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The History of Chocolate

1) If you can't imagine life without chocolate, you're lucky you ________________________ born before the
_________________________ century.

2) Until then, chocolate only ________________________ in Mesoamerica in a form quite different from what we

3) The earliest records tell us the beans ________________________ and mixed...

4) And if you ________________________ we make a big deal about chocolate today, the Mesoamericans
________________________ us beat.

5) They ________________________ that cacao was a __________ food gifted to humans by a feathered serpent

6) Aztecs ________________________ cacao beans as currency and drank chocolate at royal feasts

7) The first transatlantic chocolate encounter (=intalnire transatlantica) ________________________ in

__________ when Hernán Cortés visited the court of Moctezuma at Tenochtitlan.

8) As recorded by Cortés's lieutenant, the king ________________________ jugs of the drink brought out and
poured into golden cups.

9) When the colonists ________________________ with shipments of the strange new bean …..

10) …….. its bitter taste ________________________ it suitable as a medicine for ailments

11) And soon, no aristocratic home ________________________ complete without dedicated chocolate ware.

12) The fashionable drink ________________________ difficult and time consuming to produce on a large scale.

13) That ________________________ using plantations and imported slave labor in the Caribbean and on islands
off the coast of Africa.

14) This ________________________ a powder that could be mixed into a drinkable solution or recombined with
the cocoa butter to create the solid chocolate …

15) Not long after, a Swiss chocolatier named Daniel Peter ________________________ powdered milk to the mix,
thus inventing milk chocolate.

16) By the ____________ century, chocolate ________________________ no longer an elite luxury but had
become a treat for the public.

17) Meeting the massive demand ________________________ more cultivation of cocoa, which can only grow
near the equator.

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