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9 Jb-1

Electricity and magnetism

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Complete the labels on this diagram using words from the box.

atom charge electrons equal negative nucleus positive

a Which particles are transferred when an object is rubbed?

b What kind of charge do these particles have?

You rub a polythene rod with a cloth.

Tick () the boxes to show which statements are correct.
 Some of the positive charges in the rod move onto the cloth.
 Some of the electrons in the cloth move onto the rod.
 Some of the electrons in the rod move onto the cloth.
 The polythene rod ends up with more negative charges than positive charges.
 The cloth ends up with more positive charges than negative charges.
 The polythene rod ends up with more positive charges than negative charges.
 The amount of charge on the cloth is the same as the amount of charge on the rod,
but with the opposite sign.

The diagrams show some charged objects. Write ‘attract’ or ‘repel’ under each diagram.

What is the name for the space around a charged object where it can affect other things?

I can…
●recall where the different charges are in an atom
●describe how an object can get a charge of static electricity

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9 Jb-1
Electricity and magnetism

●describe how charged objects can affect each other.

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