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Receptive Written Language Skills

Mini Research

Assigned By
Doni Setiawan Sinaga
Lecturer: Puan Suri Mira Annisa Sembiring, S.Pd., M.Hum
Faculty Language and Arts
Medan State University

Praise our gratitude to the presence of God who has given us the grace of health and opportunity,
so that we can carry out this Receptive written language skills, with mini research task

The author would like to thank all those who have guided the author. I believe this task is
far from perfection and there are still many shortcomings as the proverb says “ There is no ivory
that is not racked “, both the contents and compilers above all, all humbly expect constructive
criticism and suggestion to perfect

I hope it can be useful

Medan, November 2019

Table of content

Chaptera I Introduction
1. 1 Background of Study……………………………………………………………
1. 2 Identification of Problem ………………………………………………………
1. 3 Objectives of the research……………………………………………………….
1. 4 Limitation of study………………………………………………………………

Chapter II Theoretical FrameWork

2.1 Reading skills…………………………………………………………………….

Chapter III Research Methodology

3.1 Methodology of research………………………………………………………….
3.2 Population Sample………………………………………………………………...
3.3 Instrument of study………………………………………………………………..
3.4 Methods……………………………………………………………………………

Chapter IV Result of research and discussion

4.1 Data………………………………………………………………………………..
4.2 Result Of research…………………………………………………………………
4.3 Solutions…………………………………………………………………………..

Chapter V Conclution And Suggestion

5.1 Conclution…………………………………………………………………………
5.2 Suggestion…………………………………………………………………………
Chapter I Introduction
1.1 Background of Study

English is an international language that someone must have if you want to compete abroad. if
you want to learn english will learn many things from listening, speaking, and reading. writing
mini research this time, the writer will study about reading a text in English at a class A English
language student who is my class. Reading is bringing meaning to and getting meaning from
printed or written material (Finochiaro and Bonomo in Tarigan, 1973:119). Through the reading
activity, the students can enlarge their knowledge and it can also make them wise and respectful.
Students’ reading ability must be developed. Teachers have duties to develop their skill and
ability. Everything teachers do in reading class should be designed to build students’ ability to
understand increasingly complex content of the texts. The methods, techniques, and teaching
media that is chosen and used by the teacher will influence the success of teaching learning
process and students achievement. In the teaching reading activities a good method, media, and
strategy are needed in this research. Based on the above explanation the author wants to know
the ability to read a good English text, in terms of word pronunciation, reading pauses, good
techniques in reading up to, intonation of reading.

1.2 Identification of Problem

Based on the background explanation, the writer wants to solve the problem in reading, that is,
he wants to know the reader of a text in its good weaknesses from the pronunciation of words
from the text, using a good insight, reading by paying attention to punctuation, and reading
clearly sentences in the text.

1.3 Objective of This Research

Writing this research provides a solution to the reader as a research sample that is the problem
experienced by the reader in reading a text that has been explained in the identification of the
problem and will also improve the ability of both researchers, research subjects and readers of
the writing of this research.

1.4 Limitation of Study

In this study, the authors limit the problems that only relate to the ability of research subjects to
read a text and provide solutions to research subjects. and the researcher will examine the
problem of reading ability in a grade A English language student who is the class of the
Chapter II
Theoretical Framework
2.1 What is reading?

Reading skill is one of four language skills in English beside listening, speaking, and writing.
Reading ability is needed by the students for facing both local and national tests of English tested in
written form, so that teaching reading should be learned earlier since Kindergarten until the higher
education level. According to Kennedy (1981:5) reading is the ability of an individual recognizing a
visual form to associate the form with the sound and/or meaning acquired in the past, and, on the past
experience, understand and interpret its meaning. Based on the explanation, reading is an individual
ability in understanding and finding the message written by the author.

Reading is one of the important skills in English and it gives many benefits for us. Reading is the
window of the world. By reading, people can get more knowledge and information from books,
magazines, newspapers, and others. Reading is the most important component in learning process
and social interaction because, first, reading is an indispensable communication tool in a civilized
society. Second, that the reading materials produced in any period of time in history most influenced
by social background. Third, developments, that over the period of the recorded history of reading
has led to two very different poles. (Grey in Tarigan, (1957:1099).

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