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Title: Fight Against Corona

Abhimanyu, this is the name of that person who fought his own battle of life against the
ongoing pandemic.." Coronavirus" for his family. I am sure after reading this story every
person will have a kind of strength and courage to fight his/her own battle against corona.
March 2020, the time when the whole world was kept locked in their own home in order to
save themselves from this pandemic. Even in these tough times there were some people
who were not sitting at home with their family but were doing every possible thing to protect
their nation from Coronavirus. Abhimanyu was one of these fighters. He is a doctor by
In these times when everyone was sitting with their families and having a gala time
Abhimanyu was just busy thinking about the well being of the citizens of our country. He
neither ate properly nor he slept or took any rest. He was just busy with his duty of saving
the lives of others. Day and night he was just doing every possible thing to save the people
who were suffering from Coronavirus. He kept himself away from his family, his mother,
father, wife, children and everyone to protect them from this disease. He didn't think about
himself even a bit and kept on doing his duty.
But after some time he had fever, cough and he was not able to breathe also. Then he
tested himself for covid19 and after 2 days his reports came out and it was positive.
Everyone who were his close ones they panicked a lot after seeing his positive report. But
Abhimanyu stayed strong even in those tough times. He even after not being able to breathe
properly decided to take care of his health on his own. He made himself isolated from
everyone and shifted to the above floor in his building. There he did everything on his own
and didn't came in contact with anyone. He cooked and took every precaution on his own
and even after his wife pleaded for taking care of him he didn't allowed her or anybody else
to come close to him.
The period of isolation though was very tough for him and his family but still he did not gave
up and fought bravely against coronavirus. And after 21 days of self isolation Abhimanyu
came out even stronger than before.
Even after suffering so much he didn't gave up on his duty and responsibilities towards the
Nation. He after recovery got back to his patients and took care of them in a better way than
before. He even after suffering from this pandemic did not shoved himself away from his
responsibility for the country.
What is to be learnt from this story of Abhimanyu is that we should never give up. Life will
throw tough challenges but what we have to do is stay strong and keep hoping for the best.
We should always stay positive and always keep ourselves ready to face any tough
challenges. If we only get afraid from the challenges given to us then we will never be able to
fight against any problem. Like Abhimanyu we also have to face these tough times on our
own and we should stay strong and positive in order to fight against this pandemic. What we
have to do is not to worry and just be strong and careful on our own. We should take every
precaution in order to keep ourselves safe and sound. Even after taking every possible
precaution if we still come in contact with this disease, there is nothing to worry about, we
just have to be positive and strong in that situation.
And lastly i would like to salute all the people like Abhimanyu who are working day and night
without thinking about themselves to protect the people of our country. Not only doctors but
all those who are keeping themselves away from their families and are taking the risk of their
lives, like police officers, cleaners, nurse, etc. Should be respected and given recognition for
the job which they are doing in order to safeguard others.

Story written by -
Arti Gaur
(President,IWC,Delhi,Malviya Nagar)

Date - 6th October, 2020

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