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Date of the practice: Friday 27th Sep,2019, and the source of the listening: Bright


The length of the listening: 6:55 minutes

How many percentage of the passage can you understand after one time
listening?: 70%

Title of my listening: The Only Habit That Will Change Your Life

Content of my listening:

The passage tell story about Nancy. Lately, she's been feeling generally unhappy
with life; there seem to be all these things she wants, but they’re just not
happening for her. She wants that promotion at work. She wants to eat healthier.
She wants to go to the gym more. She wants more energy. Things that we all


- One day Nancy realized that enough was enough, and decided to make a
change. She wrote down all her goals, and even began to get excited, feeling a
burst of energy that she hadn’t felt in a long time!

- She started going to the gym every day after work. She started eating huge
salads for nearly every meal.

- BUT…soon Nancy started feeling overwhelmed again. Her new, heavier

workload at the office and going to the gym after work every day was exhausting
for her.
- The cycle began again. Instead of seeing the number on the scale go down,
Nancy saw it go up, or stay the same.

- Nancy didn’t have true commitment to her goals. She wanted fast, instantly
gratifying results.

- If you have some big goals, especially if you have several at once, take a step
back. Make sure you’re really committed to put in the work, and to be patient
with getting results.

- Decide what’s doable for you – how many nights after work are you okay with
going to the gym? What’s a reasonable goal to set for yourself?

- Do it until it just becomes part of your life; it should be second nature, like
showering every day. Soon the action of working out will turn into a habit.

- t doesn’t just apply to fitness goals. Small goal + commitment = habit. Habit +
increased small goal + commitment = achieved goal!

- So what happened to Nancy? She branched out her goals and applied true
commitment to each step. Nancy feels a sense of accomplishment.

- Her sense of accomplishment has given her a huge confidence boost too, and
that’s important here as well. Sometimes, that surge of energy you feel after
you’ve achieved something is confidence!

- Just do it the right way so that you’re not overwhelmed – which can set you
back and make you feel discouraged.

What I like best about the pasage:

I'm facing similar problems as nancy now I found a solution.

New words and expressions I have learnt:

-Personal injury: physical or mental harm that is caused to someone,

especially when this is the fault of another person or an organization
He claimed the vehicle presented a clear risk of death or personal injury.

-Attorney: a lawyer

E.g. You may appoint an attorney to act on your behalf.

- Settlement: an arrangement to end a disagreement involving a law having been

broken, without taking it to a law court, or an amount of money paid as part of
such an arrangement.

E.g. They reached an out-of-court settlement.

- Take sth out on sb: to treat someone badly because you are upset or angry,
even if they have done nothing wrong:

E.g. I know you've had a bad day, but you don't have to take it out on me!

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