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Peace be upon you, and Allah's mercy and blessings,

Peace for us all.

All friends…

I want to tell you about covid-19 which for almost 2 years we have lived side by side with this

In late 2019 or early 2020, China was hit by this disease. The world and Indonesia are trying to
prevent it, but in March 2020 it turned out that the disease had entered Indonesia as announced
by President Jokowi. Likewise Countries around the world are facing this virus. And finally
became a pandemic for mankind.

At the beginning of the pandemic, we often heard the term 3M, namely washing hands, wearing
masks and maintaining distance, locking or closing an area, studying from home or studying
online and working from home for our parents. We've been doing it for almost two years.

In the early days of our parents always feel anxious about this situation. They always remind
them to strictly maintain their health. Eat and drink enough, get enough rest, exercise and take
vitamins and don't forget to pray to Allah SWT. With that, the body is expected to have enough
immunity to ward off the Covid-19 virus. Thank God this is working well in our family..

The first year the government tried to control it but to no avail. There are many hoaxes that are
believed by the public. Like the covid-19 virus is only a conspiracy of big countries, hot areas
like Indonesia will be able to kill the virus, covid-19 is not a dangerous virus, eucalyptus oil can
cure covid-19 and many others.

At peak times, around July and August, many victims fall due to this disease . The delta variant
of Covid-19 spread to all regions which resulted in many deaths.

At that time, I often heard my father and mother telling me that their friend, their friend's parents
had died because of the Covid-19 disease. Sometimes they even tell me that my friend's parents
are victims. A friend who lost his father or a friend who lost his mother or even left them both. I
am very sad to hear that and pray that their father or mother will be accepted by Allah SWT and
forgiven for all their sins and my friend who was abandoned by his parents can live a strong and
tough life and be happy in the future. I imagined at that time what if it happened to me. I must be
very sad….. And I am very grateful that Allah protects our family..

After this incident, the 3M and even 5M programs were tightened. What is 5M? 5M is 3M which
is washing hands, wearing masks and maintaining distance plus another 2M which is avoiding
crowds and reducing mobility. In addition, the vaccination program began to be intensified.

Alhamdulillah, currently the Covid-19 condition is under control, there are quite a lot of
vaccinations and the community strictly maintains health protocols and the prayers of the
Indonesian people to Allah SWT lead to optimism that we can fight this disease.

Wassalamualaikum wr. wb.

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