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 The Office-

1. Leadership: Leader like Andrew needs to be strategic towards achieving his goal like
doubling sales. He should be so good at guessing how people will react to what he
does and says and be vigilant if a plan backfires on him.
2. Incentive plan/ Pay for performance: As the boss, Andrew comes up with a points
system in order to get the office to work harder including pick out a tattoo for him.
3. Employee Feedback: Employees are freely raising their opinions regarding the new
point system which illustrates leader should be ready for all kinds of responses from
its employees.
4. Diversity and Inclusion at workplace: How people from different background work
toward achieving a common goal.
5. Employee relationship management: Employees have an easy-going relationship
with others at work which results in their performance and productivity. There will
be more communication, collaboration and cooperation.

 Money Heist-
1. Learning & Development- There are 8 persons who can be seen taking a class from
the professor for the execution of a plan.
2. Diversity Hiring- The professor played a key role in making a team where all the
team members had a specific role and had individual expertise.
3. Vision: Professor motivates and desires that his team enjoys working towards
excellence in their task
4. Calm Style of working: The Professor is hell-bent on ensuring that all hostages and
members are calm while working towards their goal.
5. Strength and weakness: Getting to know about individual’s strength and weakness
areas would help in planning in a better way for achieving the target as shown in the

 The Intern-
1. Recruitment and Selection- They conducted multiple interviews for the candidate and also
mentioned about the video submission as the first step for applying to the job.
2. Diversity Hiring- Company is trying to get different perspectives by hiring an old intern.
3. Learning agility: Age is just a number. The learning enthusiasm shown by Ben by applying to
senior internship is really testament to this.
4. Growth Mind-set: Ben has not only great skills but an iron will for learning.
5. Emotional engagement: Interviewer depicts the appreciation of other person’s abilities and
6. Mentoring and reverse mentoring: Because of knowledge power, Ben could facilitate
mentoring and younger people in the organisation can reverse mentor Ben to make him
acquaint with latest tools and technologies.
7. Employee Loyalty: Ben has worked in his previous organisation for 40 years illustrating his
loyalty towards the organisation he was working for.

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