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Brian Jhon Tibayan LEADERSHIP 5

Reflection (Inner Circle) Sir. Jun Colis

1. Identify your circle of influence by completing the diagram below

A. Accountability partners: Andre Maulion and Miles Viceral
B. Heroes: Lord Jesus Christ, and Benjamin Lopez (My father)
C. Model: Drew Abacan and Gil Arias
D. Mentors: Ptr. Jun Colis, Sir Carmelo Buhain, and Ptr. Ron Lim
E. Inner Circle: Miles Viceral, Karen Palomino, Andrea Jao, Dreb Gomez, Andre Maulion,
Roland Francisco, Margarita Manansala, Edward Resoco, Drew Abacan, Gil Arias,
Aleiza Paloyo, Robelyn Valiente, Gemmalyn Martinez and Lucy Cuestas

2. Why is it important that you assess who influence you?

Because the play a huge role in shaping our behaviors, attitudes, perspectives and decisions.
Without knowing these, we can develop blind spots and bents that keep us from reaching our
potential. I have a friend whose mom was a chronic worrier and perfectionist. As a result, a lot of
his decision making used to be fear based and driven by a fundamental desire to mitigate risk.
This placed false ceilings and limiting fences around his thinking. So that’s why it’s important
that you evaluate who influence you.

3. What are the roles of accountability partners?

They serve to assist you on your journey. To help keep you committed and totally responsible for
your actions and behaviors in reaching your goals

4. How are these people you listed affects your life?

They help me to motivate to work harder and I also learned a lot from their experiences that they
shared with me. That’s why I’m really grateful to have them influence me and I get to share my
problem to them and gave me an advice that truly helps me.

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