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Final Course Requirement

As far as I can remember, it was December 2019 when news and rumors spread about
Covid-19. We were happily taking classes at school. Suddenly, there were restrictions. I thought the
lockdown will only last for weeks, I was gravely mistaken, it turned to months and years. People
started to wear facemasks and face shields. We seldom get out of the house to buy food. Even the
supply of alcohol went scarce. People are raiding the store and were only told to buy several items
so that other people can still buy something. People were getting crazy with worry. The worst of all,
people got sick and some of them died. Those who recovered are still suffering from the aftereffects
of Covid virus in their body. I was scared too, I can’t go out. It was maddening to stay at home all
day and worrying. Scared of how worse the pandemic will affect my family. I am proud of the
frontline workers that always keep everyone safe during this pandemic. They wore their battle gear
every day and face the unseen enemy face to face.

I realized that life will be hard from then on. It is hard to cope. I prayed with my family so
that God can spare us from the virus. We attended mass online, watching it on television or
streaming from YouTube. Words of God are powerful. They give strength and hope that everything
bad will have an end. This pandemic is one of the scary challenges that God sent us. It caused
millions of death all over the world. Those who remained alive mourn for the painful death of their
loved ones. Some are made mentally and physical stronger. I know there’s a reason this happened.
Looking at the big picture, you can see countries and being united. They even helped neighboring
counties as well.

After spending time alone all day, I realized that it gets lonely when I have no one to talk to.
The pandemic brought family members closer. We rely to each other. I learned to study on my own.
Yes there are lectures online but I still need some time to study some points I found difficult. I feel
so independent that I do things I never did before. When this quarantine and health protocols end I
think I will be more thankful of what I have. I will cherish all my time with my friends and family.
Most of all, I will take care of my own health. Being healthy and staying healthy will be our own
strength against the virus. I always hope that this will end soon. There are lots of what ifs. Before
going to bed, a prayer seemed to soothe my worried and troubled mind. It helped a lot. May
everyone find peace through God’s words like I did.

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