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STEP 1: You must work in small groups and define the topic of the
project, the problem you want to solve, and the roles of the participants.

Class and Ingles IV

Section: 656
1. Priscilla Ponce de León (Group spokeswoman,
Students planner, control and monitor, control and monitor,
names and idea creator and researcher)
Problem Problem 1:
(1 or 2 Bad electrical energy in our country
sentences) We have dragged this problem for several years due to
the great droughts in our national territory, which is
generating and has generated increases in electricity
rates since they are being more controlled and different
types of rates are applied according to the season of
the year, this It means that in seasons like summer
there is an excessive increase in the price of electricity
that is used daily in homes, jobs, etc.
Possible Alternative:
Product/Servic For this we could have a great solution we are a
e country rich in desert in which solar panels and wind
farms are already beginning to be implemented, if this
were well used we would have enough electricity to
cover our entire country and still very low cost
This is a field that in Chile is only just beginning to be
Planning: Investigate the problem.
Find alternatives and solutions with possible services
or products that help solve the problem raised.
Define a service or product.
define a day to search and sort information relevant to
the problem.
Review each point and verify that there are no errors.
Indicadores Escala de Punt Comentarios
apreciación os
Definen grupos Si No (0 5
(5pts) pts)
Distribuyen roles Si No (0 5
(5pts) pts)
Establecen problema Si No (0 5
(5pts) pts)
Establecen posibles productos o Si No (0
servicios (5pts) pts)
Definen planificación Si No (0 5
(5pts) pts)
Cumplen con el tiempo Si No (0 5
establecido(de lo contrario este paso (5pts) pts)
quedará nulo)
Puntaje total

Due date: Thursday, October 1st class time.

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