some because
of its plain and boring lectures and concepts. Moreover the lack of interest of the millennial to
repeatedly engaged themselves to the things that already happened in the past. And people today are
more focus working on their future rather than indulging themselves to the concepts and essence of
History. So it adds to the reasons why not all of us do love history at its best. And it takes a genuine
interest and specific school requirement to constantly connect ourselves to the vast and complex
concepts and timelines of History.

But i must say that there are some people who love the authenticity and the beauty of the
History, especially the one who expertise in the field of History specifically the Philippine History. And I
would like to include myself to be considered as the lover of History. Not that I’m an expert of the latter
but I do appreciate the relevance and the power of History. It gives some significance lessons that we
may use for the betterment of today’s and of tomorrow. History has the capacity to awake us from the
painful events we are in. And it definitely warned us to better not let the bad history repeats itself. It
may seem monotonous but History carries a significant implication we need to decipher that will make
sense to ourselves.

From the famous quote, “History repeats itself”. It’s sad knowing that we didn’t learn from the
past because of our ignorance and unawareness of the historic events. And we keep on repeating the
same scenarios brought by our own doings and by the uncertainties. We deserted the relevance of
History and its warning. So we tend to face a more complex situation because of the evasion of the true
sense of History, where in fact it is an indirect lead towards the development of our present and even
our future.
History is not all about the dates or timelines of the previous events but it’s all about the story
behind the events. It’s about the lessons we can apply to ourselves that is somehow related to the past
events. So History is not waste to engage in rather a privilege to learn from.

And somehow learning the past maybe the reason why the Philippine culture today is being
preserved and still operational because of the acknowledgment of the History. And it makes sense
because till now, we are enjoying the treasure and antiquated story behind Philippine Arts, events, films,
movies, prehistoric events etc. And it definitely brings a complete awareness to all of the Filipinos.

From the aforementioned quotation stated by Claro M. Recto Jr. above this text, it somehow
reflects to the relevance of the Philippine History. He quite encouraged us to acknowledge the essence
and profound relevance of History and the people behind, who made it momentous. They serve as the
pioneer of various things we are freely experiencing today. And for that, we might as well give credits
and acknowledgment for those heroes who made a big change in the Philippine History. Like for the
example those heroes like the Katipuneros who offer their full pledge and patriotism during Spanish

History gives us some sense of nationalism and identities from where we truly came from. It
somehow gives us some clues and depictions towards the roots and origins of our own country. In
addition, it provides us some powerful insights regarding the evolution of the Philippine History.

So, I must say that Philippine History has its relevance up to this present. If only we will learn
from the mistake of the past, our present and even our future will be much more enhanced and
developed from the previous. So the quote, “past is past “doesn’t apply to the whole context of the
History. History made up of multiple mistakes and lessons we can learn from. And it’s undeniably a
significant matter we should look into rather than some lame events of the present.

Philippine History is worth it and valuable, so as the people who made our country more
admirable by some.

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