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Vocabulary Knowledge for Effective Reading

Vocabulary development is the understanding of specific words presented in text or oral language.
Vocabulary is an important prerequisite for developing reading comprehension and oral and
writtenexpression. Students who do not have a strong vocabulary continue to struggle to gain meaning
from text while reading, and struggle to understand new concepts presented in oral discussions.
Vocabulary is an essential skill for learning to read and write, and vocabulary strategies are necessary
when students are “reading to learn.”

Researchers often refer to two types of vocabulary:

1. Receptive Vocabulary

Listening vocabulary : the words we need to know to understand what we hear or listen to

Reading vocabulary : the words we need to know to understand what is presented to us in text

2 .Productive or Expressive Vocabulary

Speaking vocabulary : the words we use in speaking

Writing vocabulary: the words we use when writing

Instructional Strategies (Key elements):

 Students learn new vocabulary from oral language experiences like listening to adults read to
 develop word-learning strategies that we can use with new words that have not been taught
directly. include how to use dictionaries and other reference aids to learn word meanings, how
to use information about word parts to figure out the meanings of words in text, and how to use
context clues to determine word meanings.
 Read on your own, the more words will encounter and the more word meanings we will
become familiar with.
 focus on three types of words.
 Important words: words that are critical for understanding a concept or the text
 Useful words: words that students are likely to see and use again and again
 Difficult words. Direct instruction should be provided for words that are particularly
difficult for your students.
 Students learn vocabulary more effectively when they are actively and directly involved in
constructing meaning rather than in memorizing definitions or synonyms.

example:vocabulary yang di pakai sehari-hari

Always : Selalu
Often : Sering

Sometimes : Kadang-kadang

Seldom : Jarang

Never : Tidak pernah

1. To cook: Memasak

 My brother often cooks in the weekend. He likes to practice his pasta-cooking skill .(Kakak
saya sering memasak di akhir pekan. Ia gemar mempraktikkan kemampuan memasak
 I can’t cook really well, I prefer to eat what my brother cooks (Saya tidak dapat memasak
dengan baik, saya lebih memilih untuk memakan apa yang kakak saya masak).

2. To mop: Mengepel

 Mom asks me to mop the kitchen floor (Ibu menyuruh saya untuk mengepel lantai dapur).
 Dad cleans and mops the whole house on the weekend (Ayah membersihkan dan
mengepel seluruh rumah di akhir pekan).

3. To clean: Membersihkan

 I clean the bathroom every week (Saya membersihkan kamar mandi setiap minggu).
 Bella sometimes cleans the table when the family finishes dinner (Bella kadang
membersihkan meja saat sekeluarga selesai makan malam).

4. To water: Mengairi, menyiram

 Mom is cross because I seldom water my plants (Ibu kesal karena saya jarang menyirami
tanaman-tanaman saya).
 She waters my plants so that they don’t die (Ia menyirami tanaman-tanaman saya agar
mereka tidak mati).

5. To take out: Mengeluarkan

 Dad takes out the garbage bin every two days (Ayah mengeluarkan tempat sampah setiap
dua hari sekali).
 Andi needs to take out his belongings from the locker (Andi harus mengeluarkan barang-
barangnya dari loker).

6. To vacuum: Menghisap debu

 I vacuum the carpet in our living room (Saya menghisap debu karpet di ruang tamu kami).
 We only vacuum the carpet every three months (Kami hanya menghisap debu di karpet
setiap tiga bulan).
7. To dust: Mengelap

 My sister likes to dust the cupboard because it’s the easiest chore (Adik saya suka
mengelap lemari karena itu adalah pekerjaan termudah).
 I don’t dust very often because I don’t like having contact with dust (Saya tidak sering
mengelap karena saya tidak suka berurusan dengan debu).

8. To go: Pergi

 Mom goes shopping to the grocery shop once a week (Ibu pergi berbelanja ke toko bahan
makanan seminggu sekali).

9. To clear: Membersihkan

 My dad and brother clear the storage room (Ayah dan kakak saya membersihkan gudang).
 I don’t like to clear my drawer because there are too many things there (Saya tidak suka
membersihkan laci saya karena terlalu banyak barang di sana).

10. To prepare: Menyiapkan

 Dad helps mom to prepare our meal in the morning (Ayah membantu ibu untuk
menyiapkan makanan kami di pagi hari).
 Dad also prepares the dinner if mom has not come home yet from work (Ayah juga
menyiapkan makan malam jika ibu belum pulang dari kerja).

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