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A Business case on Online Shopping Centre

Introduction and Back-ground: - In this hustle of modern era people more

prefer to perform their works digitally because this just only complete their big
tasks in one click but also reduces a lot of those rusty head on activities.
Proposed project of online shopping centre software would be a move to
provide the users of software facilities of buying anything by their mobile
devices rather than going and facing the rush of shopping centres.
The proposed project: - The proposed project is to develop a secure, robust
and efficient website for an online shopping centre. The website should be
able to provide facilities and services to the users of throughout the whole
country that they could buy anything from anywhere in our country by using
their mobile devices and sitting at their own places. The main aim of the
website is to be able to be vocal for the local. This website would
accommodate only to the local shopkeepers and businesses as the providers of
the goods so that they could be more encouraged and more and more people
could see their products and start buying products which are made in our own
country by our own people rather than buying and supporting other countries
in filling their treasures by our money.
The market: - Since at this time people are pretty much enthusiastic for
purchasing things that are only made in our country and are most likely
avoiding the other countries product so launching of our website at this time
with the motto of “being vocal for local” would definitely capture a great
market. And also none of the other online shopping centre websites ensures to
sell only local products not at least at this particular time so it would be great
deal as this website would the only one in the field.
Organizational and Operational infrastructure: -
Benefits: - The proposed project has its clear cut huge obvious benefit. It
would not just leverage commercial benefits to the organization but as well as
payoff the non-commercial benefits too, as it is going to provide a platform to
all the small businesses and vendors throughout the whole country where they
would also get a big market. The website development cost would be very low
comparative to the benefit it would provide.
Outline implementation plan: - For marketing and promotion purposes the
organization would run the campaign by volunteers where the information
regardless to the website would be given and the feedbacks from the audience
will be taken and further those feedbacks would also be used as the
advertisements of the site. Social sites such as Facebook Instagram and others
will be used as a platform to promote website. Collaboration with some well-
known people with good fan base will also pay a big role in promotion of the
website. The development of the whole website would also be taken in-house.
Each management activities, staff allocation and key decision points or
milestones would be taken care of by the manager of the project itself.
Costs: - The of developing the site cannot be specified accurately at the
starting of the project but the division of the money going to be deployed in
the project can be done. Major amount of money should be investing in the
development of the website resources and research activity so that a robust
and secure website could be made. On the promotion and marketing activities
a good amount of money would be required. After deployment of the website
for the maintenance purpose not so much would be required.
The financial case: - The financial success of the website would be decided
once it is deployed successfully into the market within time and within budget.
We will consider the website successful when we will encounter that it is
making much more money than the organization has poured into it.
Risks: - Not any ICT project can be free from risks a lot of risk can come up
during the development of the website as well after deployment of it. Some of
the risks are declared below please go through it
-: The first risk which can come up is security of the users. Each of them, those
would be connected with the website their information would be there stored
at the site, in case if any third party attacks the site there would be great loss
of confidential details of the system users.
-: What if, in case the system fails: it would create a great noise in the
customers’ environment as they will not get their deliveries at the time. So the
system should be robust that it could go through such crisis without any
intervention in the customer environment.
-: The delivery company which would take the contract of the delivery should
be trustworthy. The company should ensure the proper delivery of the goods
otherwise there would be chances of losing customers’ faith and that would
risk the loosing market to the website.

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