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Guiding Questions/Talking Points for our Grade Level RTI Meetings

The main purpose for your RTI Grade Level Meetings is to use this time as a
“check-in” for the monitoring of RTI students. To help you do this:
o Please make every effort to start on time and remain on-task
o Frequently review the norms you have previously established
o The Case Manager (CM) should have an agenda, in which he/she has
determined which specific students will be discussed for that
o The CM will have notified you ahead of time, if one of your students
will be on the agenda. This will allow you to gather any work
samples, documents, test scores, etc. that you may want to share
with the team
When discussing the RTI students:
 Have a copy of the student’s RTI plan available for review
 Display the current RTI graph(s)
 Discuss trends on the graph, always referring to the Lone
Mountain RTI Process document which details next steps. For
example: if 4 data points in a row are above the aim line,
increase the goal; if 4 data points in a row are below the aim
line, a change may be in order (more information on what this
means is in the 4th bullet).
 If it is determined by the team’s review that a change is
needed due to lack of growth, there are three areas in which a
change can be made which satisfies the RTI requirements:
 1. increase of time
 2. lower the student-teacher ratio during intervention
 3. a change in the instructional piece (for example,
adding a small element, such as sight words work with
flashcards or the “Repeated Readings” strategy. This
“change in instruction” DOES NOT mean an entire
intervention strategy has to be discontinued and new
one created, but be sure to focus on specific deficit
areas to make sure the additional intervention is
directed to something that is needed by the student).
 When these changes are decided upon, be sure to add an
addendum to the current plan, and also add a notation to
graph itself (this is extremely important)
 The team will also work together to determine if and when an
RTI student can be exited from the RTI process. There is no
exact formula for this. It is a consideration of all elements
involved, such as: improvement on the graph results, meeting
or exceeding goals, acceptable grades and functioning the
classroom, attitude of the student, classwork output, etc.

 Please note: Even though a student may not be on the agenda for a
particular week, the classroom teacher is still responsible for reviewing the
student’s RTI progress monitoring, frequently. Please notify the CM when
you would like the team to review a particular case, so that the student’s
name can be put on the agenda

Another use of the grade level RTI meeting times can be to get the teams’ input
about adding a new student to the RTI process. A team member who wishes to
discuss a non-RTI student should give advance notice to the RTI case manager, so
that this item can be added to the agenda. The following are some guiding
questions for this situation:
 Having documents to show the team (i.e. grades, work samples,
assessment scores such as MAP, AIMSweb, PASI, PSI, etc. and general
anecdotal notes), discuss the answers to these questions:
o What are my main concerns with this student? (Be as specific as
o Have I spoken with the parents about these specific concerns? What
is their input?
o Have I followed the school’s RTI flowchart for guidance as to next
o What have I tried before?
o Have I completed diagnostic measures that have pinpointed specific
areas of deficits (these may include PASI and/or PSI results)? (If not,
consider this as your next step.)
o What other resources can I bring in to help? Guidance from the
RB3/instructional coach, the reading interventionist, the counselor,
the speech therapist, Lydia (with regard to the behavior intervention
program, Connections), etc.
o If it is determined that this student should enter the RTI process, get
a red folder from the case manager, who will then support you as
you begin the process.

AS ALWAYS…Please do not hesitate to reach out to the RTI chairs, Manny Herrera
and Denise Stoehr, for any and all questions, help, and support!

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